Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius new moon
Jan 31 9:46PM PST / Feb 1 6:46AM CET / Feb 1 4:46PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Aquarius new moon reflections:
‘My friendships are a reflection of my relationship to myself’
Aquarius new moon blessings to you all. Due to personal reasons I will be relying solely on my community to guide you through this new moon, so will be leaving you in the trusting hands of Colin Bedell.
Kerry - Magic of I.
The world needs this New Moon in Aquarius. On the first day of the second month, the New Moon in Aquarius ushers in a new way of relating to the collective and relating to self. The New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st 2022 helps us find belonging with something greater than ourselves and the courage to stand alone.
When we talk about Aquarius, we’ll often talk about shared humanity, the collective, and group dynamics. We’ll talk about social justice, human rights, and the intersection between the social and political. When we talk about Aquarius, we also talk about the innovators, iconoclasts, and leaders who have a vision often ahead of their time. So how can this be so? It’s a struggle to find a sign as paradoxical as Aquarius and that’s why the world needs it.
Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung has said, “I falter before the task of finding the language which might adequately express the incalculable paradoxes of love.” The incalculable paradoxes of love…don’t we all? We falter before the massive mystery of expressing the incongruities, contradictions, and inconsistencies of love. So because it short circuits our nervous system, we can easily fall into the either/or. The Aquarius love paradox and the either/or might sound like, “Do I want to belong to this community or do I want my freedom? Do I have to toe the party lines and project the doctrine or do I have to be completely alone?” This is completely normal. More on that later. Jung also said, “Only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life.” Let us try under the New Moon in Aquarius to make peace with the paradox where we can. If that’s what we do at the minimum under this New Moon, then we’ve accomplished a great day.
On managing paradoxes, I struggle almost every single day with how passionately I should put some Astrology theories under a critical microscope because then I risk disconnection and excommunication from the industry that has given so much meaning to my life. I’m sure you have an Aquarius paradox like mine somewhere in your social system. From your marriage, to your family, friends, and/or coworkers, I’m sure there’s a space in your life where you know you need to speak up and examine some behaviors and ideas but you know it could place you in some serious hot water. This is the Aquarius tension. Of being an innovator or dissenter and connector, community facilitator.
So you can see this is why the world needs the New Moon in Aquarius. There is a space in your life which calls for critique, and creative questioning, and tough conversations with people who’d rather preserve the status quo. Do it anyway, compassionately. Maintain an open-mind and present your ideas with courage.
I started to really understand the Aquarius paradox when I read Dr. Brene Brown’s book “Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and The Courage To Stand Alone” when it was first published in 2017. Just one year after one of the most historically divisive presidential election years in American history, Dr. Brown’s book was an answered pray and instruction on how to make sense of what was happening now, how we got here, and what to do about it. I’m almost positive Dr. Brown is an Astrology skeptic and yet she wrote the bible on Aquarius themes in “Braving The Wilderness”.
The central theory on belonging is “True belonging is the spiritual practice of believing in and belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness. True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.”
And so we can see the Aquarius theme really animated here when she writes, “belonging to yourself so deeply that you can share your most authentic self with the world and find sacredness in both being a part of something and standing alone in the wilderness.” Finding the meaning behind being a part of something and standing alone is the Aquarius assignment for us today. It’s not an either/or. It’s a both/and.
What amazed me, and I honesty never saw coming, was the fact that the more I questioned outdated and evidence uniformed practices with Astrology, yes - I ruffled some feathers in high places AND a wonderful coalition of thinkers and friends supported me to speak anyway. So in the same act, I found both the courage to stand alone and the connections which supported me to do it. I don’t know if I’m coming close to finding the language to express the paradox of love but it did help me realize that the most important people in my life will consistently, imperfectly support my autonomy, freedom of thought, and curiosity towards the truth. It was both painful because some of the critiques against my thinking were really just personal attacks, but breathtaking to see how others came to my defence and almost whispered at me “...say it even louder with your whole chest.”
What Aquarius’ polar opposite sign Leo teaches me is that no act of courage goes unrewarded by the Universe and so if you need to be courageous and stand alone, know that you will be supported and rewarded in this effort. I promise you that.
May the New Moon in Aquarius help you find the missing half of the paradox. May you find both the glory of belonging to a support system that provides you with meaningful belonging and may you find the bravery that arrives when you realize you spoke your truth compassionate with your whole heart and chest. May your friendships be based on shared values, not common enemy intimacy. And may you have the time, space, and freedom to explore, innovate, dissent, and question whatever needs to be. The world needs this New Moon in Aquarius. And the New Moon in Aquarius needs you.
New Moon Aquarius at 12° 19’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
New Moon: My friendships are a reflection of my relationship to myself
The Spice Girls once said, “If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends.” There’s something about the five iconic British women who screamed “Girl power! And positivity!” to the world in the nineties that makes me think of Aquarius. How different personalities can cohesively join together to make something bigger than themselves and bring a collective in union by demanding, “Spice up your life!”
The Spice Girls once said, “If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends.” There’s something about the five iconic British women who screamed “Girl power! And positivity!” to the world in the nineties that makes me think of Aquarius. How different personalities can cohesively join together to make something bigger than themselves and bring a collective in union by demanding, “Spice up your life!”
This New Moon in Aquarius is a reflection on our vision, hope, and progress for a girl power and positivity fuelled future while we get clear on how our collaborative efforts and friendships will help us take a stand for that vision right now. “Friendship” is quite the complex system, isn’t it? Unlike family, professional, and romantic/intimate systems of relating, where we can sometimes feel bound to them because of compliance and contract, friendship has very little, if any, of that. I find the closeness between friends and the motivation behind why people choose to call each other “friend” a fascinating inquiry.
Speaking of vision and friendship, Aquarius of course has much to instruct us on related to the energy of close platonic ties. I once heard North Node in Aquarius Marianne Williamson say, “If you want to transform the quality of your relationships, make your friendships more romantic, and your romances more friendly.” And when I heard it, I thought I heard the church bells go off because I knew Marianne just bottom-lined the DNA of Aquarius and their exceptional relational skills in one sentence. If you to bring a new vision to your friendships and to yourself this New Moon in Aquarius, make your friendships more romantic and your romances more friendly. In other words, bring the friendship ethic of kindness, appropriate expectations, levity, and curiosity to the high stakes ecosystem of romantic relationships. And bring the appreciation, depth, care, and affection that is theoretically present in romantic relationships to your friendships. In that way, you’re learning how to be intimate in non intimate relationships and skill-building your character for intimacy in intimate ones. That’s what high-minded Aquairus energy does so well in that they treat most, if not all, with an impeccable manner of interaction. Nobody’s more or less special than anyone. So Aquarius in its most glorious sense treats everyone with the golden rule and that’s why they’re never at a shortage for friends. They never meet a stranger.
The highlight of this New Moon in Aquarius is its close conjunction with ties that bind Saturn in Aquarius. Reflect critically on what makes you feel valued and who you value in your friendship circle. Consider how you can bring more romanticism to friendships by simply being a person who makes others feel like they’re the most interesting person in the room. Perhaps you can graciously let go of friendships that aren’t compatible with the person you’re becoming and have faith that in the space you’ve cleared the Universe will bring you the friendships you deserve. Saturn wants both responsibility and accountability in order to create foundation for the most meaningful friendships. May that be yours. And remember, spice up your f%king life!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Are you giving what you’re hoping to receive, Aries? The New Moon in Aquarius asks for a thoughtful balance between receiving care, affection, and attention in friendships and giving it away. Perhaps you have to gently call a friend in and get clear on your expectations for friendships so they can know how to get along even better with you. You deserve the most supportive community.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
It takes a village, Taurus. The New Moon in Aquarius helps you see which people are invested in your highest level of professional outcomes. Your competence and skills have been proven. Now you’re being asked to increase your relational intelligence and relationship quality on/around your workplace so that you can receive support and give it away to your colleagues.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Bon voyage, Gemini! The New Moon in Aquarius is taking you to a new country, campus, or space that helps you have as many “Ah-ha!” moments as possible. You’ll be a student of another culture or academic setting to help you bridge the space between your knowledge gap. Don’t be afraid to ask other people questions and have them help you across that bridge.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Get comfortable with discomfort, Cancer! The New Moon in Aquarius helps you level up your grit and perseverance in tricky places that might bring up shame, fear, and other emotions we’d rather not deal with head on. You have all that it takes to move towards what you’re afraid of and you’ll be rewarded significantly by how much tenacity you have in the unknown.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites do attract, Leo! The New Moon in Aquarius helps you understand the value of a differing, competing, and oppositional energy in your life. Yes it’s annoying because you’d rather rule the kingdom but this New Moon helps you incorporate a legitimacy with your liability. A proclivity of theirs that complements a vulnerability of yours. Stay humble and adaptable!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Start small, Virgo! The New Moon in Aquarius encourages you to commit to the habit you want by starting small. Don’t bite off more than you can chew! Whether its mindfulness, something more physical, spiritual or anywhere in between, take the first small step and watch in amazement how the Universe will help you habit-stack and compound those behaviors in divine time.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Courage thy name is Libra! The New Moon in Aquarius wants you to express an emotion, desire, hope, fear, and/or longing to a listener who genuinely needs to hear it. Yes it’ll be vulnerable and a bit scary; but if you want to play, you gotta pay. And if you wanna play in big ways, you can’t escape the feelings you feel in the face of risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy homecoming, Scorpio! The New Moon in Aquarius reconnects you to the people and places that keep your heart safe. You’ll be thinking about emotional safety more carefully and how you’ll need to express the feeling with detail and accuracy in order to feel at home within yourself. May you find the home you’re looking for and the people who feel like family!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Put the “commune” in communication, Sagittarius! The New Moon in Aquarius wants you to regulate any parallel monologues in communication that sound like, “I talk. You talk.” Instead, interface the communication with dialogue, open-ended questions, and a conversation that makes another person feel like they’re the most interesting person. You’ll skill build your communication habits and feel good in the process!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What is “Security” in times like this, Capricorn? The New Moon in Aquarius wants you to ground down, even while the ground is moving, by actively clarifying and committing to your values. Think of 2 words that help guide righteous living. Then, situate the behavior that helps you live into those values. There’s no security like knowing you’re exactly who you say you are and your life proves it.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Solar Return, Aquarius! This New Moon wants all your birthday wishes. Be specific, fearless, and courageous in owning the wanting for all you declare in the new year. Then, listen very carefully for the direction you receive in sight, image, sound, and feeling. Let the Universe speak through your intuition so that you might manifest all you dream of in the months ahead.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time to let go, Pisces. The New Moon in Aquarius wants your humble intentions for surrendering all the habits, behaviors, and thinking-traps that prevent you from becoming the highest and brightest version of yourself. Offer personal and relational forgiveness and apology as a miraculous two-fold approach that gives you the cosmic companionship to begin again.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
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