Scorpio New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

Scorpio new moon partial solar eclipse
Oct 25 3:49AM PDT / Oct 25 12:49PM CEST / Oct 25 9:49PM AEDT
Partial Solar Eclipse
Oct 25 4:00AM PDT / Oct 25 1:00PM CEST / Oct 25 10:00PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Scorpio new moon reflections:
‘To be reborn is a gift, the cycle of death and rebirth is a power I harness within me’
Deep in the eclipse portal already, working through the layers, traversing a personal death and rebirth process on multiple levels.
These are all the words I have at this time, so I am leaving you in the trusting hands of Colin with his support and insights.
New moon and Scorpio season blessings
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Scorpio at 02° 00’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
Can you handle the Truth? Any Scorpio transit asks us this question. The “Truth” isn’t often a single, right answer. Sometimes it is. Under a Scorpio transit, I think the Truth is a paradox. I love how Jung declared the paradox “a better witness to truth than a one-sided, so-called ‘positive’ statement." As such, in its ability to embrace contradiction and both sides of an issue, paradox "…is the natural medium for expressing transconscious facts,” and thus is “…one of our most valued spiritual possessions.”
The Scorpio truth paradox is: if you want to trust, you have to risk. And if you want to know joy, you’ll know pain. If you want to fall in love, you will get your heart broken. If you want to know what it means to be fully alive, you will have to experience loss, grief, and death. Said differently, a Scorpio family member of mine reminds us, “If you want to play, you got to pay.” No one rides for free. And I think us handling that big, messy Truth is the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio’s ask of us.
The Scorpio truth paradox is: if you want to trust, you have to risk. And if you want to know joy, you’ll know pain. If you want to fall in love, you will get your heart broken. If you want to know what it means to be fully alive, you will have to experience loss, grief, and death. Said differently, a Scorpio family member of mine reminds us, “If you want to play, you got to pay.” No one rides for free. And I think us handling that big, messy Truth is the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio’s ask of us.
We won’t have another supercharged new moon in the form of a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio for the next 8.5 years. So this receptive lunation is the one asking us for our willingness to stay standing within this paradox. I think that requires us to check the expectations and entitlements we’ve organized our life around. If you’re anything like me, you’d love to play without paying, right? Like the New Moon Reflection above inspires us to do, we’re called to integrate the cycle of death and rebirth to be reborn. Who would we be if the normal, all too common fear of joy didn’t stop us from living in the wreckage of the future? Who would we be if the anxiety of anticipatory rejection or heartbreak didn’t stop us from expressing our hearts to others? That’s the question we have to bring to the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.
One of the most pivotal transits of this Solar Eclipse is its exact conjunction to Venus. Which inspires us to apply this paradox of love and loss, life and grief, joy and pain to our relationships. What this offers us is an opportunity to experience Trust. I think Trust is the space in between these clauses. So I invite you to soften into trusting yourself and others in this paradox. You can trust yourself to take the risk. You can trust others with the risk of holding what’s important to you. Like Walter Anderson said, “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy."
One of the most pivotal transits of this Solar Eclipse is its exact conjunction to Venus. Which inspires us to apply this paradox of love and loss, life and grief, joy and pain to our relationships. What this offers us is an opportunity to experience Trust. I think Trust is the space in between these clauses. So I invite you to soften into trusting yourself and others in this paradox. You can trust yourself to take the risk. You can trust others with the risk of holding what’s important to you. Like Walter Anderson said, “We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy."

Intimacy, Eros, Sexuality & Transformation
What’s your Truth, Aries? The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio inspires you to understand a deeper level of authenticity within your personal and sexual life. It also motivates you to normalize this Truth and perhaps communicate to yourself first with more gentle self-acceptance and then the people you’re co-regulating these experiences with. Be brave, outspoken, and courageous!
Romance, Love, Partnerships & Trust
Love is in the air, Taurus! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to accept the “opposites attract” style chemistry and/or relationship that is in front of you. You’re being asked to step out of the familiar, known into the unknown, mysterious. That way, with chemistry across contrast, you’ll integrate new ideas and behaviors that push you to grow and transform.
Humility, Health, Wellness & Routine
Do you trust yourself, Gemini? The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio inspires you to show up for yourself in little ways that strengthen your sincerity, competence, reliability, and self-care. When you have this foundation on lockdown, you’ll be able to take calculated risks that provide you with even more vitality, joy, pleasure, and deep meaning. Take one small step towards trusting yourself.

Courage, Worthiness, Charisma & Lovability
Express yourself, Cancer! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to share your emotions; a hope, fear, desire, and/or request - to people who genuinely care and need to hear it. You’re being asked to share the story in your heart. When you choose emotional self-disclosure, the Universe will self-organize to provide you with reward and experiences that keep you in courage!

Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotionality
What’s “belonging” mean to you, Leo? The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to reframe the people, places, and experiences that provide you with emotional safety. You’ll first want to start with self-belonging; how do you maintain connection to you? And then consider what contexts around you keep your heart safe. You deserve to feel grounded and connected in supportive ways.

Curiosity, Observation, Language & Active Listening
Read between the lines, Virgo! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio focuses your attention on the energies, subtexts, cues, and body language that communicate a great deal. You’re more fluent in the verbal, textual; so this Solar Eclipse wants you to expand your competence a bit to hold the language of the nonverbal. From there, you’ll be the master communicator you’re born to be!

Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Ground down, Libra! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to find ways to stay centered, anchored down for security. You can take the first step by naming your values and determining which behaviors support you living into them. From there, you’ll be very rooted internally to handle whatever potential disruption can happen externally!
Identity, Desire, Charisma & Authenticity
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! This Solar Eclipse is in your sign and so you’ll be provided with transformative opportunities to rethink your identity and the kind of person you want to become. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be, in order to do what I want to do, to have the results I want to have expressed?” Then take small steps towards following the guidance you receive.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s safe to let go, Sag! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is a powerful initiation into setting yourself free from all the situations, circumstances, patterns, professions, and people that keep you disempowered. You’ll have to proactively initiate the liberation and closure where you need it. When you do, the Universe will magnetize greater contexts for joy, peace, and connection with the space you cleared out!
Friendship, Activism, Convictions & Shared Humanity
Reconnect with your friends, Capricorn! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio lights up your social support, friendship, and community zone reuniting you with the people you’ve been missing. You’ve worked so hard over the last month and now you’ll be motivated to reunite with the people you miss. Apply some of that life balance to the work you’ve been succeeding in and you’ll be so much better for it!
Career, Purpose, Integrity & Responsibility
Rise and shine, Aquarius! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio lights up your career sector pushing you to step into leadership positions and perhaps deepening a commitment to self-employment. You want to feel more freedom within the context of your work/career. Dedicate your first steps towards service to others and truth-telling; then watch the Universe uplift your efforts in beautiful ways!

Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
If you know better, Pisces! The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio invites you to reflect on the key learnings of the last six months and then consider which behaviors support you living into the learning. This will transform any circumstance keeping you stuck. It might be time to go on an international/educational journey to expand your horizons and behaviors in powerful ways!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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