Libra Full Moon

Libra full moon
Apr 16 11:55AM PDT / Apr 16 8:55PM CEST / Apr 17 4:55AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Libra full moon illumination:
‘I welcome balanced and harmonious relationships into my life’
Transformation abound.
Since Mars moved into Pisces more feels have arrived, and not in chronological order.
And with the pull of a powerful Pluto position, this full moon is a deep dive into and through what may be out of alignment in our relationships and hearts, that need adjusting, communicating or reflecting on.
When we talk about Libra and Aries, boundaries and balance are themes that always comes to light. The push and pull of 'me' and 'we' and how to make it a harmonious and enjoyable dance is one of life's big lessons.
Are you being met where you need to be met in your relationships? What formative relationships have had an impact on your current relationships? Where do you need to adjust in order for more balance too?
We have access and availability to deep dive and uncover ingrained patterns that shape how we relate, and how we form and function in relationships. What old habits may have risen from the past? What old projections or fears have shown up again? What needs to be transformed so you can step into deeper alignment and balance?
Recognizing our roles and what each contributes to a relationship will reveal where adjustments can be made. Insert gratitudes to keep a positive attitude and a peaceful heart, and focus on where you can bring more balance into your own life, rather than project onto others.
It can be uncomfortable and confronting, and confusing. But face this full moon with an open heart as the warrior of truth resets the scales of balance in the realm of our relationships, past, present and future.
Since Mars moved into Pisces more feels have arrived, and not in chronological order.
And with the pull of a powerful Pluto position, this full moon is a deep dive into and through what may be out of alignment in our relationships and hearts, that need adjusting, communicating or reflecting on.
When we talk about Libra and Aries, boundaries and balance are themes that always comes to light. The push and pull of 'me' and 'we' and how to make it a harmonious and enjoyable dance is one of life's big lessons.
Are you being met where you need to be met in your relationships? What formative relationships have had an impact on your current relationships? Where do you need to adjust in order for more balance too?
We have access and availability to deep dive and uncover ingrained patterns that shape how we relate, and how we form and function in relationships. What old habits may have risen from the past? What old projections or fears have shown up again? What needs to be transformed so you can step into deeper alignment and balance?
Recognizing our roles and what each contributes to a relationship will reveal where adjustments can be made. Insert gratitudes to keep a positive attitude and a peaceful heart, and focus on where you can bring more balance into your own life, rather than project onto others.
It can be uncomfortable and confronting, and confusing. But face this full moon with an open heart as the warrior of truth resets the scales of balance in the realm of our relationships, past, present and future.
Kerry, Magic of I.
Full Moon Libra at 26° 45’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I’m almost positive that the Aries-Libra axis is the sole determiner of our life quality. There are six pairs of polarities in the zodiac and I believe that Aries ruled “me” and Libra ruled “we” is the polarity pair that holds the “both/and” which determines our quality of life. Seeing as this is a post dedicated to the Full Moon in discerning Libra, I’m sure but I’m not convinced.
Aries introduces our sovereignty, autonomy, independence, and desires. Libra introduces our relationship to relationships, trust, and agreement. What is life without our agency and freedom? What is life without relationships and being loved and loving by others? You see, you can’t have one without the other. You can’t have Libra without Aries, vice versa, and generally speaking - you can’t really have anything without “the other”. Which is too complicated of a truth for our deeply polarized world. Yet we have to discuss it together. The Full Moon in Libra, Libra people, and Libra transits are here to help us understand where we’ve been too polarized because we’re overwhelmed with the complexity of: me and we, novelty and predictability, tradition and innovation, safety and adventure, love and desire.
I heard Esther Perel say in a keynote she gave in her 2021 Sessions Live “The Great Adaption”, that,”...when you polarize, each person doesn’t have to deal with the complexity because each one lets the other deal with the part that they themselves don’t want to deal with.” The Full Moon in Libra wants us to hold the complexity of me and we. It wants us to leverage central differences like a paradox that needs to be managed not a problem that needs to be solved. It wants us to find the thinking, strategy, and choices we’ve made that are either/or and binary in their approach. To instead include “the other” that we’ve polarized out of our lives.
This Full Moon in Libra has nuanced aspects that ought to be considered. Most notably its square to Pluto in Capricorn. Any transit to Pluto is sure to bring some awareness to our attentions that might be emotionally activating and/or anxiety inducing. This is normal. Ask yourself around the experience, “1) What do I know for sure? 2) What more do I need to know about the situation? 3) Who do I need to talk to to get the information I need and 4) What am I learning about myself in this process?” (Brene Brown’s Rising Strong Process). Especially around a polarity concern, this square to Pluto might help us understand where we’ve become too polarized, inflexible, and rigid in our thinking and behavior.
Study after research after evidence-based analysis all teach us that the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our life. And we’re all responsible for understanding who we are, what we bring, and what we want to give and receive in our relationships. This Full Moon in Libra helps us hold the axis of our life’s determiner. Let us be intentional, resilient, and committed to managing this paradox like our life depends on it.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
It takes two, Aries! The Full Moon in Libra wants you to experience an opposites attract style chemistry in a way that cultivates a meaningful relationship. Whether a new relationship begins, deepens, or transitions, this Full Moon wants you to experience both the joy of independence along with the intimacy of commitment to the relationships that determine your life quality.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Accountability friends, Taurus? The Full Moon in Libra wants you to take your personal development goals into a social setting. Whether that means having a friend who keeps you accountable or joining a group effort in some way, the Universe does not want you to experience “self-help” alone. You’re meant to grow and evolve with others together!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Reveal, don’t conceal Gemini! The Full Moon in Libra wants you to share a hope, fear, desire, and/or emotion with someone who genuinely needs to hear it. This is a moment where you share your truth courageously and in this self-disclosure, a profound self-revelation will emerge that helps you understand the commitments you have to yourself because you revealed yourself.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Home is other people, Cancer! The Full Moon in Libra helps you commit to the people that keep your heart safe. This Full Moon wants you to find who has earned the right to hear your story. Also, it wants you to apply some balance between homecoming and adventure. Is it time to ground down in the comfort of home or is it time to explore and travel? Balance is key!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Put the “commune” in communication, Leo! The Full Moon in Libra wants you to use dialogue, communication, and language as a way to bridge deeper connections with others. Remember to ask open ended questions and share parts of your story in harmony. So that you’re facilitating the most balanced components of conversation and everyone has a turn at the mic!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Virgo! The Full Moon in Libra wants you to commit to a value system that helps you understand which specific behaviors support your values. Awareness of our values is one thing; enactment is a game changer. Remember to live into your values to receive what this Full Moon really wants to give you which is safety, pleasure, and embodiment.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy half-birthday, Libra! The Full Moon shines for you. This is a pivotal moment to check in with yourself and review your progress since your last birthday. Think about who you’re being not just what you’re doing. And strategize on how little habit choices you’re making create major results. May all your personal, relational, and professional dreams come true.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Let it go, Scorpio. The Full Moon in Libra wants you to release limited beliefs, behaviors, relational norms, and every other existential thing in between that stops you from becoming the highest and brightest version of yourself. You’ll have to take the first step to clear what needs to be cleared and then the Universe will work hard to manifest the highest and brightest outcomes.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Check in with your friends, Sag! The Full Moon in Libra wants you to reunite with your closest friends. This is a moment to really celebrate how far you’ve all come together and how you’d like to continue supporting each other. This Full Moon is also activating a social, political cause you’re deeply passionate about it so trust what comes up for you here and take inspired action.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Connection, not just competence Capricorn! The Full Moon in Libra reminds you that everyone knows you’re skilled and capable. So it’s the quality of your social connections that ultimately determine where you’re going next. Your community, coworkers, and colleagues want to support you and would love to be supported by you too for maximum results.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
It’s a breakthrough moment, Aquarius! The Full Moon in Libra helps you find the campus and/or country you need to learn from or explore to find the key learning that could transform your life. Then once you know better, you do better. Make sure you’re living from a particular learning so that you’re applying this wisdom into specific behavior to give you the results you deserve!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
A difficulty with desire comes from one place, Pisces! The Full Moon in Libra wants you correlate outcomes you don’t want with a difficulty in imagining what you do want. Be deliberate, intentional, and focused on connecting the quality of your imagination with the outcomes you deserve. It’s all about how your imagine, yearn for, and then make it happen!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.