Leo full moon Feb 16 8:56AM PST / Feb 16 5:56PM CET / Feb 17 3:56AM AEDT Moonthly Theme: VISION, HOPE + PROGRESS Leo full moon illumination: ‘I'm free to express my truth, I shine my creative light on the world with humble radiance’ I'm am temporarily slinking out of a void to wish you full moon blessings on this Leo moon. This full moon brings a warmth and new sense of openness to optimism that has been dormant for a little while. Something you may have feared in the past is ready for your presence, be gentle and ask for support where needed, this is where community shows its importance. Facing fears or not, there is a pull to keep the heart open. May you bravely express your truth and traverse through the world exactly the way you desire without fear of being judged or categorised. May you shine your light through all creative endeavours. Kerry - Magic of I. Full Moon Leo at 27° 59’ Astrologer Colin Bedell says: Rise and roar! The Full Moon in courageous Leo lights up the skies on Weds/Thursday and helps us freely express the story in our hearts. There are so many words for all the zodiac signs but I like to focus on “courage” for Leo. You see, the root of courage is “cor” and that’s Latin for heart. So the original context for courage was actually telling the story of your whole heart. Which is a grand heroic deed today and always. There are so many ways for us to tell the story of our hearts and be courageous. Whether that’s saying, “I love you” or “I’m sorry” first. Especially since the Full Moon in Leo also has the annual Venus-Mars conjunction in Capricorn. Making this day one of the most romantic of the year. It inspires us to share our feelings in an effort to be understood and connect with others. It’ll also give us the courage to hear other people’s courage too. You’ll be given Capricorn grit and perseverance through the vulnerability. I think other acts of courage include making the decision to be self-employed after being fired from your last job. The first date after a heartbreak or divorce. These are all courageous acts. And an act of courage is expected of you under the Full Moon in Leo. I love the Full Moon message and its connection to Leo, “I shine my creative light on the world with humble radiance.” Because in addition to courage being associated with Leo, so is creativity. Of course no sign has a monopoly on creativity. “Leo” is the decision we make to allow ourselves to express ourselves creatively. Which is inherently courageous. During Leo Season last year, I started Julia Cameron’s “The Artist's Way”. It’s trite to talk about how a quote can change your life but there is something so powerful about being ready and receptive for an idea that initiates tremendous qualitative shifts. And that’s what happened to me when I read the 10 Basic Principles of the Artist’s Way. Especially the last one. It’s so Leo. “Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source. As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.” (Julia Cameron). So being in the creative being is movement towards our divinity. If this isn’t the highest expression of Leo, I don't know what is. When we move towards our dreams, we move towards our divinity. I think the first sentence affirms that since our creative dreams and yearning come from a divine source, that divine source has the power through us to help us accomplish them. So consider how you can express your courage through your creativity knowing it’ll bring you closer to your divinity. And divinity has the power to make your dreams come true. Aries Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability Speak your truth, Aries! The Full Moon in Leo wants you to share, reveal, self-disclose, and bravely tell the truth. It’s messy, vulnerable, and scary - I know - but it’s not as scary as the potential regret you’ll feel later when you think, “What would've happened if I said what I felt sooner?” Remember, no act of courage ever goes unrewarded by the Universe! You got this! Taurus Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility Home is a feeling, Taurus! The Full Moon in Leo helps you find the emotions, people, and places that are “home” to you. Then you’ll have to feel worthy to share your feelings to your loved ones. Even if they’re tender, messy, and/or a little sad. It’s okay not to be okay, too! You deserve to feel safe, held, cherished, and loved by your people who can give you empathy. Gemini Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening You’re the Queen of Communication, Gemini! The Full Moon in Leo helps you see your skills and power around language, listening, and perception. They're invisible skills which often means they’re undervalued but they’re not any less important. So see yourself as a clear thinker, speaker and then utilize your gifts and abilities where they’re needed please! Cancer Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure You’re worth it, Cancer! The Full Moon in Leo helps you claim greater worthiness around security, safety, embodiment, and pleasure. You deserve to feel grounded. You deserve to feel desired. You deserve to feel safe. You’ll also want to consider which values need to be lived in to so that you can get even closer to the security of putting your values into practice. Leo Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom Happy half-birthday, Leo! This Full Moon shines for you. Let the Universe bear witness to all that makes Leo, Leo. Show us your courage. Show us your worthiness. Show us what it means to stand your sacred ground; where you don’t shrink in self-depreciation and you don’t grandstand with grandiosity. You stand in your sacred, divine space. Long live the Queen! Virgo Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support Time to let go, Virgo! This Full Moon helps you identify what needs to be surrendered, released, and completed. So that you can get a bit closer towards becoming the person you want to be. Think especially about who you want to forgive and make amends too. Even if that person is yourself. When you apologize and offer forgiveness, you’re completing deep healing that helps you begin again. Libra Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity Put the commune in community, Libra! The Full Moon in Leo helps you find the people who share your values. It’ll also help you find greater connection with your friends. If you’ve been feeling unanchored to your support system, this Full Moon will help you ground down with the people who want to celebrate your success and encourage you to go further. Scorpio Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline Rise and shine, Scorpio. The Full Moon in Leo is in your career zone and wants to put your name in lights. Especially if you step into greater leadership and visibility. However, whatever that means for you. Contribute your creative gifts and abilities. Especially as they’re in service to helping other people and you’ll see what this Full Moon can do for you. Sagittarius Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education Apply the learnings, Sag! The Full Moon in Leo helps you identify a key wisdom, idea, and/or practice and apply it somewhere you could benefit from it. Consider what area of your life needs a bit of transformation. What have you learned about your behavior here? Then, courageously move forward in operationalizing and applying the key wisdom for success. Capricorn Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation Intimacy, Capricorn. Or “Into-Me-See” (Esther Perel). The Full Moon in Leo helps you take off the self-protection and amor so others can hear, see, feel, and understand something about you. Of course it’ll be uncomfortable but it’s necessary not just for a meaningful life but also in the realm of sexuality and intimacy. Because your self disclosure will lead to self-revelation. Aquarius Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust Love is in the air, Aquarius! The Full Moon in Leo is in your romantic sector and wants to begin, transition, and/or complete a relational dynamic if it’s served its learning assignment. Consider what you can learn about relationships from “Leo”. What it means to be all in, engaged, and vulnerable. Let the opposites attract style chemistry elevate your relationships beautifully. Pisces Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine Work it, Pisces! The Full Moon in Leo helps you experiment with new routines, rituals, and strategies that can help you in the field of personal growth. Keep it simple and small. That way, you’ll begin to develop momentum and greater confidence. Which will habit-stack and create a system of amazing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health just in time for your birthday. - Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars? Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner. Available worldwide. For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment. If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.