Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse

Sagittarius new moon
Dec 3 11:43PM PST / Dec 4 6:43PM AEDT
Total solar eclipse: 11:33PM PST / 6:33PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
(Incorrectly listed in the planner)
(Incorrectly listed in the planner)
Sagittarius new moon reflections:
‘I embody knowledge, I expand through exploring the farthest reaches of the mind’
Something new is on the horizon.
This new moon total solar eclipse (with totality visible only in Antarctica) wraps up the nodes' transit through Gemini and Sagittarius, a completion of a big cycle.
For the last 18 months we have lived in a particular constructed reality. One battle highlighted has been between truth and media, what a bizarre reveal of our information ecology.
As co-creators of reality, we can sometimes forget the power we have to shift and change the world. Beliefs create systems, systems form structures and attract, and a movement is born.
Rather than being fed your reality, what will you create? What do you believe in? What has been imposed that does not fit any longer? What has been absorbed, that when you feel deeply into, doesn’t actually align with who you truly are or what you believe?
It’s time for dropping into your wisdom and getting clear on a vision that has been floating in and out for a while. Solidify it and send it in motion. You are supported.
This new moon solar eclipse is a powerful pause to reflect on what you want to release from the past, and get clear on what you want in the future as we transition into a different space.
If you are not actively participating in ritual or don't feel like doing anything, just BE STILL with awareness and listen, watch, observe, be receptive. Trust in your process and honour it. For this space that is being created lays seed to new constructs, new visions. Point the arrow and shoot, leaving a trail to follow when the way is not clear.
Continue with daily practices, ground, meet differences with kindness, and be open to new ideas and opinions.
If you are like me (and impacted by a Neptune cloud) this solar eclipse is a pause, for listening, feeling, waiting for clarity. And then whoosh, so it shall be.
Then, living it.
Eclipse blessings.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Sagittarius at 12° 22’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I think a Sagittarius ruled transit would appreciate a quote-opener. Lunar Sagittarius Victor Frankl wrote in his work Man’s Search for Meaning, “The last of the human freedoms: to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way... Every day, every hour, offered the opportunity to make a decision, a decision which determined whether you would or would not submit to those powers which threatened to rob you of your very self, your inner freedom; which determined whether or not you become the plaything to circumstance, renouncing freedom and dignity...” (p.86-7).
I can only see “Sagittarius” as the final-freedom. The freedom to choose one’s attitude. To release stagnant mindsets. To maintain gentle detachment from fleeting thoughts which can impede our ability to choose our attitude carefully. I’d suspect this topic around perception, response, and the freedom to choose our will is at the bedrock of the personal development and higher consciousness spaces. And my question is, “How does Sagittarius help us live from vision so we can transform our circumstances?” It never ever has to be either/or; especially when a mutable sign is involved. Let us name, normalize, and even befriend the fears, anxieties, and worries we have while recognizing we have the choice to move through and manage ourselves in the space of fears, anxieties, and worries with both vision and hope.
When I think of Sagittarius, I think it’s a sign that puts forward vision and hope as irreducible requirements for the human condition. Which, surprisingly, but not surprisingly - vision and hope are considered anti-intellectual given the counterproductive systems we mostly live in. So let’s explore how the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps us remain curious and release ourselves from stagnant mindsets with vision and hope. Firstly, vision is generated by the power of the premises you choose. What if you choose a premise that, say, everyone - including you! - is doing the best they can with the tools they have where they’re at? How would that premise transform the vision you hold while you see the world around you? What if you incorporated more generative, possibility-driven, and solution oriented approaches to your vision and let that newly integrated vision serve as a container for the strategies, conversations, and behaviors that’ll help you achieve it? This is where Sagittarius “hope” comes in. The landmark work of Dr. Charles Snyder put forward “The Hope Theory” which posits that goal setting, agency, and pathway development creates hope. In other words, the ability to pinpoint specific goals, cultivate the power-within to believe it’s capable for you, and brainstorm the pathways to achieve it create the hope required to walk beside you. According to Dr. Snyder’s research, “Higher hope consistently is related to better outcomes in academics, athletics, physical health, psychological adjustment, and psychotherapy.”
The Solar Eclipse’s chart has Venus as the chart ruler AND Venus is forming a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn. So I suspect this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will help us have hope and vision not just in ourselves but other people too. While reviewing which of our connections can describe where we miss the mark but hold a vision of what we’re capable of. Time and time again we realize there’s no arena like relationships that help us sort out our spirituality and this Eclipse will help us apply hope and vision both individually and relationally too.
Wishing you the grace, adventure, and possibility that this Eclipse wants you to have.
I can only see “Sagittarius” as the final-freedom. The freedom to choose one’s attitude. To release stagnant mindsets. To maintain gentle detachment from fleeting thoughts which can impede our ability to choose our attitude carefully. I’d suspect this topic around perception, response, and the freedom to choose our will is at the bedrock of the personal development and higher consciousness spaces. And my question is, “How does Sagittarius help us live from vision so we can transform our circumstances?” It never ever has to be either/or; especially when a mutable sign is involved. Let us name, normalize, and even befriend the fears, anxieties, and worries we have while recognizing we have the choice to move through and manage ourselves in the space of fears, anxieties, and worries with both vision and hope.
When I think of Sagittarius, I think it’s a sign that puts forward vision and hope as irreducible requirements for the human condition. Which, surprisingly, but not surprisingly - vision and hope are considered anti-intellectual given the counterproductive systems we mostly live in. So let’s explore how the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps us remain curious and release ourselves from stagnant mindsets with vision and hope. Firstly, vision is generated by the power of the premises you choose. What if you choose a premise that, say, everyone - including you! - is doing the best they can with the tools they have where they’re at? How would that premise transform the vision you hold while you see the world around you? What if you incorporated more generative, possibility-driven, and solution oriented approaches to your vision and let that newly integrated vision serve as a container for the strategies, conversations, and behaviors that’ll help you achieve it? This is where Sagittarius “hope” comes in. The landmark work of Dr. Charles Snyder put forward “The Hope Theory” which posits that goal setting, agency, and pathway development creates hope. In other words, the ability to pinpoint specific goals, cultivate the power-within to believe it’s capable for you, and brainstorm the pathways to achieve it create the hope required to walk beside you. According to Dr. Snyder’s research, “Higher hope consistently is related to better outcomes in academics, athletics, physical health, psychological adjustment, and psychotherapy.”
The Solar Eclipse’s chart has Venus as the chart ruler AND Venus is forming a conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn. So I suspect this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will help us have hope and vision not just in ourselves but other people too. While reviewing which of our connections can describe where we miss the mark but hold a vision of what we’re capable of. Time and time again we realize there’s no arena like relationships that help us sort out our spirituality and this Eclipse will help us apply hope and vision both individually and relationally too.
Wishing you the grace, adventure, and possibility that this Eclipse wants you to have.
Wisdom, Publishing, Vision & Higher Education
What wisdom needs to be applied, Aries? The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius wants a wisdom integrated and then correlated to behavior. You have an intelligence on an emotional, psychological concern and so you’ll want to put that intelligent into specific action in order to transform what needs to be transformed. Lead with positive assumptions, intent, and the incredible value of optimism for wonderful results.
Intimacy, Eros, Sexuality & Transformation
It’s always darkest before the dawn, Taurus. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to frame the intensity right now as the completion before the commencement. The night, before sunrise. This moment is a temporary one so breathe through the discomfort, fear, and possible pain that’s emerging and know you have all the tools, vision, and hope to manage yourself and move through the night carefully before sunrise.
Romance, Love, Partnerships & Trust
Trust in the unknown, Gemini! The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps you skill-up your resilience level with the unknown by taking risks towards trust. Turns out, we have to be in the presence of the unknown and move towards risk in order to understand trust. Not the other way around. So have faith in your ability to regulate yourself in this space and believe in the potential of others to show up for you gloriously too!
Humility, Health, Wellness & Routine
Is your wellbeing strategy too complicated, Cancer? The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to simplify your emotional, psychological, and behavioral routines with a different perception. It’s normal to think our solutions have to be as complicated as our issues; but life is complicated, Sagittarius Truth is simple. Remember to investigate your morning routine and correlate it with the quality of your outcomes to start!
Courage, Worthiness, Charisma & Lovability
Grab the crown, Leo! The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to ground down in confidence. You’re feeling even more sure of your strengths, value, and ability to contribute something creative and courageous in a big way. So put that crown on your head and remember your birthright so you can express the divinity and lovability within you for your own self-actualization and the benefit of your relationships, too!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotionality
What does “home” mean to you, Virgo? The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps you find the emotions, people, and places that help you feel at home. In other words, where you’re emotionally safe. Speaking of words, this Solar Eclipse also wants you to language your emotional world even more articulate. Your emotional intelligence and self-disclose can open up entirely new Universes to you when you’re ready!
Curiosity, Observation, Language & Active Listening
Clear is kind, Libra! The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius wants you to remember how straight talk leads to straight understanding. Indirect talk leads to confusion and prolonged anxiety and stress. Direct speech can be a bit uncomfortable; so consider it a paper cut. And consider its opposite a painful pebble in your shoe you have everywhere. You’re allowed to speak your Truth directly, clearly, and compassionately!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
You can ground down, Scorpio! The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps you find security in uncertainty and understand true security as living into your values. This Solar Eclipse wants you to connect to your somatic clues too; how does your body tell you to approach or avoid a person, place, or thing? Lastly, it’ll help you develop a new vision for your financial freedom if you lead with generative possibility!
Identity, Desire, Charisma & Authenticity
Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! The Solar Eclipse is in your sign and rounds out a transformative 18 month story in your life. You’re completing and beginning a major identity overhaul; and the Universe supports your vision and hope in powerful ways. Show us all what makes your zodiac sign so extraordinary by taking brave new steps towards the life you dream of with faith, grace, and optimism in your heart!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s safe to let go, Capricorn. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius empowers you to release yourself from limiting habits, emotional patterns, relationships, and even jobs where you feel undervalued and disengaged. While you take responsibility for the space you’ve occupied there and commit to learning new ways of thinking, being, feeling, relating, and working, you’ll be met with amazing opportunities out of the blue!
Friendship, Activism, Convictions & Shared Humanity
Friendship is your religion, Aquarius. The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius reframes your strategies and connections in friendship that helps expand and deepen your support. You love your community and this Solar Eclipse wants to gracefully complete friendships that have reached their end and provide the helpful space to begin new friendships with those who are more compatible with your values.
Career, Purpose, Integrity & Responsibility
Let the Universe dream through, Pisces! The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius helps you dream a bigger dream professionally beyond even what you can conceive. Open up your willingness level and commitment towards collaborating with the Universe, “God” as you understand, and stay receptive to the direction it has for you in order for you to swim at full fishtail. You have everything it takes and more to be a triumph!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
Now available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.