Pisces New Moon

Pisces new moon
Mar 2 9:35AM PST / Mar 2 6:35PM CET / Mar 3 4:35AM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Pisces new moon reflections:
‘My unconscious self is awakened. I am rebirthed in perfect alignment with the cosmos’
Dreamers unite. In this aberrant time it serves us well to keep our heads above water, focused on the positives - without turning our backs on reality, keeping our hearts open and directed towards positive evolution, and the fact that even in the face of uncertainty the most incredible things can happen that are beyond our wildest dreams.
And that is where Pisces is comfortable - in the beyond. Think back to a time in your life when something incredible has unfolded that was outside of what you could have possibly dreamed. Perhaps it was a goal or a wish that came true but in a form that you couldn't have fully created in your imagination. Or a meeting of souls, that you had no idea was even possible. The ineffable moments in life where the magic in the air is almost tangible and bendable.
Hold those moments close and infuse them into this new moon, swirl them in a fashion that builds and grows on the capacity that anything is possible. And apply this energy to your plans and dreams of what your higher self desires.
This creates a path that opens and expands more and more. We all know the power of multiplicity, when we are joined by the hearts and minds of others sharing in the same creation, it builds exponentially.
It may be a big ask right now as we face some darkness that exists side by side to life's intrinsic magic, but we are supported in bending and shaping reality, as well as being witnesses of it, and feeling it deeply. At what point does the observer become the creator, and vice versa? It’s a fine dance.
We all know that what we focus on expands. What are you focusing on? This is not a call to shut out or be oblivious to what is happening in the world, but of wide-scope-awareness with the ability to refine focus on what is possible and to DREAM. Don't let that be a dirty word, it is needed NOW.
Use the power of this Pisces new moon to reset your focus. If your mind gets in the way (and it will) remember to sit in the heart, to feel with the other layers of our beings, with intuition, with hope.
Think of your most magical moments and let them lift you up as the incredible and powerful being you are. You and your hopes and dreams count more than you know.
If we don't dream it, wish it, hope it - from a place of complete possibility - how can it start to unfold?
Be clear on what your dreams are and plant those seeds now.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Pisces at 12° 06’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
A commencement within the completion is here. The New Moon in the Grand Finale of the zodiac arrives to offer the zodiac the opportunity to begin again within a space that needs closure. The New Moon in Pisces wants us to reflect critically on what’s risen from the bottom of the oceans of our subconscious into our conscious consideration. Especially in relationship to the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns that prevent us from becoming the people we want to be.
The oceans of Pisces offer us the opportunity for rebirth. If we allow its waters to wash us clean where we need it. I mention this distinction in the New Moon in Pisces specifically because I think the general theme of December 2021 until now asked us to take radical responsibility for the role(s) in the situations, circumstances, and relationships we’re not thrilled with. We’ve identified where we developed certain patterns of protection. We know where we go when our critical thinking is offline. We’ve brought as much awareness to these spaces as possible. We identified “the fracture” and put the cast on for healing. Now we’re asked to move from treatment to recovery. We can take the cast off the wound and integrate into our experiences. It might be uncomfortable, messy, and vulnerable. But it’s time. The New Moon in Pisces wants our willingness to transition from treatment to recovery.
That might mean we need to apologize to a loved one for our role without defensiveness. And understand carefully what impact our behavior has had on them. It might mean we’re inspired to forgive another for the role they played too without blame and contempt. When I think of “transcendence” - a moontly theme for this New Moon - I think of transcending good versus bad, right versus wrong, and other binary thinking that gets us into trouble. I think of the seminal Rumi quote, “...“Out beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrongdoing, there is a field I will meet you there.” I think this New Moon in Pisces gives us the intuitive capacity to dream that field in a way that helps us connect more deeply to ourselves and the relationships that ultimately determine the quality of our life.
Since all New Moons are a chance for new beginnings but this is the annual New Moon in the last zodiac sign of Pisces, remember - you’re bringing a year’s worth of wisdom and vision to this cosmic reset. The New Moon in forming a conjunction to benevolent Jupiter - currently in and out of Pisces until the end of the year - and so we’re leaning on Jupiter ruled faith, vision, and the courage to dream a dream of light in significant external darkness. You can move from treatment to recovery with a dream in your heart and hope in your soul. With this New Moon and the help of Jupiter on your side, cosmic companionship will be with you. May you be healed. May you recover. May you be blessed. Happy New Moon in Pisces!
The oceans of Pisces offer us the opportunity for rebirth. If we allow its waters to wash us clean where we need it. I mention this distinction in the New Moon in Pisces specifically because I think the general theme of December 2021 until now asked us to take radical responsibility for the role(s) in the situations, circumstances, and relationships we’re not thrilled with. We’ve identified where we developed certain patterns of protection. We know where we go when our critical thinking is offline. We’ve brought as much awareness to these spaces as possible. We identified “the fracture” and put the cast on for healing. Now we’re asked to move from treatment to recovery. We can take the cast off the wound and integrate into our experiences. It might be uncomfortable, messy, and vulnerable. But it’s time. The New Moon in Pisces wants our willingness to transition from treatment to recovery.
That might mean we need to apologize to a loved one for our role without defensiveness. And understand carefully what impact our behavior has had on them. It might mean we’re inspired to forgive another for the role they played too without blame and contempt. When I think of “transcendence” - a moontly theme for this New Moon - I think of transcending good versus bad, right versus wrong, and other binary thinking that gets us into trouble. I think of the seminal Rumi quote, “...“Out beyond the ideas of right-doing and wrongdoing, there is a field I will meet you there.” I think this New Moon in Pisces gives us the intuitive capacity to dream that field in a way that helps us connect more deeply to ourselves and the relationships that ultimately determine the quality of our life.
Since all New Moons are a chance for new beginnings but this is the annual New Moon in the last zodiac sign of Pisces, remember - you’re bringing a year’s worth of wisdom and vision to this cosmic reset. The New Moon in forming a conjunction to benevolent Jupiter - currently in and out of Pisces until the end of the year - and so we’re leaning on Jupiter ruled faith, vision, and the courage to dream a dream of light in significant external darkness. You can move from treatment to recovery with a dream in your heart and hope in your soul. With this New Moon and the help of Jupiter on your side, cosmic companionship will be with you. May you be healed. May you recover. May you be blessed. Happy New Moon in Pisces!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s safe to let go, Aries. The New Moon in Pisces is giving you the opportunity for profound healing if you identify what habits you need to regulate, heal from. While letting go of behaviors, patterns, and even relationships that prevent you from becoming the highest and brightest version of yourself. Lean on your spiritual practice for help and trust the Universe is invested in your highest good!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Put the “commune” in community, Taurus! The New Moon in Pisces wants you to emotionally engage and connect meaningfully with your friends and social causes too. Get clear on the best case scenario versions of friendships you want to create in your life. Empathetically and compassionately connect to the people around you for miraculous social results.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Gemini! The New Moon in Pisces lights up your career zone and it wants your professional intentions. Think about your gifts, abilities and how they come from a divine source and so the divine has the ability to help you express them in this world. Live from that vision and that take a stand for your highest and brightest professional outcomes.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the learning, Cancer! The New Moon in Pisces wants you to identify key learnings you've developed over the last year and consider which behavior helps you operationalize that learning. When you know better, do better! Once you do, you’ll be rewarded significantly. It might be awkward and clunky at first but you’ll be so happy with the results as you apply the wisdom!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Reveal, don’t conceal Leo! The New Moon in Pisces helps you understand intimacy as Esther Perel frames it: into-me-see. You’re asked to take off the armor and protection and let others see the realest versions of you. This will work wonders for your sexual and erotic yearnings because as others revel in your self-revelation, it’ll increase the passion and intimacy.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Connection through “contrast”, Virgo? The New Moon in Pisces brings about a new relational chapter for you. Especially through an opposites attract style thinking, person, and/or experience. Think about your intentions on not just receiving love but the kind of love you want to give too. Remember, contradiction and polarities are the fundamental forms of relationships and they’re not problem that needs to be solved but an energy that needs to be leveraged.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Work it, Libra! The New Moon in Pisces wants your intentions on the proactive habits and routines that optimize your wellbeing. Sometimes we over-complicate the path towards personal development by starting too big and/or thinking it needs to be more complex. This New Moon wants you to start small, gradual, and watch the momentum carry you to amazing places.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
You’re worthy, Scorpio! The New Moon in Pisces wants your intentions on how to frame “worthiness” as your birthright; rather than anything you need to prove, hustle for, and/or see as circumstance-dependent. You’re worthy right now! From the place, the question next is - who will you be, what will you do, and what results do you want to have expressed?
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What does “home” mean to you, Sag? The New Moon in Pisces wants you to connect to the contexts, people, and places that give you emotional safety. You’re a thrillseeker who loves to explore and discover. You’re also allowed to anchor down and find home where you miss and want it. This New Moon wants you to find joy in the both the wave and the anchor!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Expand your language, expand your world, Capricorn! The New Moon in Pisces wants your intentions on how perceive, speak, and understand carefully to language in a way that helps you expand your world. Nonviolent communication teaches us that “words are windows or walls”. Let this New Moon helps you see words and windows into others and you too.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Ground down, Aquarius! The New Moon in Pisces helps you identify the values that give you security and safety. Ultimately there is no safety like clarifying your values and putting them into practice so the Universe confirms you’re exactly who you say you are. It’s also a wonderful New Moon for somatic wisdom and physical embodiment for pleasure’s sake.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Pisces! The New Moon shines for you! Tell the Universe all your wishes. Think best case scenario outcomes only! Own the wanting and let others and the Universe know who your desires. Think about the relationship to your desires and your freedoms. Know that owning the wanting and naming the wanting is a path towards full aliveness and joy. May all your birthday wishes come true!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.