Libra Full moon

Libra full moon
Apr 05 9:34PM PST / Apr 06 6:34AM CET / Apr 06 2:34PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Libra full moon illumination:
‘I can navigate conflict in a calm & fair way, without the need to rush towards resolution.’
No doubt a few things have surfaced over the last few weeks that may have felt a bit spicy or firery, especially as the moon grows to full.
That's Aries season just bringing the goods. No creeping in quietly, but yes showing up bluntly. The energy is boisterous and great for actioning all the things you've had on your mind. And more: notice increased road rage? yep it's a thing.
The Libra full moon is here to remind us of balance. Lines crossed, buttons pushed and candles burned at both ends can be taken note of now, with new pathways revealed to heal, amend or nourish more as we head through the other side of the Aries cycle.
When we rush we miss vital keys that need to be turned to unlock the kinks in our lines of connection. Slowing it down opens more opportunity to fine tune the flow. Calmly, fairly and within alignment. Honouring our boundaries and communicating them with patience.
Libra brings the sweetness that is needed to soften some of the harsher edges that may have dug in our sides. Reminds us of what is beautiful, what we love, how we love, and how to make it all work as we swing from one polarity to the other.
Spice is good, but so is sweet. We need both.
Get creative, recenter in nature, find beauty in the ugly.
Happy full moon.
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Libra at 16° 07’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
This might be my favourite Full Moon illumination idea yet. They’re all like different kinds of candy to me but I think this one is the sweetest. I think any idea on navigating conflict tastes the sweetest. Conflict management also called dispute resolution is one of the central themes that animate my work and I think it’s breathtakingly Libra. It’s also one that I think the culture is having the hardest time to wrap its head and heart around. I understand. I do. From the top down, we live in unprecedentedly dangerous times. Surrounded by collective danger and violation, one of the last things we want to do in our relationships is navigate and repair more conflict and disputes. Though that’s exactly what the Full Moon in Libra wants us to do.
I’m so passionate about dispute resolution because what my personal and academic training has taught me is that conflict is an inevitable cost of admission for meaningful relationships. Disputes and conflicts can either deepen intimacy or widen the distance between the parties depending on how they regulate their objection to difference. In addition to the collective desire for greater safety, comfort, and ease in relationships because of the danger, disputes, and violates that surround us, an equally troublesome losing strategy has emerged within socialization and its self sorting. The way we self sort into political parties, schools of thought, and with us/against us camps, make our objection to difference all the more strong. You’d think self-sorting with people who tend to agree with us on many things would increase relationship satisfaction but it’s had the inverse effect.
In Braving the Wilderness by Dr. Brene Brown, she summarized provocative findings which put forward how the more we self-sort into ideological bunkers and hunker down against difference, the more likely it is that we’ll become lonely. So you see, conflict avoidance can sometimes lead to further loneliness. Whereas skill building our dispute resolution capacity could further our connections. Libra loves a paradox; that’s what they’re balancing. And this paradox between conflict and connection versus avoidance and loneliness is one that this Full Moon could help us work towards. My client and friend Deanna Pantín Parrish - a dispute resolution professional and lecturer at Harvard Law School - summarized some helpful ideas in this podcast which is worth a listening to! You’ll learn that the key to dispute resolution is creating opportunities for people to be heard in conversation.
The aspects to the Full Moon in Libra further this cause. From Saturn newly in Pisces trining Mars in Cancer potentially giving us the ability to provide the emotional safety necessary for the disclosure. Additionally, the Full Moon is opposite Chiron in Aries which allows foe us to witness pain without trying to problem solve, fix, and/or blame, judge. I think pain needs a witness before it needs a solution. So this Full Moon holds all the helpful components for navigating disputes in a way that helps us find repair, intimacy, and perhaps peace and understanding where it never was.

Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust

Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom



Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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