Taurus Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Taurus full moon total lunar eclipse
Nov 8 3:02AM PST / Nov 8 12:02PM CET / Nov 8 10:02PM AEDT
Total Lunar Eclipse
Nov 8 2:59AM PST / Nov 8 11:59PM CET / Nov 8 9:59PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Taurus full moon illumination:
‘Death is an illusion I am willing to see beyond in order to welcome new growth’
Shifting sands, sometimes sinking.
Truths rising up to the surface, new perspectives revealed.
Old ways dying off, new history in the making.
Things look different here.
The undercurrents are strong in this set of eclipses, pulling under.
A series of letting go, over and over, and over,
A paradox of challenge in the same breath as expansion and new opportunity.
On the other side of challenge, there is always growth.
That's what eclipse portals do,
they pull us into closer alignment with our truth,
with life's truths,
even if it doest feel like it in the midst of moving parts and heavy hearts.
The earth moon is here for illumination and integration of the shadow.
It will take time, these messages and lessons cannot be rushed.
Cool heads, balanced perspectives and creativity needed to come out the other side flourishing.
Full moon eclipse blessings from within the changing tides.
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Taurus at 16° 00’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
The burdens on the Self have hardly ever been this complicated. Over the last fifty years, and in the West particularly, with religious, family, and cultural institutions holding less influence and control, we have had less and less certainty and expectations around who we are supposed to be and who we are supposed to do it with. Given that progress, generally speaking, we feel more free to self-actualize, but we also feel the existential anxiety around making decisions. Fifty years ago, the church, the government, our families and communities typically made those decisions for us. Now, we do. Which is why the burden on the Self has hardly ever been greater than this moment.
I think the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is here to help. You see, when I think of the most high-minded Taurus energy, what I appreciate about them is that they don’t slide into anything. They decide everything. Taurus chooses to choose. They realize they’re not some small force being moved about by larger forces they can’t control. They know that when they take a stand, they create a space for ideas and behaviors that support that decision.
I think the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is here to help. You see, when I think of the most high-minded Taurus energy, what I appreciate about them is that they don’t slide into anything. They decide everything. Taurus chooses to choose. They realize they’re not some small force being moved about by larger forces they can’t control. They know that when they take a stand, they create a space for ideas and behaviors that support that decision.
Taurus is needed now because with the level of freedom we have, there’s a level of anxiety around the kind of decisions we need to make. With this in mind, it’s important to note that - according to Dr. Scott Stanley, a marital researcher - people tend to slide into important transitions instead of decide. But here’s what’s at stake: when we slide into a transition without a decision, we set us ourselves up to have constraints that we did not choose. When we decide in a transition, we set ourselves ourselves up for better follow-through and dedication. So, this Lunar Eclipse could help us decide, not slide into the circumstances, situations, and events that serve us and our relationships.
When looking at the chart of the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, we can see it’s conjunct Uranus and opposite Venus in Scorpio. So the Taurus-Scorpio axis - already the focus of the Eclipse, but doubly so with this Venus-Uranus aspect - is in full effect. Meaning, we will be applying these ideas of deciding, commitment, and trust in our relationships. And even framing “commitment” as the access point to change and freedom.
When looking at the chart of the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, we can see it’s conjunct Uranus and opposite Venus in Scorpio. So the Taurus-Scorpio axis - already the focus of the Eclipse, but doubly so with this Venus-Uranus aspect - is in full effect. Meaning, we will be applying these ideas of deciding, commitment, and trust in our relationships. And even framing “commitment” as the access point to change and freedom.
Too often we think commitment/decision takes away our freedom and our choices, but this Eclipse asks us to reorient it so that we can find freedom, trust, and commitment from the decisions we make. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus reminds us that deciding and committing is the precondition for the freedom we seek. That’s how we stay grounded while the ground is moving. That’s how the burden of the self becomes less anxiety-inducing and more self-actualizing. May the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provide you with safety, connection, and commitment!

Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Ground down, Aries! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled safety, income, and groundedness zone inspires you to stay centered and calm even while external contexts feel destabilizing. Consider what you can do to self-regulate by practicing mindfulness and clarifying your values so you can live into them with specific behaviors when you’re feeling out of control.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
Change is the only constant, right Taurus? The Total Lunar Eclipse in your sign wants to offer you profoundly important and meaningful changes where you need it. Especially if you’re willing to let go of habits, patterns, and behaviors that keep you distant from deciding. Remember, you’re the one who has to take a stand for the new life you’re hoping for!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Surrender is the key, Gemini! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled closure zone inspires you to let go of attachment to outcome. Release control and don’t give up but rather give over. Give over your regulation to a higher-power that is firmly invested in giving you the life you dream of. From there, you’ll be amazed at the miraculous effects and outcomes!

Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Put the commune in community, Cancer! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled friendship zone and political activism sector inspire you to hold space for friendship, collaboration, and the kind of conversations that inspire meaningful change. It could renovate your social and political ideas in powerful ways that are more aligned with your integrity.

Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Practice what you teach, Leo! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled career zone wants you to walk your talk in the professional sense. You’ll be tasked with uncomfortably, but successfully identifying your values and then living into them so that you’re provided with the security of integrity. From there, you’ll have an unshakable foundation for triumphs!

Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the learning, Virgo! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled wisdom zone has you reviewing the last six months and determining the primary learning outcomes. From there, you’ll want to bring the learning and wisdom to particular contexts that could use your innovation and education. When you know better, you do better!

Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Take the risk, Libra! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled intimacy zone wants you to reevaluate how sometimes safety is an illusion. So is certainty. So you might as well take the risk, be emotionally exposed and lean into the unknown because that’s all we’re living in anyway. From there, you’ll find a sense of bravery, pleasure, and connection you didn’t realize was possible!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled romance and opposites-attract style connection zone wants you to leverage polarities, contradictions, and differences in relationships so you can see them as energies that need to be managed. Not problems that need to be solved. Let the tension and even discomfort inspire greater change and understanding!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Consistency is everything, Sag! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled wellbeing zone inspires you to commit to a system of habits with consistency that promote your highest level of mental, emotional, psychological, and behavioral wellbeing. It doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking. You can start small at first and see where that sustains you!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Pin the fish tail back on the sea goat, Capricorn! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled self-disclosure zone inspires you to remember that Capricorn is half water sign and get emotionally exposed! You’re so competent and hardworking; this Eclipse wants you to reveal your tenderness, softness, and emotionality in order to hold the wholeness of the human experience!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Emotionally “detached”, Aquarius? No way! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled belonging and vulnerability zone wants you to dispel the rumors. You’ll be tasked with naming and even living into your desired contexts from emotional safety; starting with the people, places, and experiences that feel like home. May you find the belonging you crave!

Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Introduce structure, activate empathy Pisces! The Total Lunar Eclipse in your Taurus ruled communication wants you to balance your flow with form in the way you think, listen, problem-solve and communicate. Research shows structure in speech goes a long way to help you receive what you crave; more compassion and empathy in your communication.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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