Cancer New Moon

Cancer new moon
July 17 11:32AM PDT / July 18 8:32PM CEST / July 18 4:32AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Cancer new moon reflection:
‘I feel into the safety of my body, I have the wisdom of a thousand generations within me.'
Where can you soften the hardness a little more?
Where can you feel safer in your body?
Let the shell hardened by time become more gelatinous, womb-like, still holding a boundary but more flexible, softer and permeable.
Exchange gentle connections with close ones, loved ones, and nourish the cords that connect you.
Let go of the past to make room for a new way in the tides of change, with the moon's nodes shifting, altering, re-aligning.
Make space to find a nourishing, deep stillness this Cancer new moon. The whispers of intuition and knowing are waiting to be heard there.
Release old emotions and bring a new self to light over the next cycle.
Gentle, gentle.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Cancer at 24° 56’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
I really try to not teach Astrology with too many superlatives. Framing certain signs as the best or worst at ideas, concepts, practices. I don’t want to imply that any sign is more valuable than the other because I do believe they’re all a distinct wisdom teaching that needs to be integrated with each other rather than alternated. That being said, the more I examine the state of the world and study relational psychodynamics, the more I realize that Cancer’s wisdom teaching is the most necessary for today.
I recorded a video on Instagram at the start of Cancer Season ‘23 with argument that Cancer’s wisdom is necessary to “graduate”. It’s a core requirement for the highest level of self-actualization. Reason being, every idea that Cancer takes a stand for in awareness AND enactment is something we’re neurobiologically hardwired for. Without Cancerian ruled: belonging, connection to people, places, home, and safety - there is personal, relational, and I would even argue national, collective, and global distress. In the absence of this sign’s wisdom teaching, we all suffer. I choose not to focus on Cancer’s alleged proximity to “emotion” because I think every sign experiences the sentient. And science is still unclear on what “Emotion” actually is so I don’t pretend we know. I like to focus exclusively on Cancer ruled belonging. Belonging is defined as, “... a subjective feeling that one is an integral part of their surrounding systems, including family, friends, school, work environments, communities, cultural groups, and physical places.” How would our inner peace and well-being shift if our belonging was guaranteed? I think that’s what this New Moon is inspiring us to consider. Especially because on the same day, the Nodes enter the Aries-Libra axis. So we’re evaluating who we want to be in the Aries-ruled “me” within the Libra-ruled “we” context. This New Moon wants to embrace and enact Cancerian ruled belonging as a core wisdom teaching so that we can fulfill the necessary preconditions for what’s to come within the Aries-Libra story until 2025.
Further, the Moon will be forming an opposition to Pluto back in the last degree of Capricorn inspiring us to understand how we can bring Cancerian ruled ideas of belonging to the collective; especially politically. Honouring where our countries need to be accountable for the moral injuries they committed against collective belonging and protecting the most vulnerable from the many, many injustices they disproportionately harm them. The Moon will sextile Uranus in Taurus which wants us to walk the talk and practice what we preach and teach for change. Cancer in awareness is one thing; enacting belonging for self and others is a totally different game changer. Let this New Moon matriculate you to understand how why this sign is so necessary for you and your loved ones.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
You can be tough AND tender, Aries! The New Moon in Cancer invites you to feel your tender emotions a bit more deeply. Especially as it relates to your home, family, and belonging. You’re been looking for context and experiences for greater emotional safety. So tell the New Moon your intentions for the people, places, and experiences that feel like home.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words, Taurus! The New Moon in Cancer invites you to think about how expanding your approach to communication could expand your world in unbelievable ways. You’re definitely a sign whose strength is in actions over words. So this New Moon wants you to try prioritizing language and words so that you’re strategy for well-being is more integrative and helpful!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Cancer! The annual New Moon in Cancer during your Solar Return inspires you to get clear on your desires for this new year. Especially by thinking less on what more you need to have, in order to do, and then be. And instead by asking yourself, “Who do I need to be, so that I can do what I want to do, in order to have these results?” May all your wishes come true!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It is safe to surrender, Leo. The New Moon in Cancer helps liberate you from your own patterns and the other people who benefit from them. You’ll want to take 100% responsibility for the part - no matter how tiny! - you’re playing and then release others to let this New Moon provide you with the alchemy you deserve. This clears space for the incredible things coming to you.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
If you know better, do better Scorpio! This New Moon in Cancer helps you review the key findings over the last six months so that you can transform education into behaviour. You’re looking to find freedom from limiting circumstances and so this New Moon wants to help you do that by implementing the new ideas you’ve identified as helpful.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Go even deeper, Sag! The New Moon in Cancer helps you take your relationships to deeper places by sharing more information about what you’re feeling and then listening carefully to what others are feeling too. Emotions are becoming a kind of aphrodisiac and you’re being turned on by the vulnerability of it all. Initiate it first - don’t wait for them! - to see its sexy effects!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
No one is an island, Capricorn! The New Moon in Cancer helps you find the kind of relationships which strengthen your gifts and then highlight your challenges too. Tell the Universe your intentions for a sexy, opposites attract style kind of relationship which helps you grow with grace and romance while you support them in their efforts to do the same!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Small goals only, Aquarius! The Moon in Cancer wants to help you find your centre by providing you with the winning strategy of small goals. When you start small, you then give yourself permission to be gracious with yourself in the beginner phase because ultimately your habits will compound thoroughly over time. You’re going to be better than ever in no time!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Share the stories in your heart, Pisces! The New Moon in Cancer wants you to reveal a substantial truth about yourself to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. Yes, the onus is on you to disclose and it’ll be uncertain, scary, and a bit messy. Though the gift of this self-disclosure is the self-revelation that happens when you meet a braver version of yourself!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.