It’s Eclipse Season! Every six months, the Universe offers a cosmic correction in the form of a Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses are interpreted into a wide range of themes and ideas. It was Steven Forest who said that when Astronomers look at the sky, they see science. When Astrologers look at the sky, they see poetry. So every Astrologer is trying to tell the poem as best we can.
When I think of the poetry of Eclipses, I think of a cosmic correction. The deus ex machina moment when the Universe furthers us along through opportunities, experiences, and relationships we never saw coming. It’s the Universe’s way of helping us self-correct. When I’m willing to see things differently, Eclipses transform my life positively. When I think I know better, Eclipses remind me I don’t perceive my own best interests accurately 100% of the time. Who does?
Now that we’ve zoomed out on Eclipses, let’s zoom in on the Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons. So a supercharged new beginning is arriving in the Taurus ruled sector of our lives: stability, self-worth, and money. It’s important to note that Eclipses occur in polarity pairs so the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio two weeks from now is connected to this story. And the bottom line of a Taurus-Scorpio ruled transit is, “How do we securely engage with the unknown?” What risks do we need to take in order to move from the known to the unknown? Certainty is a fantasy. So who do we have to be, what do we have to do, and who do we need to connect with in order to regulate our fears around uncertainty attached to: stability, self-worth, and money?
What I learned from my friends Isaiah Alpheratz and Nadiya Shah is that this Solar Eclipse is incredible romantic and relational because on the same day, both Venus and Jupiter form a beautiful conjunction. Venus and Jupiter are the two “benefics” in Astrology and so they want to provide benevolent outcomes to us all. I think this Venus-Jupiter conjunction story complements the Solar Eclipse in Taurus by focusing our attention on the fact that; it’s the people in our lives, the relationships that give our life meaning, and the love we have given and received as the biggest determiner of our life’s security. You can move to any unknown with the right people supporting you. Reminding you of your value and worth. Reassuring you of your strengths. Supported by and supporting others others, you can walk into any, all of this Eclipse stories with security, vitality, and strength.

Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
August Rodin once said, “Patience is also a form of action.”, Aries. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants you to be thoughtful, decisive, and patient. You have a big decision to make soon. So this Eclipse wants you to get clear on your values and how you can live into them. It’ll strengthen your connection to your body’s wisdom and it’ll help you take decisive, thoughtful action.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Change is the only reality, right Taurus? The Solar Eclipse is in your sign! And so whatever you’ve longed to be released from, begin, transform, this Eclipse will help you do that. You have to adapt, try new things, and regulate the discomfort around starting new things. It’s vulnerable for sure but if you’re willing to be the newest, most aligned version of yourself, you’ll feel more alive than ever.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time to let go, Gemini. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus lights up your closure zone. You’re being asked to release yourself from limited beliefs, emotions, behaviors, and relationships that prevent you from becoming the highest version of yourself. You’re one of the most flexible signs in the zodiac and you have to be firm that something needs to end so move towards that for peace, success, and joy.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
It takes a village, Cancer! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants you deepen and widen - if appropriate! - your relationship community. You’re often a friend who prefers quality over quantity and that’s a strength. This Eclipse wants you to add more quality to the community so that you can give and receive social support in ways that are expansive, generative, and even intimacy promoting.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Leo! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus lights up your career sector and wants to offer dreams fulfilled to you. If you’re clear on the values that help you become the kind of professional you want to be, the Universe will support your efforts. From self-employment, promotion, career changes, and scaling a business, the Universe wants to help your dreams come true!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply what you know, Virgo! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus is highlighting key learnings you’ve acquired over the last six months. Where the transformation begins is the space where you operationalize that knowledge into behavior. Watch your results transform! This is also a time to consider furthering your education and/or traveling to places that expand your thinking.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
It’s safe to self-disclose, Libra! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus begins a new intimacy chapter for you. I love the way Esther Perel frames “intimacy” as “into-me-see” and so you’ll be asked to let other see the realest versions of who you are. No more perfectionism! This is a powerful time for sexual healing as well and the benefits of pursuing pleause just for pleausre’s sake. Enjoy!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Love is in the air, Scorpio! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants to invite, deepen, or transform a romance for you. Especially if there’s opposites attract style chemistry attached to it. You’ll be invited to step into new behavior because someone so different from you has highlighted ways you can improve. This is a transformative, romantic, and powerful Eclipse that just wants to give you all the love you deserve!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Start small, Sag! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus helps you focus on how the small steps create big results. Like habits, routines, rituals, practices, and other forms of commitment which gain momentum fast and help you achieve your goals. The task of personal development can feel intimidating so just start with the small things and watch them compound.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Vulnerability is your strength, Capricorn! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants you to dispel the myth of Capricorn as stoic and nonfeeling by helping you reveal an emotion, hope, fear or desire to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. It’ll be scary, yes, but I don’t think it’ll be scarier than looking back on your life and wondering how it could have unfolded differently if you were more courageous in real time.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy homecoming, Aquarius! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants you to connect to the people and places that keep your heart safe. This Eclipse helps you find a deeper connection to family and a deeper connection to the places that help you feel at home. You’re looking to feel rooted and connected to place and people in a powerful way. And the Eclipse is helping you achieve that!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words thoughtfully, Pisces! The Solar Eclipse in Taurus wants you to put more structure in language in an effort to find greater empathy, trust, and clarity. This Eclipse helps you use the power of communication and active listening to help you gain greater insight into who you are, what your relationships stand for, and how communication is the bridge between all of it.