The brain can sometimes be an unreliable narrator. Especially when it perceives “danger”. So when I read the Full Moon idea: “The mind is a master illusionist; all illusions are unveiled to me now” I knew I wanted to explore this concept further. Neurobiologically, we are inclined to see illusion because our brain is a prolific storyteller. Since it tries to ensure survival, when it perceives danger, it quickly reduces ambiguity of the threat by letting us believe a master illusion. I would argue that is the unveiling of the master Virgo-Pisces illusion - not everything you think is accurate.
Tibetan teacher, Tsoknyi Rinpoche fashioned the phrase "Real but Not True." Said differently, while thoughts are truly occurring and there’s a biochemistry which follows the thoughts, they are, as Dr. Tara Brach writes, “only representations in our mind. They are not the experience of this living moment. Just like a map is not the territory that it represents, our thoughts are not reality.” There’s the Virgo-Pisces truth: our thoughts are not always our reality. So then what is? What is our reality? That’s the question you’ll want to take with you into the Full Moon in Pisces.
Here I want to normalize “confusion”. I’m not in the spiritual business of making the uncertain “certain” by removing complexity and critiquing confusion. Neither are high-minded Pisces or education scholars. There’s a body of helpful literature on “the zone of optimal confusion” by Sidney D’Mello and colleagues who argue that “jolting” students away from passively receiving information with intentional confusion makes them focus attention, engage fully, think more deeply, and learn for mastery. Bring your confusion, your questions, and curiosities to the Full Moon in Pisces.
Mars (which has just entered its pre-retrograde shadow period in Gemini) will square this Full Moon, adding a bit more distance between what we know and what we don’t know. This Mars-Moon square is probably the most important aspect of this Full Moon. Remember, confusion isn’t a problem but an invitation. It can help us focus our attention, engage a bit more deliberately with our curiosities, and take critical steps towards the mastery of a topic. I also think the Gemini-Pisces square asks, “to tell or not to tell?” I see the square tension between Gemini-Pisces as the clash between verbal and nonverbal. Said differently, Heinrich Zimmer once believed, “The best things can’t be told… because they transcend thought.” When we experience a Pisces transit, I think we’re asked to experience the best things… that can’t be told. Just experienced with the heart. Let your confusion lead you to experiences of the heart that are miraculously clarifying around illusion and healing of the heart and spirit.

Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time to let go, Aries. The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled closure zone inspires you to identity and release yourself from all the circumstances, situations, and events that hold you back from inhabiting the most loving, peaceful, and passionate life. Rest assured that in the space that you liberated, the Universe will magnetize all the frequency specific things you’re a better fit for!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Art is a tool for liberation, Taurus. The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled social justice and friendship zone wants to know how you’re leveraging your natural inclination to the arts to heal others and cultivate collective freedom. When you help with your creative gifts and strengths contain the collective pain or collective emotions, you’re aligning your heart with the heartbeat of the Universe.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
You don’t have a “career” - you have a calling, Gemini. The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled professional sector inspires you to “spiritualize” your relationship to your work. How can you approach your professional decisions from a more spiritual vantage point? Would meditation, free hand journaling, a psychic reading, and/or any metaphysical support help? The Universe thinks so!

Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Bon voyage, Cancer! The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled travel, wisdom, and life expansion zone wants you to explore new countries and campuses that may help you make decisions from vision, not just circumstances. Consider the possibilities of many other possibilities. And have a little more faith - even if it’s seated next to fear - that the Universe is here to help you self-actualize into the highest, brightest version of you.

Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
“Sex” isn’t always an action, it’s a space. The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled intimacy zone reminds you what Esther Perel says which is “Sex isn’t a thing you do but it’s a place you go.” Consider the role of your imagination and how you fantasize, yearn, long for, and dream of the emotions, experiences, and people that give you the highest level of pleasure.

Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Yes, opposites do attract Virgo! The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled romance zone inspires you to think differently because you’re talking to, interested in someone, or related to a person who’s so different than you. Contrast, opposition, and polarities are actually very healthy for a relationship because it inspires two subjective realities to negotiate with each other. Have fun!

Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Take a small step, Libra! The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled habit formation and wellbeing zone motivates you to make a small adjustment through your routine and/or rituals to incorporate more mindfulness, soulfulness, and peace. Personal development can be overwhelming because there’s so much to do but this Full Moon wants you to start small over time.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Time to reveal, not conceal Scorpio! The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled vulnerability zone inspires you share your emotions with someone who genuinely needs to hear it. This Full Moon helps you find the necessity, value, and bravery in revealing your true self. It’ll be a bit scary and probably a lil messy - but trust me, the Universe lets no act of courage go unrewarded!
Ancestry, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What do “Home” and “Family” mean to you, Sagittarius? The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled belonging zone inspires you to redefine the people, places, and experiences that provide you with emotional safety. It’s a powerful reframe that when done properly, helps you reorient yourself in your family story and how you’re able to choose how the stories continue.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
What’s the subtext saying, Capricorn? The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled communication zone helps you understand the language in between the verbal. You’ll be connecting to the emotions, the empathy misses and successes, and compassion embedded in communication that helps you wrap your head and heart around what people are feeling and saying.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Walk your talk, Aquarius! The Full Moon in your Pisces ruled security zone wants you to live into your values in an effort to find the highest level of security. It also helps you connect to the spiritual relationship you have with money and how you can connect to the natural law of sufficiency - showing appreciation for time, talent, and treasure - when you frame your relationship with money.

Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
Happy half-birthday, Pisces! This annual Full Moon in your sign is your annual check in to see what needs to be completed and what needs to be commenced. It highlights emotional habits that you’d like to release and/or begin. Show us all the best of your sign too! Your intuitive insights, profound love for others, and your gentle tenderness that makes the world a more peaceful place.