Aries New Moon

Aries new moon
Mar 31 11:24PM PDT / Apr 1 8:24AM CEST / Apr 1 5:24PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Aries new moon reflections:
‘I nurture the divine hero within and choose to recognise my strength’
Aries new moon kicking off the astrological new year with a defiant realignment of what we will and will not take with us through the next 12 seasons.
If you have been feeling your bandwidth tighten around no bullshit, and have been making moves to operate more in alignment with what is true and only true for you, you have been tapping into Aries energy. There simply is no room for that which is not in alignment any longer, and you might be surprised at how well your boundaries are holding up around what may have been previously tippy-toed about.
Yes and No’s are easier to be clear on when we sit confidently in our truth, and Aries drives that home with powerful intent this moon. An awareness of gentleness is to be considered though as Chiron makes a side-by-side appearance, reminding us that some topics are tender for others, and ourselves. That tenderness may be an indication of what needs adjustment, recommitment or reevaluation. Do the lines in the sand of our mental landscapes and the containers holding our energetic fields need to be amended to make more space to invite newness in? Or strengthened to honor our inner sanctuary?
Whatever the case this is a new beginning and this potent new moon is made for intention setting, particularly around reinvigorating your life-force, reigniting your spark and reevaluating your relationship to yourself and your life and what is intimately true. Which of course involves reflection around boundaries, commitments to self, and attitudes.
Take a moment to recognise your strengths, be aware of getting caught in a mental loop of all the things that could be wrong, notice those with a heart-nod, which in turn can be added to your list of strengths. Honor your divine hero within and let that be the frequency to determine what you are inviting. This will set the stage for what is yet to come.
And move that energy, it will fuel the fire to action anew.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Aries at 11° 30’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
Let’s begin again, again! The New Moon in the first zodiac sign Aries helps the entire zodiac bring new vision, strategies, and intentions that inspire the possibility of new possibilities. When we see ourselves as the divine hero and recognize our strengths, we begin to take an Aries ruled stand for our lives with action, confidence, and leadership.
When I think of what it means and what it takes to nurture the divine hero within, I think of people who understand Eros. When I frame Eros, I lean on the way the Ancients defined it - lifeforce. Think of the people you know - whether personally or publicly - who present themselves as fully alive. Aren’t they heroic to you? Don’t they uplift and inspire you with their confidence infused actions and leadership? I would argue that what our heroes do in order to express their lifeforce is related to Desire. As long as I write about a transit that involves Aries, I write about Desire. Esther Perel defined desire as “owning the wanting”. How would your life begin again if you gave yourself the permission to own your wantings on: who you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have? Aren’t we inspired by people who are owning their desires and take confident action towards achieving them? Think of influential Aires ruled people like: Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Lady GaGa, Diana Ross, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Gloria Steinheim, Chaka Khan. They are all so different and yet there is a heroic throughline. They’re unapologetic about who they are, what they do, and what they want.
Under this New Moon in Aries, I want you to be the hero of your own life by owning, expressing, pursuing your desires. That way, you’re moving closer towards what makes you feel fully alive. When you’re fully alive, you’re all in. You’re invested in the effort, not the outcome. You’ll try, you might fail, and you’ll try again. You’ll take courageous action towards making your life as congruent with your desires as possible. There’s a time and a place for responsibility and duty. But the New Moon in Aries only has one time and place and its on desire. And the healing of our wounds with desire. This New Moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries and so the focus is on reframing our relationship to desire. Transforming our relationship to wanting. Most of us for many different social-cultural reasons can see desire as dangerous. This New Moon wants you to want again.
There are few more powerful starts to new beginning than bravely declaring, “I don’t want (X), I want (Y) now.” Now more than ever, after two years of collective deadness, we need collective aliveness. Make the decision in your heart under the New Moon in Aires to declare your desires and declare your lifeforce.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Aries! The New Moon in your sign wants all your birthday wishes. Be as specific, brave, and courageous as possible as you own your desires for a life, relationships, and goals unlike the past. You’re starting over with new insight, behaviors, and effectiveness that will yield you amazing results. May all your birthday wishes come true!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time to let go, Taurus. The New Moon in Aries wants you to bravely release yourself from any cognitive, emotional habit that stops you from being the highest and brightest version of yourself. In order for you to begin again next month during your birthday season, you have to make the space first. So be clear about what you don’t want and then get hopeful about what you do want instead.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
You’re a leader, Gemini! The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on how you can utilize your leadership skills and abilities towards a particular social cause. Your friends, comrades, and collaborators are looking to you for inspiration and direction. You’ll also want to have clarifying conversations with your friends about what you want to give and receive in the friendships too!
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Best case scenario outcomes only, Cancer! The New Moon in Aries lights up your career sector and so you’ll want to tell the Universe your wildest professional dreams. It’s always a bit nerveracking to admit we want something and this time is no exception. So stay grounded and courageous as you share with others and yourself the kind of career you want to have that utilizes the best of your gifts and talents.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Bon voyage, Leo! The New Moon in Aries is sending you to new and exciting countries and/or campuses to learn the new ideas, visions, and strategies you’re curious about. You know there’s something you’d like to learn and a place you’d like to explore. This New Moon will happily take you to both and you’ll get extra brownie points from the Universe if you apply the info you learn quickly for positive results.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Imagination is key, Virgo! The New Moon in Aries reminds you that in order to access desire and experience sex as - Esther Perel teaches us - a place we go, not a thing we do, then you’ll want to incorporate more of an imaginative dimension to your life. Play with fantasy, wonder, enchantment, and curiosity to drive your sex life up to wonderful place and make you feel fully alive in the process.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Law of Opposites, Libra? The New Moon in Aries in your romantic relationship sector wants your intentions on not just the kind of love you want to receive but the kind of love you want to give too. Especially with an opposites attract style chemistry relationship and/or with partners that are very different from you. This contrast bolsters passion and a foundation for meaningful growth too!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Who do you want to be, Scorpio? The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on becoming the kind of person you want to be. I love how Adam Grant defined “Identity” as a decision. So is yours! Decide who you want to be and then take small, courageous steps towards expressing the best of yourself in an effort to get there. Those little steps will add up to big success as you follow through on them!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Courage, thy name is Sagittarius! The New Moon in Aries wants you to share a story in your heart to someone/people who genuinely need to hear it. Whether it’s a feeling, hope, request, fear, or a truth about you that you think is important to disclose for context, this New Moon wants it. Remember, no act of courage goes unrecognized and/or unrewarded by the Universe. So be brave and share your Truth!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy homecoming, Capricorn! The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on the specific contexts you need for emotional safety. Like family, home, etc. Think about how you want to feel at home and how you want to feel with family. Then listen carefully to the directions you receive from the Universe who will work hard to make sure you find your people and you find your place of belonging.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Straight talk, Aquarius! The New Moon in Aries is in your communication zone and wants you to review your communication skills, listening accuracy, and critical thinking. Inspect how they’re working for you and consider what areas for growth you can focus on so you can strategize new behaviors to help you. Think about your language and listening capabilities in an effort to bridge connection between you and others.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Pisces! The New Moon in Aries wants your intentions on values, safety, and embodiment. Clarify what your 2 values are in an effort to get closer to your security. Because is there a higher access to security that living into your values and having the existential realization that you are exactly who you say you are? It won’t be comfortable but it will get you closer to the safety you deserve!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
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