Gemini Full Moon

Gemini full moon
Dec 7 8:08PM PST / Dec 8 5:08AM CET / Dec 8 3:08PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Gemini full moon illumination:
‘Words are spells and I activate my power with the words I choose to use’
This Gemini full moon brings a fiery ignition from its melt into a retrograde Mars.
With some potential surprising revisits to themes from the past, it's clear that communication and tongues are a key focus this full moon.
How are your dreams? Take note as Neptune works intangible magic after a long stint in retrograde dance, whose forgotten tendrils are now starting to creep back into consciousness.
Tempers may be short and reactionary this moon, but with awareness we can navigate the fire-air territory with precision, and still be completely honest.
The timing of constructed communication is everything, with Saturn being a key support to this Gemini moon, and our communication god Mercury moving into Saturn's realm of Capricorn.
Organised thoughts and communication can transform through the flames of a potentially frustrated Mars when time is allowed for them to form, rather than be spat out with a forked, fiery tongue.
Mind your words, they are powerful and can hit different this moon. Use them to your advantage for progress rather than demise. This includes the stories we tell ourselves.
Not an easeful illumination, but one that can be ultimately healing if old ways are not adhered to.
Keep cycling forward on the tail wind of the centaurs arrow.
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Gemini at 16° 01’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I don’t like to get too biblical too early, but since I’m writing this at the Vatican and musing on The Full Moon in Gemini, I’m thinking of, “In the beginning, there was the Word” (John 1:1). Gemini is the beginning of the Word. After we have Aries giving us life and Taurus giving us the body, Gemini gives the us the Word. I think Words are both given too much primacy and undervalued. The Gemini paradox strikes! Carl Jung calls the paradox "the greatest witness to truth", and I think the paradox witnesses this.
You see, I think we value the mind/Word at the expense of the body, spirit, and heart. And I don’t think we spend enough time talking about talking in real time. I think most of us are unprepared to talk and listen effectively in life-defining moments. We either say too much, and derail the focus of the moment, or we say too little and wonder what would’ve happened if we were braver, sooner. That’s what I mean by, "we don’t talk enough about what it means to talk in real time." We don’t talk enough about how having access to a well timed, “I’m so sorry my behaviors hurt your feelings” or “so what I’m hearing you say is [XY+Z], did I get that right?” could open up immeasurable pathways to love, forgiveness, second chances, and closure.
The highest expression of Gemini is the cognitive imperative to recognize those moments as they’re happening and use the power of language and listening to live into connection. That’s why, as the introduction of humanity in the zodiac is symbolized by The Twins, Gemini appears in partnership. Here we can interpret that Gemini leverages the power of the Word to secure what we are all neurologically hardwired for: connection, partnership, and relationship.
Of course we are both hurt and connected by behavior, but I also think we’re comparably hurt and connected by the words we did or didn’t say. That’s the focus of this Full Moon. It’s exact conjunction to Mars Retrograde in Gemini echoes this idea, since the Sun is also opposing Mars and reinstating the value of using our cognition and communication skills effectively in conflict, perhaps to find our way back to each other. Because, as the Gottman Institute explains, conflict can be a bridge to greater closeness or polarization, depending on how we communicate across fundamental personal differences.
So that’s what this Full Moon will give us progress towards. Maybe this is the Gemini stellium speaking in me, but I think the most valuable decisions we can make are in improving the quality of our communication skills. Because none of us were born knowing how to do it, and it probably wasn’t modeled to us as well as we deserved either. So let the Full Moon be the moment when you make that decision, and remember that when you expand your language, your Universe expands too!

Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Expand your vocabulary, Aries! The Full Moon in Gemini wants you to reframe your approach to language, listening, and using your words at the right time. You’re more of an actions-oriented sign and this Full Moon wants you to complement that strength with specific words so that others can see and hear why you’re doing what you’re doing.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What do you value, Taurus? The Full Moon in Gemini reminds you that nobody’s a mindreader; not even you. You’ll want to communicate what your values are to others, so they can understand why you choose specific behaviors. Need a little clarity on your values? Choose two under the Full Moon and then try to live into them daily.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
Need a lil' reset, Gemini? The annual Full Moon in your sign helps you leverage this check-in to step into your identity by owning, naming, and pursuing exactly who you want to be, what you want to do, and who you want to do it with. This is your moment to claim greater aliveness by expressing your desires to yourself and others.

Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time for closure, Cancer. The Full Moon in Gemini wants you to let go of all the limiting beliefs, habits, and relationships that hold you back from stepping into the highest and brightest version of yourself. Closure is a gift you can give to yourself if you’re willing to do the brave, vulnerable, messy, and beautiful work to make it happen.

Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Collaborate, Leo! The Full Moon in Gemini connects you to the people, comrades, and friends that share your values. You’re a phenomenal leader and you’re also a wonderful receiver of direction. This Full Moon inspires you to step up and delicately step back when appropriate so the nature of the collaboration determines the outcome.

Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
You’re a thought leader, Virgo! This Full Moon in Gemini inspires you to realize you have an incredible idea, strategy, message or thought that needs to be put out there somewhere. It’ll be a bit nervewracking to be “seen” in this way, but the Full Moon wants you stand in the moonlight so you can be seen as the brilliant strategist you already are!

Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Change of mind, Libra? This Full Moon in Gemini reinforces one of your core strengths which is “the pivot”. You’re changing your mind in a big way because of an adventure or education you just completed. You’re introducing yourself to others who might be used to an older version of you, but your Libra soul is ready to be brand new.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
The mind is an undervalued sexual organ, Scorpio! The Full Moon in Gemini strengthens your pursuit of intimacy by reconnecting you to your imagination and how both communication along with active-listening strengthens the quality of your experience. From there, your somatic and emotional experiences will skyrocket!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites really do attract, Sag! The Full Moon in Gemini invites a new dynamic, deepens the ones you’re in and/or completes a relationship based on how you all leverage fundamental differences between you. You’ll learn an immeasurable amount about who you are and the kind of person you want to become from these differences!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Mindfulness is key, Capricorn! The Full Moon in Gemini wants you to complete a chapter by introducing a bit more mindfulness to your life. I think if we’re all honest with ourselves, we’d realize the moments we regret most are the moments we weren’t paying close attention. This Full Moon inspires you to bring the best of your cognition and attention to your life!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Reveal, don’t conceal Aquarius! The Full Moon in Gemini dispels the myth of Aquarius as emotionally detached and showcases the best of your courage. You have a big feeling, hope, thought, and/or fear that the Universe wants you to bravely express to someone (or many people!) who genuinely need to hear it. So reveal, don’t conceal!

Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Name your feels as you’re feeling them, Pisces! The Full Moon in Gemini inspires you to identify and communicate what you’re feeling, as you’re feeling it in order to feel at home within yourself. It’s a bit of a challenge, I know - but it’s what the Full Moon is deeming necessary for you to do in order to have the most wholehearted life.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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