Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn new moon
Dec 23 2:17AM PST / Dec 23 11:17AM CET / Dec 23 9:17PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Capricorn new moon reflections:
‘I envision a new world that is just, fair and equanimous for all beings’
The final moon of 2022.
As we cross over the solstice when the Sun moves into Capricorn, light starts to return in the north, and the days slowly slink shorter in the south. But the depths of the seasons have yet to reveal themselves.
The Capricorn new moon wraps up the year with a space for us to reflect on all that we have achieved, what has and has not worked, to clear out and make space for new structures to support our dreams and goals. This may take time and it's important to feel into when that is right for you.
As a Solstice baby born on the cusp (29º Sag), I am keeping it short as I celebrate my solar return, but have left some Capricornian advice below for whittling down all those goals into what is most important for your hearts.
Solstice, new moon and cyclical blessings to you all.
New Moon Capricorn at 01° 32’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I think what’s very universal (but somehow people think it’s just them) is the fear we feel, the anticipatory rejection or disappointment, or the failure we project before we even try. I remember how debilitated I was after I admitted I wanted to become an Astrologer “publicly” because I couldn’t help but feel that something I wanted so badly wouldn’t want me. So the first few months of my career were filled with anxiety, panic, and dread. And I know I’m not the only one who fears climbing that mountain, taking the first step towards a dream, because of anticipatory rejection or failure. To armor up, we stay kneeling on the ground. We stay in the comfortable, risk-averse, familiar, and known. Because we’d rather not try, than fail. I get it. “Capricorn” doesn’t.
So, hopefully you can feel less shame and guilt for these feelings. One of the most powerful outcomes of Astrology is how we can normalize what needs to be normalized. Let us normalize the fear we feel when we begin a new goal, relationship, or endeavor. Let us also lean on practicing critical-awareness around the stories we tell ourselves in these amateur phases, the humility to identify incorrect choices, the intelligence to consider alternative approaches, and the resilience to start again. Over and over again. The bravery to begin. The courage to commence.
I’m organizing my thoughts around these points because the New Moon in Capricorn is squaring Jupiter in Aries, dispelling the myth we tell ourselves that sounds like “I thought it was just me?” Nope! It’s universal. Same day, Chiron retrograde ends and moves direct in Aries, helping us leverage the willingness to begin again and again. Relationally, Venus in commitment focused Capricorn will trine Uranus in Taurus as well, helping us change our stance in relationships so that we can have a surprising new dance in the dynamic. Perhaps you can initiate more positive regard and proactive positive interpretations about why people do what they do while holding boundaries for protection and connection.
Take the first step towards climbing whatever mountain has appeared to you while reading this. Normalize how terrifying it is and tell yourself, “This is what being brave feels like. If I’m growing and learning, I’m living. This is the mountain I’ll climb to get to the top.” May this New Moon give you the grit, bravery, and courage to reach the mountaintop.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Who’s the boss, Aries? You of course! The New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on the new leadership opportunities in your current Rome and possible self-employment dreams too. You’re feeling braver and more ready than ever to take those steps towards becoming the highest professional expression and this New Moon wants to help!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Having an epiphany, Taurus? The Moon in Capricorn helps you consider the many other possibilities especially informed by the learnings of the last six months. New vision, strategy, and learning is asking to be applied. Especially if you’re considering going back to school or traveling as a means for horizon expansion which will help you change what needs to be changed!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Go deeper, Gemini! The New Moon in Capricorn is asking you to take relationships to more intimate places through more self-disclosure (on your part!) and thoughtful, empathetic curiosity into the deeper dimensions of others. You already know how conversations can change a dynamic so let your language and listening skills create more meaning in relationships.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites do (annoyingly) attract, Cancer! The New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on how to relate across difference. Connect across contrast. It’s hard to be confronted by someone’s differences, but it could inspire you to leverage your strengths and heal your liabilities in thinking and emotions. This is your prime time to tell the Universe the kind of romance you want to give AND receive as well!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Take a small step, Leo! The New Moon in Capricorn doesn’t want you to research the mountaintop. It does want you to reach to the first rock, whatever that is. You’ll want to take a small step towards a major goal in a big way that you’ll be able to cultivate momentum with and eventually habit-stack so fast you’ll be rapidly getting closer to the mountain top. This is the New Moon to declare your intentions for all personal development outcomes and start slowly making it happen.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Courage, Virgo! This New Moon in Capricorn helps you stay standing when you’re expressing your emotions, hopes, fears and desires. You’ll be reintroduced to yourself while you self-disclose. Yes it’ll be very uncomfortable, but you’ll be finding a sense of bravery and even beauty in the life defining moments of expressing your inner self.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy housewarming, Libra! This New Moon in Capricorn is inviting you to imagine a new home(s) and a vision for family. Whether that’s chosen family or of origin; you’ll be noticing big beginnings in some of the most tender places in your life. You’ll also be asked to name, normalize, and communicate what you’re feeling as you’re feeling it to get in touch with your sensitive soul.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
A little structure in speech goes a long way, Scorpio! This New Moon in Capricorn touches on a growing edge of yours, and that’s verbal communication. You’ll want to introduce more structure in your communication to create closeness and understanding. Additionally, you’ll want to share your intentions with the Universe on how you’re willing to expand your world by expanding your language and listening skills.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What does safety mean to you, Sag? This New Moon in Capricorn inspires you to create a context of security - personal, relational, and financial - through approaching life with more integrity, discipline, impulse control, and grit. With a little more resilience, you’ll be able to step into a sense of security that provides you with the inner peace you deserve.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
Make a wish, Capricorn! This annual New Moon in your sign is the moment to tell the Universe your best case scenario outcomes for the new year. Be as brave and specific as possible while you answer this three clause question, “Who do I want to be, to do what I want to do, and have this?” From there - be, do, have - you’re setting yourself up for incredible achievements.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Time to rest, Aquarius. The New Moon in Capricorn reminds you that the month before Aquarius Season is your time off. This is your intention setting day for rest, retreat, closure and healing. Think about all you want to let go of in order to become the person you want to be and then get very intentional about listening to the guidance you receive so you can take inspired action.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Friendship is everything to you, Pisces. This New Moon in Capricorn connects you to the community, the friends, and comrades that help you feel valued and cherished. Additionally, if you’ve wanted to change your relationship to friendship, this is the moment to give over your friendship strategies to the Universe so it can help you reinterpret the ways it wants you to connect with community.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.