Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse

Aries new moon total solar eclipse
Apr 19 9:12PM PDT / Apr 20 6:12AM CEST / Apr 20 2:12PM AEST
Total Solar Eclipse
Apr 19 9:16PM PDT / Apr 20 6:16AM CEST / Apr 20 2:16PM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Aries new moon reflection:
‘I am persistent, motivated & successful at inspiring others by focusing on my aspirations.’
Welcoming the second Aries new moon in a row. This time the firery new moon initiates Eclipse Season with a total solar eclipse!
Totality is visible from the North West Cape in Western Australia, Timor-Leste and West Papua. The rest of the surrounding areas will see a partial solar eclipse, but it's definitely no less felt around the world. (You can see the path here).
This eclipse is a hybrid, starting out as an annular eclipse in the Indian Ocean and then changing to a total eclipse before reaching land.
I refer to eclipses as metaphorical 're-alignment portals', where what is meant to be is supercharged, and what is not falls away.
They are not to be feared, they can be intense at times, yes, but ultimately it's as if the universe is guiding us to keep on our paths, let go of what we no longer need and follow invitations of what we do.
Sometimes taking leaps towards what we truly desire during eclipses can land us right in the middle of it before it has even registered, like a wormhole to the divine wish. Sometimes it's a process of complete surrender and letting go time and time again. Or both at once.
This cycle is particularly transformational with old karma of the conventional being released and new pathways to the future in the very early stages of formation.
If this one feels harsh, take time out in nature with your feet on the earth, keep moving towards what you authentically desire, get real with yourself, and trust the process.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Aries (TE) at 29° 59’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
You can’t spell boundaries without “Aries”! If it’s true that nothing is sustainable without boundaries, then nothing is sustainable without Aries. Perhaps that’s why it’s the first zodiac sign. We cannot sustain the zodiac without Aries. On the day to day, from empathy, compassion, and connection, we cannot sustain anything that gives our life the deepest meaning without boundaries. Since this New Moon is the first Solar Eclipse in Aries and it’s at a pivotal degree, then I suspect this Solar Eclipse will be a culmination and continuation around our ideas that we’ll stay present to until 2025.
I, like you, am so glad that boundaries is theoretically no longer a fringe topic. I remember learning about it for the first time in 2012 from Dr. Brene Brown who helped me understand a boundary as describing what’s okay versus what’s not okay It seems we’ve collectively accelerated our learning on boundaries and that thrills me. From Nedra Glover Tawwab’s book Set Boundaries, Find Peace to putting boundaries in conversation with personality disorders, I’m deeply relieved that people are having conversations about accountability and behavior. There are many helpful definitions on boundaries so let’s put my new favorite on the table for our learning together.
Prentis Hemphill put forward, “Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously.” There’s many facets of this definition that moves me. Though the simplest most obvious detail is the inclusion of love. I think given the very real and present dangers of the world, we began learning and applying boundaries for safety. Which is so necessary and vital given the collective trauma we’ve all endured throughout the pandemic and perhaps many experiences of individual harm and violation that collapsed into the collective experience pandemic.
So boundaries offer us protection. What I think needs to exist side by side with the protection of boundaries is the connection they offer us too. That’s why Prentis wrote speaks of individual love and protection next to relational love and connection. There’s brilliance in this subtly. Think about which one you need to leverage a bit more. Are you a bit too walled off and focused on protection? I empathize with you. Or do you boundaryless and focused on connection? I send you strength. The goal is to find the Aries ruled distance for boundaries where you can love yourself and love another simultaneously.
This is supported by the Solar Eclipse because since it’s at the final degree, it asks us to get close to the mastery of Aries. Which is a sign that loves “we” as much as “me”. Anyone who’s been loved by an Aries know they make love a demonstrative verb and a vibrant, radiant experience of passion and joy. May the Solar Eclipse in Aries help you find the distance between the love of “me” and “we”.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Aries! The Universe is rewarding you with tremendous personal changes in the next 2 years. Whatever you want to be liberated from, see changed, completed, you’ll see that take shape in the next two years. Remember to focus on the being that helps the doing and the having. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be to do what I want to do to have what I want to have?”
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
The sun is rising, Taurus! The Solar Eclipse in Aries is lighting up the darkest before the dawn sector. It’s asking you for one more push towards letting go of all that keeps you disempowered. Try your best to go as individual as possible; your patterns, your behaviours first then let go of the patterns and people that keep you in the dark.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Power to the people, Gemini! The Solar Eclipse in Aries reminds you that you are a leader among your friends. A way-shower, champion, and advocate for the brilliance of others. Step into places and conversations with this conviction in mind and show your community how you can be of service to them.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Cancer! The Solar Eclipse in Aries is in your career zone and wants you to own the wanting for greater freedom and/or effectiveness on the job. You want to experience something more and this Eclipse wants to help though it’ll demand the best of your bravery, courage, and worthiness to be seen and contribute in amazing ways.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the wisdom, Leo! The Solar Eclipse in Aries reminds you that education and experience means nothing until you apply it. There’s an area of your life that wants the wisdom to be operationalized to really make the intelligence come alive. When you know better and you do better, the success inevitably comes!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
What does full aliveness ask of you, Virgo? The Solar Eclipse in Aries energizes your erotic and vibrant zone helping you pursue aliveness, passion, and intimacy in powerful ways. It’ll be a bit messy and perhaps uncomfortable to traverse this terrain but it’ll help you feel more energized, alive, and connected to a new version of yourself.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
What’s okay versus what’s not okay, Libra? The Solar Eclipse in Aries in your romantic zone wants to know what you want and what you don’t want romantically. You’ll have to define and declare both in order to keep your relationships on solid ground. This is also a wonderful time to write the list of all that you want to receive AND give in romantic relationships.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Take a small step, Scorpio! The Solar Eclipse in Aries wants you to understand how the power of your habits and how they help shape you. This Eclipse inspires an habit audit and wants you to review whether or not your habits are helpful or harmful. Take a small step towards a healthier habit and then let the Eclipse guide you to new experiences of well-being.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Share the story in your heart, Sag! The Solar Eclipse in Aries wants you to give voice to the emotion, thought, longing, desire that’s on your heart. You’re not a sign that struggles to self disclose so this Eclipse just ups the ante a bit and gives you the bravery to say what you need to say. You’ll be so proud of yourself for having done so. Be courageous!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What’s “home” mean to you, Capricorn? The Solar Eclipse in Aries wants you to cultivate more boundaries for emotional safety; for peace within. From there, you’ll have a greater sense of the feelings, people, and places that are home. If you’ve thought about moving and/or healing bonds with your family of origin, this is the moment to start turning towards those directions!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Keep it simple, Aquarius! The Solar Eclipse in Aries wants you to make your approach to mindfulness, listening, and language more clear, accessible, and simple. You’re incredibly intelligent and this strength is one we want to reinforce while remembering that there’s great wisdom in clear, simple language. In other words, clear, compassionate straight talk is kind and leads to clear understanding. Give it a try and see how it changes your experiences!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Pisces! The Solar Eclipse in Aries wants you experience “Safety” through clarifying your values and then living into them behaviorally. We often overly complicate inner peace when it’s as simple as choosing our values and practicing them. What’s a greater safety then knowing you’re exactly who you say you are and your behaviors, experiences, and results back it up?
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.