Aquarius New Moon

Aquarius New Moon
January 24th 1:41PM PST / January 25th 8:41AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Vision, Hope and Progress
Aquarius new moon reflection:
‘Belief in my ideal vision for our future together makes it all possible’
"Visioning the future if just from the mind and intellect are great ideas, but visioning from the heart-mind, are great movements towards alignment, inclusion and utopia."
The first new moon of 2020. We are entering a new perspective and a new moon cycle, leaving behind what has been a big month so far for many. Our worlds have been shaken awake with changes that need to be made to our governments and structures and how we live on this earth.
We have been made aware of what is not in true integrity. We have survived through flames that burnt away everything that is no longer working, revealing the bare truth of our situation. It has not been an easy energy to navigate for many. Capricorn and the Saturn Pluto conjunction in the eclipse season intensity has revealed to us truths that many have not wanted to turn and face until now.
We are changing and the cosmic hands of time say there is no more to spare, and that our evolution is of utmost importance. Relationships have fallen apart, forests have burned, ideals have crumbled, leaders have failed, to lay bare new ground we must vision a rising from.
If you are feeling it, be gentle. Let fear move through and out of the body, it is of no service now. Kindness, compassion and comfortability in the unknown is our nurturing, as we work towards what we desire.
We may find ourselves asking, what is my contribution to the world? And what is the work I need to do to make that happen?
When we are in times of change and are carving our own way through the world, we will often come up against barriers telling us it cannot be done that way. And sometimes these road blocks are louder than ever, signifying the desperate grasps of an old world and beliefs, holding on for dear life as it slowly succumbs to the new.
Old rules, laws and structures may feel tighter, louder and harder than ever, because in truth the patriarchal ways of our world are losing their grip. And if it is not our governments and societies that are finding these new ways, it is our earth. The great mother will do as she needs to do to regain balance. And so it is.
The water bearers are here bringing their gifts of electrifying higher mind and visions for a greater world. Aquarius reminds us not to be limited by our beliefs. To not be afraid to carve our own way. To kindly say to those that don't agree, ‘Thank you, I appreciate you and your contribution, but I am going my own way’.
The Aquarius and Leo axis (polarising energies) when in balance operate from a place of being in the heart with the capacity to see into the future, to see where we are all headed, and to ignite inspiration in others to be excited about the possibilities of change. It is not just about intellect and great vision. When we combine the higher mind with the heart or heart-mind we have have the embodiment of new world thought leaders with a focus on community, who have the courage to carve their own paths, and the compassion and understanding to inspire others to do the same.
Visioning the future if just from the mind and intellect are great ideas, but visioning from the heart-mind, are great movements towards alignment, inclusion and utopia.
What does your utopia look like to you? Do you believe you can get there? What lies in the way within yourself of not believing in your ideal vision? There will always be a list of challenges and issues to face while we work on our visions together, but without belief and inspiration from those that do truly believe in a better world, what do we have?
Belief in your ideal vision is the very first step to making it possible, there will be times where you trip and fall and lose faith, but get back up, put in the work, and make it happen. For without action (fire) there is no dance to freedom, there are only hopes and dreams that it will just arrive on our doorstep.
This is a beautiful time to get in touch with what deeply inspires you, to dream about what you love and to make a plan of action. It is time to work on the vision for our future and their structures.
The shift from Capricorn earth to Aquarius air moves some of the heaviness we have been experiencing for us to vision quest together.
Use your heart intelligence as guidance, and when you get stuck in whirling thoughts, remember to come back into the now, back into the heart and breathe deeply. Feel with your truth navigator.
Vision from that space. The heart knows best.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon in Aquarius 4° 21’
Astrologer Evelyn Von Zuel from Astrom Council says:
Congratulations to all! We faired the torrential cosmic weather of last week well. We took a big hit with the Full Moon Cancer Eclipse on January 11/10th and now the eclipse wave is receding from the shores. Do you feel more confident to move ahead now that there is room to breath? Mercury is now in Aquarius; our minds are free to explore the unwarranted and wacky possibilities of an ideal outcome. Our imaginations roam and consider solutions to previous problems that were too difficult to swallow before. If you can think it, you can create it. Lovely Venus is graced high on a pedestal, swimming in a dreamy Piscean state towards a conjunction with Neptune. Nostalgia, the 6 of cups, lost loves, getting swept in a sea of musical bubbles can make for a nice reprieve from the intensity of the previous weeks. Venus is exalted in Pisces for her ability to express pure, unconditional love and she grants this to all who are open to receive. Saturn is now 1 degree away from the Pluto conjunction, waning from the immense tension that these two planets create. The conjunction, as we know is a moment when a seed is planted so we are not finished with these two, however we now have more insight and clarity. Moving into the air element from earth can feel like a window has been suddenly opened in a stuffy room. Our thoughts are carried further than the tips of our noses and travel beyond what we can see. Aquarius, an electric sign who is keen on networking opens the pathways of communication.
The New Moon falls on January 25th - 24th depending on your location in Aquarius at 4°21’. Our beautiful mother moon is met with the father sun yet again to turn the wheel of time one notch forward. The friendship moon is when we rekindle and clear out any cobwebs with friends and make collaborative efforts with people in the community. What is community? Many of us crave this experience, of being in a network of people who share the same values and goals. Finding these things should be easier than before with the advent of the internet and the plethora of social networking platforms but we sometimes find it difficult to come to terms that we can be pigeonholed into a category by doing this. The Chiron in Aries wound that we are all navigating currently is about self-identity.
Who Am I Though?
This New Moon is a perfect time to channel those radical, utopian dreams of your perfect community. Imagine what it would look like, how the dynamics of the people would play out. Manifesting isn’t just about generating wealth and physical gain but about actively using your mental powers to fashion the reality that suits you. Have you ever had the synchronistic experience of thinking about someone and then receiving a text from them immediately after? It’s actually a real and valid way of communicating! Practice psychic communication with your friends, play around with sending each other images and messages with your thoughts. The Sun is in Aquarius until February 19th which gives ample time to explore the collective subconscious realm. There’s a reason Aquarius is likened to telepathic alien experiences, and its
ability to channel other dimensions through creative and artistic outlets is one of them. The tarot card The Star is associated with this anomalous sign emphasizing the process of channeling down our highest hopes and wishes from the firmament.
New Moon Aquarius Themes
Conscious clarity
Efforts towards collaboration
Freedom from judgement
Revolution of values
Channeled Inspiration
- Evelyn Von Zuel
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2020 Astrological Planner.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.