Leo Full Moon

Leo Full Moon
February 8th 11:33PM PST / February 9th 6:33PM AESTMoonthly Theme:
Vision, Hope and Progress
Leo full moon reflection:
‘The world is my stage to bravely shine my light, love is the answer’
"And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.” - Ragnar Håbjørn
Happy Leo full moon. This full moon is a release point and will shine light on the things that light us up and what needs to be released to make way for following only which is true to our hearts.
I’ve personally been in a bit of a funk lately, and tossed up whether to write anything at all... but this is my truth right now regardless of what appearances I think I 'should' keep or what I 'should' be doing, especially if in service of others.
We are all meant to have our shit together all of the time, right? Especially in the land of social media. NO. And I'm a big advocator of being honest about that, even when it feels extremely vulnerable. So I will keep it short and sweet and go back to my incubated bubble while I navigate things that are being highlighted in my own life. Oh the gifts of full moons.
If you have been in a bit of a void lately, use this moon like a spotlight through the dark, not with your eyes but with your heart. Drop into the body, out of the mind and feel from the centre of your chest what decisions and directions feel like in the body. What feels good, what feels pleasurable, what inspires you, what does your heart say yes to, and no to? If it is not a yes, its not a yes.
Go where your heart leads you and be open for something new. However is not a time to let others opinions shape your experience, this is all about you crafting your reality with bravery and persistence in being uniquely you. We are supported in using our heart discernment.
I love what Adriana Ayales writes:
"Full moon in Leo peaking tonight is reminding us at how imperative it is to master our own frequency and intention rather than absorbing energetics imprints of everyone else.
This moon is a divine invitation to tune into you heart’s intelligence, and abolish old programming that contributes to low self worth. Our heart coherence is directly connected to our emotional states. And attuning to core heart feelings (love, appreciation, compassion) down-regulate the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).” - Andriana Ayales
“If you’re not programming yourself, someone else is. Many souls at this time are experiencing a shift in frequency and moving toward their destiny. Where there was once self doubt now is a strong call to service and a sense of being on purpose. Once you master your home frequency (the vibration of who you really are), the universe will constantly bring you experiences and relationships that are a match. You will be able to move through life effortlessly, rather than constantly working and endlessly towards, trying to manifest things and control the hologram.” - Maryam Hasnaa
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Leo 20°0’
Astrologer Evelyn Von Zuel from Astrom Council says:
The world requires we all step fully into our courage right now and to lay down anxiety of the unknown. Acknowledge, of course how you feel and act it out with gratitude and grit but remember that the act of expression is a healing modality in and of itself. Scorpio and Taurean types would say otherwise, that to retreat within and heal from inside is just well and good but consider how small acts of kindness and gratitude towards others opens us up to seeing those outside of ourselves with a refreshed vision.
A reflection of self is what the world around you becomes during the Full Moon. We see parts of ourselves in the those we interact with on a mundane, daily level. Take the grocery store clerk for example. You have seen them day in and day out, don’t remember their name but their face is familiar. Sometimes they seem frustrated other times apathetic but most of the time they are cheerful. Does their mood ever make you question your own? When someone rings you up and isn’t as nice as they normally are, does it make you wonder if you did something wrong (Libra) or if they are being flat out rude (Aries)? Reaching out of yourself in that moment to offer a compliment erases the doubt as if a veil is lifted, their face lightens up and the discomfort they were previously experiencing seems to melt away. Not only does it melt away in their being, but it also melts away within you.
It takes guts to release the ego, especially in the moment of an argument. The desire to be right and ‘win’ can take over like a virus, humbling only when our soap box has been kicked out from under our feet. Only after we have fallen to our knees does the fermentation hit us. The slow boiling point of ego death is a most embarrassing moment, when all our follies are on display to the world, the important process of alchemy begins. Ruled by the Sun itself our giver of life, the lion has much to be proud of. The royal and regal lion who prides itself on greatness is most susceptible to the crushing realities of shame. It doesn’t matter what sign your sun is placed in, we all have a relationship to these Leonic themes. We are all susceptible to embarrassment, the difference is in how we handle it. During the Full Moon in Leo we are being offered a chance to recognize our humility, to be a part of the fermentation process that often brings redness to the cheeks.
This Leo Full Moon at 20°0’ is represented under the Sabien Symbol which appropriately reads: Intoxicated Chickens Dizzily Flap Their Wings Trying To Fly
We have an out of bounds Mars floating around in Sagittarius at 25° playing a role in this Full Moon chart. The desire for freedom outweighs the needs for the collective. We hear a lot of cries of “fake news” which makes it difficult to trust any of the chicken littles making these claims. In the throes of chaos comes the potential for implanted fear. Leo rules the gut, listen to it, if a news headline doesn’t feel right, it might not be. We cannot trust the information we are receiving from politically funded news sources is for the benefit of the masses. Doctors however have no political agenda. Those who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of society tend to have society in mind and become whistleblowers for the collective.
Mercury at 8° in Pisces is making a harmonious aspect to the dragon head and tail, the North and South node of the Moon. This configuration opens us up to receive divine messages that allows us to see the bigger picture. We communicate on a psychic level when Mercury is in Pisces so don’t be surprised if you hear “I was just thinking about that!” more and more.
Venus just entered Aries and is at 1° conjunct Lilith, a lot of themes regarding femme sexual rights comes to mind. Freedom for Love to reign as it deems fit even if it means being selfish about it. The dark femme energy as warrior Aries emerges to claim its rights back.
Our Sun is in detriment in the sign of Aquarius, meaning it is in the opposite sign that it rules so the reflections are big right now. Welcome rosy cheeks as an act of initiation during this Full Moon in Leo, release any childhood wounds regarding early ego damage. Go back to the moments when you first felt embarrassed, does that story line still run a chord to your present-day life in any way? Release the tension within so you may openly express your inner joy. Do one act of random kindness for someone you normally wouldn’t socialize with, see yourself in all beings and all beings in you.
Full Moon Leo Mantras
I welcome embarrassment as a humbling act towards greatness
I have the power to affect change in my community
My voice rings in every ear willing to listen
My voice lays silent in those not meant to hear me
I radiate joy and loving compassion
I am the reflection of the Universe
- Evelyn Von Zuel www.Astromcouncil.com
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2020 Astrological Planner.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.