Aquarius Full Moon

Aquarius full moon
Aug 22 5:02AM PDT / Aug 22 10:02PM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Aquarius full moon illuminations:
The second Aquarius full moon. It’s almost as if the cosmos is trying to reiterate something…
With many planets retrograde we most certainly should be listening; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Chiron + the nodes > all retrograde. This in general is a stop, rest, listen, take care, reevaluate, restructure, release.
Unlike last month's full moon in Aquarius this one is not as shadowy and intense. Even though it ABSOLUTELY feels like it after a few weeks of very noisy and erratic activity, hard aspects and a lot of Mercury chatter. Enhanced most recently by Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) stationing retrograde in Taurus a few days ago.
There is a collective palpability to the shifts and changes we are all experiencing.
The air has been heavy and people are verociously divided (the shadow v-rus). The online space feels like a battle field of opinions with pockets of safety and warmth, and shining lights as beacons of hope.
We don't really know how any of this is going to turn out, we can surely speculate, but no one has the ultimate answer. We are in the chaotic, experimental phase of evolution.
With Saturn and Uranus battling it out as a major theme throughout this year and echoing in to next, there will be times of upheaval. The tug of war between structure and freedom; the overbearing restriction from Saturn, the erratic upheaval from Uranus, without each other it wouldn’t work. The gold is the balance in the middle, simply put we need structure, we need freedom.
We are writing the story. If you haven’t got in touch with what your story is yet, perhaps this full moon will help illuminate something, with the moon reflecting back the light of the final Leo blaze just before the sun slips into Virgo.
The reality is, a lot of people are struggling as it changes from day to day. It feels unrelenting. Confusing. Insanity.
But may I remind you of the hope that is created when we band together and support each other. There is a particular quality flame of the human spirit that can only be seen when we enter dark times, and it IS out there, as much as it is within each and every one of us.
This is when we LIGHT THAT UP, add fuel to it, billow it until it is blindingly bright. And share it with your neighbours, your community with mutual respect for what is within all of us, regardless of choices. We can either hate each other through this, or be kind to each other through this, either way we are ALL going through this.
How do you want to look back on this time as a collective, what do you want to be proud of? Minimising souls solely into ‘for' or ‘against’ categories diminishes all of our light, complexity and intelligence from both sides.
I read something recently that talked about writing our own headlines rather than consuming those fed to us. To essentially keep looking for the good in the world regardless of what happens at any time. And a message I received recently when in a hopeless loop while in the shower (my temple of all knowledge), was that I was born into this time for a reason. Right now. And so were you.
Coupled together, I hope this is a reminder of our power in this time.
Use this full moon as a fortuitous time to connect to others for an uplift and to have expansive conversations about the future. Insert disciplines around hopeless loops, break from social media when necessary and focus on your own practices and what lights you up, because WE NEED LIT MTHA FKAS!
Full Moon Aquarius at 29° 37’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
Let’s think back to what emerged 28.5 days earlier to the first Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23rd. I’m sure I speak for many when I say the first Full Moon in the sign of the Waterbearer began a month of even more unexpected turns in our life stories. Aquarius energy can’t help but uproot, disrupt, and course-correct our thinking, emotions, and behaviors towards directions that are life-sustaining. I suspect the last few weeks you’ve been confronted with patterns, habits, and automatic responses that keep you clinging to what you’re intended to be released from. Like its ruling planet Uranus, Aquarius energy strikes a lightning bolt and can quickly liberate us from what want to be healed.
I think it’s important to acknowledge that we can have a perverse comfort level with our familiar habits in that we know them. We don’t know what is waiting for us on the other side of personal change. Aquarius energy understands our fears but won’t cater to them. So if you need this Full Moon to properly grieve, and in a sense mourn the life you once knew, let Sunday be a time we dispel the myth that Aquarius is emotionally detached. Give yourself space, time, and resilience on Sunday to mourn the plans, the goals, relationships, and more that won’t be coming with you through this final Full Moon. We stand with you shoulder to shoulder in your grieving and we are also pointing the way to the dawn which holds your freedom, life-force, self-trust, and connection with the greater community.
On the other side of this Full Moon, we won’t recognize where we’re going. And that’s exactly what we prayed and intended for. So let us stay firm on our values and clear our convictions while we walk from the known to the unknown. With Uranus now retrograde in Taurus and squaring Saturn in Aquarius as this year’s defining transit, we are invited to understand how our clarity of values and our spiritual convictions motivate us to preserve what needs to be, and change what is begging to be. The paradox between stability and change is not a problem that needs to be solved; it is a power that has to be leveraged carefully. Mercury in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces gives us insight into which low-level habits need to be confronted and broken. While highlighting the power of small behavior choices toward better habits, and the habit-stacking that tends to happen effortlessly when we take the first steps towards impeccability.
Little steps and small choices are the Virgoan medicine that helps us experience the resilience and clarity we need to walk through the big Aquarius changes waiting for each and every one of us!
It’s all about data-application now, Gemini! The Full Moon in Aquarius wants you to identify the key learnings of the last month and apply them diligently for integrity. You’re holding a vision of new ideas, strategies, and approaches that want to be operationalized quickly for success. Move slowly to avoid making reflexive choices and bravely apply your learnings for success!
Widen the village, Cancer! The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you expand your social landscape so you can find trust, intimacy, and support in wonderful ways. It might even help you with an erotic longing, sexual desire, and/or experience an emotion that wants to be understood. Be open to new possibilities of relating, experiment with what works, and throw away the rest.
Opposites do attract, Leo! The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you navigate the knot of contradiction that is modern relationships. Your proclivities will always clash with your partners’ vulnerabilities and vice versa. So you want to situate the kind of mutuality you’ll need to maximize the upsides and minimize the downsides of this relationship with relationships.
It’s incredible how habits construct identity, Virgo. So what are yours? The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the importance of the habits, routines, and behavior choices you commit to that directly influence your success and where you can complicate it. Talk to friends about how they spend their morning routine and gather helpful inspiration that you can take with you.
Speak the story in your heart, Libra! The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights a courageous truth that needs to be shared. It’ll be scary and yes you’ll experience the emotion of risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure. Just know that no act of courage goes unrewarded. If you share your heart with others and the Universe too, you will be met with miraculous rewards.
“Home” is a feeling isn’t it, Scorpio? The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you frame your inner emotional world as “home” while helping you self-accept your emotional depth so you can find inner peace. In doing so, you'll magnetize all the right situations, circumstances, relationships, and even events that help you feel the feeling of home and belonging-with others meaningfully.
Nonviolent communication teaches that words are windows or walls, Sag. The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you see the power of your communication strategies to let others see the deepest version of you. Or lock them out of getting to know the realest version of you. Share your thoughts, emotions, and vision with others so that language is a bridge of connection.
Listen to your body, Cap! The Full Moon in Aquarius highlights the value of groundedness, embodiment, sensuality, and pleasure. You’ll want to cross reference the somatics of your body to the emotions you’re feeling for added education. There’s great wisdom in your body that wants to be explored. So strive to find the safety and somatic wisdom you’ll earn.
Hit the reset button, Aquarius! This Full Moon is your second opportunity to review, release, and renew. You’re being tasked with taking 100% responsibility of the low-level things in your life so you have the foundation to transform it. We cannot alchemize what we aren’t taking ownership of. Then the Full Moon completes a chapter while opening a blank page for you.
Have a little faith, Pisces! The Full Moon in Aquarius wants your faith based vision for the moments ahead. You’ll be asked to consider how deepening your spiritual practice can change your perception. While having faith in the Universe’s ability to self-organize and self-correct itself in all the ways to provide you with the life you’re dreaming of. “Blessed are those who have Faith who cannot see”!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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