Gemini Full Moon

Gemini full moon
Dec 18 8:35PM PST / Dec 19 3:35PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Gemini full moon illumination:
‘I am not my thoughts which are fleeting, I remain curious, I release stagnant mindsets’
The last full moon of 2021. Congratulations for making it this far in one of the most bizarre years I have experienced yet.
This full moon has a big energy, with the sun in the closing degrees of Sagittarius in communion with Jupiter who is also trining the moon.
Especially as we lead up to the final exact Saturn Uranus square on the 23/24th of December (1º away currently), which is the last pass of these two archetypes squaring off around foundations, structure, governance vs freedom, non-conformism, activism and evolution. They come close again in 2022 but it's not an exact meetup so there will be echos of what we have traversed this year, however overall very different.
The Sun in Sagittarius is yearning for it’s full potential of enjoyment and adventure to be expressed. The moon in Gemini wants connection, conversation and mental stimulation, both expanded by Jupiter. No doubt the themes of connection and domestic travel are at the forefront of many minds right now, and there are waves of intensity that will be brought to the surface by the brightness of the Gemini full moon around the possibilities.
We currently navigate who can/is/able to meet/connect/converse, and what types of conversations will be had based on a full year’s worth of experience? Can we turn away from the past if talk or perceptions stagnate and shift conversations to what we dream of moving forward? Follow what feels alive and inspiring and keep this as your mantra.
I want to mention that it’s perfectly ok to not feel festive, it’s been a big year and this time of year alone can bring up a lot of stuff. So go gentle and find joy in the little things, with the all importance of balance.
As for me on a personal note, I am content but tired. I miss my family and it is still unknown when I can see them, which just seems absolutely insane. But I can sense something on the other side which keeps curiosity high and inspiration flowing.
What a ride it has been, thank you for being here and sharing it with us.
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Gemini at 27° 28’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I always appreciated how Gemini is the introduction of humanity and humanity appears in connection as the sign of the twins. Seeing “Gemini” symbolically, we can simply say - none of us are meant to do “this” alone. Seeing humanity scientifically, we are neurobiologically hardwired for connection. We’re a social species. We thrive in the presence of meaningful belonging. In the absence of connection, there is significant cardiovascular and cognitive decline.
This Full Moon’s Moonthly theme helps us remain curious - which is the prerequisite for connection - and also release stagnant mindsets. Just the day after the Full Moon in Gemini, relational Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th 2022. And so let us consider the instruction of the Full Moon in preparation for that. So let us situate the stagnant mindsets we have that prevent meaningful connection with others. First, we can strike the absolutes from our repertoire entirely; they always, they never. Then we can liberate ourselves from a mindset that sees ourselves and others as one-dimensional. Since two is Gemini’s magic number and perhaps even the third space between. Given the dangerous polarization in our culture today which thrives off us seeing humanity as one-dimensional - “I’m right, you’re not. Shut up.” - let us curiously commit to seeing others as multidimensional beings.
This is a Gemini influenced perception because the Gemini story is a love story. Between two fraternal twins. So right here, we have a theme of: connection across contrast. Connection with “the other”. And their story holds the three most common relational stages: harmony, disharmony, repair. The twins lost sight of one another and then they reunited in the Gemini constellations above us until time fades into eternity. Now how do we repair? How do we reunite under the Full Moon in Gemini? We begin by catching thoughts which increase polarization and one-dimensional analysis so we can choose different ones entirely. Then, we harness the best of Gemini mutable air energy and see our dialogic skills as a prerequisite for connection. We can begin to find our way back to each other in a dialogic conversation by making sure we frame fifty percent of our communication with others as an open-ended question. That’s right! It’s as easy and different as that.
This Full Moon’s Moonthly theme helps us remain curious - which is the prerequisite for connection - and also release stagnant mindsets. Just the day after the Full Moon in Gemini, relational Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th 2022. And so let us consider the instruction of the Full Moon in preparation for that. So let us situate the stagnant mindsets we have that prevent meaningful connection with others. First, we can strike the absolutes from our repertoire entirely; they always, they never. Then we can liberate ourselves from a mindset that sees ourselves and others as one-dimensional. Since two is Gemini’s magic number and perhaps even the third space between. Given the dangerous polarization in our culture today which thrives off us seeing humanity as one-dimensional - “I’m right, you’re not. Shut up.” - let us curiously commit to seeing others as multidimensional beings.
This is a Gemini influenced perception because the Gemini story is a love story. Between two fraternal twins. So right here, we have a theme of: connection across contrast. Connection with “the other”. And their story holds the three most common relational stages: harmony, disharmony, repair. The twins lost sight of one another and then they reunited in the Gemini constellations above us until time fades into eternity. Now how do we repair? How do we reunite under the Full Moon in Gemini? We begin by catching thoughts which increase polarization and one-dimensional analysis so we can choose different ones entirely. Then, we harness the best of Gemini mutable air energy and see our dialogic skills as a prerequisite for connection. We can begin to find our way back to each other in a dialogic conversation by making sure we frame fifty percent of our communication with others as an open-ended question. That’s right! It’s as easy and different as that.
The Moonthly theme is here to help too. We remain curious to “the other” the people across contrast by giving voice to our curiosities. Even if, especially if - we might disagree. Gemini teaches us that the determiner of a conversation’s success is not necessarily agreement, but understanding. We ask questions to understand. We connect through questions. We bond through twin mirroring and say. “So you feel (insert emotion here) about (topic) because (what the speaker just said); is that right?” And if others feel understood by us, they’re less likely to react defensively and more open to accepting influence. Nonviolent communication reminds us that words are windows not walls. Let us use our words as windows to see, know, and connect with others.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Listen up, Aries! The Full Moon in Gemini applies to your communication, active-listening, and word choice zone, helping you use your words carefully and listen thoughtfully to the language of others. Have an honest conversation with yourself about where you could stand to improve the quality of your communications habits and then try applying solution-oriented approaches quickly!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Ground down, Taurus! The Full Moon in Gemini lights up your somatic and embodiment sector helping you feel more centered to the wisdom of your body. It’ll also help you get more curious about thought-work related to financial freedom and the values that need to be applied. You’ll want to frame security as living into your values so commit to them and then apply the behavior which supports them!
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy half-birthday, Gemini! Your annual Full Moon is here and helping you connect more to your wantings, autonomy, and passion for more freedom in your life. Remember to feel the permission to own your newfound desires and then communicate them very carefully to the people who need to hear them. In the meantime between time, do everything that makes you happy!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s safe to let go now, Cancer. The Full Moon in Gemini is lighting up your completion zone and helping you declaw the crab claws a little bit so that you can release yourself from all the limiting beliefs, habits, and patterns that are holding you back from your highest level of joy. In that newfound space, I promise - more loving, joyful, and healthy things will manifest for you!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Call your girls, Leo! The Full Moon in Gemini is a social one helping you reunite with your ride-or-dies. You’re ready to reconnect with your friends and celebrate each other’s progress. You’re also thinking about letting go of some friendships that feel complete. So call in the most meaningful relationships and gratefully let go of the ones that aren’t enriching you the way you deserve!
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
You’re a superstar! Virgo! The Full Moon in Gemini is in your career sector and you’re thinking about and/or achieving major professional success. Focus on your communication techniques and how you’re languaging your best case scenario outcomes so that supportive people can help make it happen for you. May all your professional dreams come true and may you be uplifted by those around you!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Big picture, Libra! The Full Moon in Gemini is giving you new insight, vision, the chance to change circumstances by applying new vision around them. If you’ve been thinking about getting more education and/or safe exploration into your life, this Full Moon wants to give it to you. Remember to apply all the you learn quickly so that you can have the onward progress you deserve!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
“Eroticism” is of the mind, Scorpio! The Full Moon in Gemini helps you reframe your relationship to sexuality and eroticism with more imagination and cognition. Not frequency, performance; how long, how fast, how many. You’ll be imagining new ways of intimacy which work as a container that help you generate the kind of erotic outcomes you’re looking for!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Seek understanding, Sagittarius! The Full Moon in Gemini wants you to leverage the desire for being understood with the kind of language you need to seek understanding. If you also need to reexamine your boundaries and keep them firm or apply some flexibility, now’s the time to try that. Remember to ask open ended questions in an effort to seek more understanding!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
James Clear says that, “ don’t rise to level of your goals. You fail to the level of your systems.”, Capricorn. The Full Moon in Gemini is helping you understand the level of your systems and how you can think differently about them in order to achieve your goals. Remember to start small, not extreme. Protect your routines and rituals fiercely in order to maximize your wellbeing!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Reveal, don’t conceal Aquarius! The Full Moon in Gemini helps you self-disclose a major truth in a big way. You’re being asked to share something courageous with someone who needs to hear it. It’ll be a bit nerve racking and scary for sure but you’ll realize that no act of courage ever goes unrewarded by the Universe. So with that in mind, be brave and direct in your pursuit of courage!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What does “home” mean to you, Pisces? The Full Moon in Gemini helps you understand home as a feeling and family as the ones you choose. It’ll also help you understand your emotions more granularly. You’ll want to get even more specific about naming your emotions and making sure that you communicate them in order to help yourself be seen, known, and understood.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
Now available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.