Taurus Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse

Taurus full moon
October 28 1:24PM PDT / October 28 10:24PM CEST / October 29 7:24AM AEDT
Partial Lunar Eclipse
October 28 1:14PM PDT / October 28 10:14PM CEST / October 29 7:14AM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Taurus full moon illumination:
'My sense of security is founded on confidence in myself, I am grounded and abundant.'
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Taurus at 05° 09’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
“Security” … thy name is Taurus! When it comes to the last Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th - the next isn't until 2031 - we have an opportunity to re-imagine what security means to us. Especially if we let go of ideas, patterns, behaviors, and relationships – that in the name of security – offer us anything but. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus offers one last chance for almost a decade of course correction towards security if we’re willing to untie ourselves from the constraints we built against it. When it comes to Taurus and security, one common constraint is when we believe that it is circumstance-dependent. When security is situationally-based and/or externally defined.
The moment we consider security outside of us, we forfeit it. How can security possibly be in a dollar amount? How can security possibly be in “...if, when” or “until”? There’s no security when there isn’t stability. Security thrives on consistency. Not chaos. In a world that is currently dangerous; throwing us into one collective trauma after the next, Taurus wants us to stay grounded even while the ground is moving. To find security even when/amid danger. As the only fixed earth sign that prioritizes embodiment, we have to wonder if security can be an embodied experience. Security is intrinsically, not externally earned.
Of course, there are very real dangers from the macro to the micro levels that complicate this process. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus allows us to consider what we can do on the level of the individual to generate the security we all need to become the people we’re capable of. When I think of Taurus-ruled security, I think of a process that is simple but not easy. It’s an intrinsically cultivated experience that can be earned when we identify and implement our values. According to Dr. Brene Brown, our values are the ideas that are the most important to us. That helps us find our way in the dark and is the filter we use to make hard decisions. When we identify our values and then implement them, we have both the results and the experiences that prove we’re exactly who we say we are. We have guideposts for what matters and then we can take these words from abstract to action. When we know our values and prove them, we have the highest security. Under the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, I want you to complete this worksheet and decide what your values are then practice them immediately. That’s the Taurus approach to security.
To support this, the Lunar Eclipse forms a conjunction with Jupiter currently retrograde in Taurus. The Moon-Jupiter conjunction will oppose Mercury-Mars both in Scorpio furthering this integration of Taurus-ruled security into the Scorpio unknown. When you can choose your values that’ll help you move from the known and the familiar to the unknown, you can find new contexts, choices, and opportunities that help you find the safety of knowing you’re exactly who you say you are and your choices back it up. Rachel Botsman discusses that nothing new happens in the known. May you move to the unknown and find the new safety you long for.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Practice what you preach/teach, Aries! The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus changes your approach to safety by helping you cultivate it through living according to your values. You can’t live into what hasn’t been languaged. So this is your moment to confront yourself and commit to the values that help you practice what you teach and that’s the highest context of security and safety you can find.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Begin again, Taurus. The Lunar Eclipse is in your sign and it’s the last one you’ll have until 2031 so this is your moment to complete what needs to be closed so that you can enter into a new era in your life. Especially with Jupiter in your sign until May 2024 so from now until then, you’ll be supplied with amazing opportunities for self-actualization as you confidently engage with the unknown!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Let it go, Gemini. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings about a sense of completion in the area of your chart that offers you healing and forgiveness. So if you're willing to heal through a sense of forgiveness of self and others, while maybe even apologizing if appropriate - this will level the playing field and help you move forward because you’re letting go of the past in powerful ways.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Expand your social system, Cancer. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus helps you widen and deepen your relationships with friends and community. Some friendships need a bit of completion so that you can create space for new platonic dynamics. This will help you align more effectively with friends who share your values and together you’ll collaborate/connect amazingly well!
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Level up, Leo! The Lunar Eclipse in Leo aspects your career zone which helps you rise and shine professionally. Especially if you’re putting your values into practice. Do you want more freedom, discipline, leadership, etc? Think about what this would inspire behaviorally because when you’re living according to your values, you can attract key opportunities for career growth.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
When you know better, Virgo! The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo inspires you to identify the key learnings over the last six months and then consider how you can implement them. Since you know better, now you need to do better to transform whatever circumstances are keeping you stuck in disempowering patterns. Apply the wisdom soon and see the magic fast!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Reveal don’t conceal, Libra. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus wants you to go deeper in relationships by sharing yourself with someone. Perfectionism, people-pleasing, and even sometimes politeness can deter you from the goal of being truly seen and cherished. Share your truth with someone who genuinely needs to hear it and watch how it elevates your relationships.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
It takes 2, Scorpio! The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus lights up your relationships sector and you’ll realize that you deserve more reliable, competent, and trustworthy people. Take time to inquire about new ideas, books, and resources on relationships because you’ll be given a crash course through an experience that could require the education you’ve acquired this Eclipse.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Small goals only, Sag! The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus helps you make major changes through small steps and small goals cumulatively built over time. Don’t bite off more than you can chew when it comes to a new goal. Start atomically small so you can manage your expectations and then notice how the small wins compound powerfully over time to take you to new heights.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
You’re worthy right now, Capricorn! The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus helps you claim worthiness as your birthright and inspires you to notice where you place worthiness outside of you. It’s within you. It’s your birthright so you need to behave that way. From there, you’ll strive for excellence in a different way that’s rooted in acceptance of your being worthy and a work in progress.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Emotionally detached who, Aquarius? The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is helping you dispel the myth that you’re detached from your emotions by inspiring you to demonstrate how deeply and powerfully you feel. You’ll be moving closer to the places, people, and experiences that can help you cultivate a higher level of emotional safety, belonging, and well-being.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Introduce structure, and activate empathy Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in your communication zone helps you strengthen your attention, active listening, and word choice by putting more structure in your speech. You can do that most effectively by asking open-ended questions, summarizing what the speaker said, and noticing who returns the favor. It’s all about dialogue, not monologue!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.