Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn full moon
July 3 4:39AM PDT / July 3 1:39PM CEST / July 3 9:39PM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Capricorn full moon illumination:
‘I redefine what success means to me & envision myself reaching my goals.’
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Capricorn at 11° 18’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
Gear up, mountain climber! The Full Moon in Capricorn is asking you to go higher. I love the way Astrologer Dawn Harrison reminded me on Instagram that every Capricorn transit is a mountain we need to climb. Think about the “the thing” you’ve been avoiding. Think about the work, the task, and the commitment that you know would benefit you once it’s completed. That’s the mountain you need to climb.
When thinking about “Capricorn” as the mythological Seagoat, we know symbolically that this is a sign which both nurtures AND challenges. Because the Seagoat’s lower half as a fishtail gives Capricorn the ability to nurture the full spectrum of human emotion. Its upper half as the mountain climbing goat provides Capricorn the ability to challenge too.
When thinking about personal development, Astrologers often contextualize Capricorn as the sign who helps us in this process. Because you cannot climb the mountain, you cannot develop the highest character without an integrative approach of nurture AND challenge. Without nurture, our self-talk is punishing, and hypercritical, and wouldn’t enrich our lives with the necessary education of grace, imperfection, and failure. Without challenge, we’re too comfortable and our self-talk could encourage powerlessness and we would believe the lie that we’re small forces being moved by larger forces we cannot control. Astrologers are inherent integrationists; not alternationists. Since Capricorn is both earth and water, we want to think about what part of the Seagoat do we need to integrate for our goals and behaviour. Could we stand to talk to ourselves with more self-compassion? Could we remember that we’re called “human beings” not “human doings” for a reason?
Our worth isn’t attached to our productivity and output. It’s inherent within us. Perhaps you could stand to challenge yourself a bit? You’re realizing that comfort doesn’t always mean danger. You’re hoping to be braver, more risk-tolerant, and more courageous in an effort to become the person you want to be. And/or perhaps you can stand to integrate the best of nurture AND challenger under this Full Moon.
The Full Moon’s chart holds a critically thinking Sun-Mercury in Cancer and so we want to remember that this lunation motivates us to leverage the Cancer-Capricorn axis of emotion AND behaviour. It’s not emotion that gets us into trouble; it’s our behaviours WHEN we’re feeling emotional that can quickly become problematic. So how can you choose behaviours that help you regulate and sometimes move through emotion responsibly? Especially with reactive Mars in Leo forming a square to Uranus in Taurus reminding us where we can be inflexible and need to move forward. This is one of the greatest mountains we can all climb. So gear up! There’s work to do and you can do it. Let us nurture and challenge one another in the process to climb to the top of the mountain.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Aries! The Full Moon in Capricorn lights your career zone inspiring you to step into greater leadership spaces and/or begin a self-employment endeavour. You’re looking for freedom, purpose, and passion in a professional context and you’re hoping to leverage your skills and gifts to get there. Apply the best of Capricorn; challenge and nurture yourself as a way to achieve this goal!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the learnings, Taurus! The Full Moon in Capricorn inspires you to gather the key learnings over the last six months and consider how to make it less abstract, and more actionable. That’s the crux of personal development, right? Consider perhaps a new adventure or academic setting to broaden your horizons and help you realize that anything is possible.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Self-talk is so important, Gemini! The Full Moon in Capricorn motivates you to review the way you talk to yourself about yourself. Because it directly correlates to your experiences with eroticism, sexuality, and even your empathic skills. Try to talk to yourself with more compassion AND challenge yourself. You’re fundamentally worthy AND a work in progress.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites do annoyingly attract Cancer! The Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you that chemistry exists in contradiction, opposition, and contrast. Though difference can be frustrating it does help you grow and reinforces your strengths. Be willing to learn from someone’s perspective as it stands very differently from yours while asserting your position as equally worthy of being integrated.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Small goals only, Leo! The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you make a big change by starting small. Turn towards a particular habit you’ve always wanted to try and do it so slowly and at such a small frequency that it feels almost impossible to fail at. From there, you’ll begin compounding the small steps into big steps until suddenly you’re living in the future version of yourself you’re imagining now!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Reveal, don’t conceal Virgo! The Full Moon in Capricorn wants you to share a substantial truth about yourself with someone who genuinely needs to hear it. It’ll be a bit scary and emotionally exposing for sure - but you’ll want to do it anyway because you cannot get to meaningful relationships through disclosure. If you want to play, you have to pay. So be brave and share your truth!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What does home mean to you, Libra? The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you find the people and the places that provide a sense of emotional safety. You’re looking for belonging and this Full Moon wants to give it to you. Remember that self-acceptance could be a helpful strategy and accept the parts of yourself that want to be seen at home with others.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Introduce structure, and activate empathy Scorpio! The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you see the value of more structured dialogue and structured speech as a means to acquire the empathy you’re seeking in conversation. Try to reflectively listen, ask a lot of follow-up questions, mirror and paraphrase to ensure accuracy and then see if the other can return the favour for the empathy embedded in structured conversations.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Sagittarius! The Full Moon in Capricorn wants you to commit to walking your talk in a bigger way. There’s no safety like knowing you’re exactly who you claim to be and you have the results to back it up because you practice what you preach and teach. From there, you’ll likely see major improvements in your finances as well.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy half-birthday, Cap! The annual Full Moon in your sign is a benchmark process that wants you to examine your process over the last six months and review what you can keep consistent and what could use a little tweaking. Remember to both challenge and nurture the parts of yourself that could do both. You need both in order to become the highest and brightest version of yourself.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Rest and retreat, Aquarius. The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you take a bit of a sabbatical and find the healing power of solitude. You could use a break and this Full Moon wants you to initiate the rest and recharge required that helps you contemplate before you take serious action. Do the bare minimum and be present with yourself for healing and the closure you deserve.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Community is everything to you now, Pisces. The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you connect to your collaborators, comrades, and friends who share your values. As an extroverted introvert, you do so well in social systems where the connections feel so meaningful and intimate. Start turning towards those spaces and if you don’t see them then begin building them yourself for happiness.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.