Gemini New Moon

Gemini new moon
June 17 9:37PM PDT / June 18 6:37AM CEST / June 18 2:37PM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Gemini new moon reflection:
‘The thoughts I have create my reality, I am mindful of my thinking patterns & habits.'
As we head towards the solstice, and being a midpoint of our Gregorian year, Gemini crowns with a new moon just prior.
With the ability to tap into some mental clarity, this is a great time to revisit and refine your yearly goals and intentions with an active air new moon.
Let go of what no longer fits and the pressure of trying to accomplish it all as life and circumstance shifts and changes. Refine the space for what is truly important and lights you up. Work- life balance to be redefined.
Set these as new intentions for the remainder of the year with new energy. It’s always important to revisit yearly intentions, because over time more truth around what is really important is revealed, or reading over what was important to you months ago is remembered and reconnected with.
Social connection and good communication is evident around this moon and a great time to initiate collaborative efforts. With the ability to bounce from one thing to another swiftly in true Gemini fashion, remember to slow down and ground what is true for you and follow your intuition over surface mental chatter, which will eventually lead to longer term transformation and expansion.
Happy new moon, enjoy with friends x
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Gemini at 26° 43’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
It’s by design that the introduction of humanity in Astrology through “Gemini” is symbolized by connection. The Gemini twins teach us that we are not meant to live in isolation and disconnection. We are a pair bonding, communal, social species. It’s by design that Gemini as the one and only mutable air sign inspires the zodiac to evaluate how mutable air located as communication, learning, and growth lead to connection. Since Gemini introduces the “air” element in Astrology; we can mistake its value because air often feels unobservable, hard to identify, and too complicated for clarity. But we’ll do so at our own peril.
From the wisdom of Gemini, we know that humans are a social species that thrive in connection. In the absence of connection, when we perceive social isolation, it’s lethal. Loneliness poses more adverse health effects than excessive alcohol consumption and often leads to deaths of despair. There are so many exciting, dynamic, and complicated aspects of relating. I think Gemini reminds us that more than communication; it’s the act of dialogue - not the parallel monologues - which evokes love and belonging. Every relationship is an ongoing conversation. This New Moon in Gemini inspires us to, as I quote my Gemini client Deanna Pantín Parrish, “...create opportunities for people to be heard…create voluntary, consensual spaces for people to opt into and feel heard.” It takes intention, attention, and effort. Though the return on investment is so impactful. You will be providing what you need for thriving just like we put in effort for our sleep, shelter, and nutrition. How we use our voice and attention to listen and language is an irreducible skill set and wellbeing requirement that could transform the quality of your life.
2 aspects to this New Moon supports this intention. Starting with the New Moon squaring idealistic Neptune in Pisces. Here we want to know that empathy doesn’t always mean agreement. You can be a student of another’s perspective while still holding your beliefs as your own. Empathy and assertion is a central tension in the field of dispute resolution and this square between assertive Gemini and empathetic Pisces could help us stay clear in this tension. Another aspect is Venus in Leo squaring Jupiter in Taurus. A square between two decisive fixed sign furthers the “Empathy ≠ Agreement” so we’re asked to get clear and present with others in dialogue through paraphrasing, acknowledging, and creating opportunities for you and them to be heard. When you expand your language, you expand your Universe. Let this New Moon broaden your ability to connect and communicate in ways that expand your Universe to hold richer, more satisfying relationships.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words, Aries! The New Moon in Gemini wants to up-level your cognition and communication skills in exceptional ways. You’re often a straight shooter - yay! - so utilize this New Moon to practice being genuinely curious about other people’s perspectives so that your loved ones can observe your mindfulness, attention, and understanding.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Name it to frame it, Taurus! The New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on living into your values for personal and financial security. You need to name your values specifically so they inspire specific behaviors for success here. Additionally, you’ll want to take it a step further by explaining to others what your values are so others have a glimpse into your inner world.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Everything can change in a conversation, Cancer. The New Moon in Gemini wants you to approach the tough talk you’ve been avoiding because there’s closure and healing in that dialogue. It’ll be tough and not without labor, but the reward will be immense. Because you’ll learn how to use your words in sensitive places for repair, completion, apology, and forgiveness.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Call your girls, Leo! The New Moon in Gemini inspires a joyful reunion and social experience with your ride or dies. You’ve been working hard and experiencing new versions of your identity so this New Moon wants you to interact from your new identity with your friends. That way, you can all celebrate how far you’ve come and who you’ve become in the process!
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Eroticism starts in the brain, Scorpio. The New Moon in Gemini reminds you that sexuality, intimacy, and eroticism first begins with the way you imagine, notice, and think about these topics. From there, with a deeper understanding of the mental, imaginative, and communicative elements of eroticism, who would you be and what would you be doing?
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites do attract, Sag! The New Moon in Gemini helps you see how your challenges clash against other people’s strengths and your proclivities will often clash against their vulnerabilities. This both/and dance where chemistry is often found can be hard but necessary to manage. Think about creating spaces for you and others to disclose and be heard!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Take a small step, Capricorn! The New Moon in Gemini wants you to manage your expectations more microscopically so that you don’t bite off more than you can chew. You’re incredibly effective and so this New Moon wants you to play with the winning strategy of small, cumulative goals over time so that you can compound these small steps into big changes.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Define and disclose, Aquarius! The New Moon in Gemini wants you to define the emotion your heart is feeling and disclose it to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. You’re going to dispel the myth of the emotionally disengaged air sign one conversation at a time. It’ll be vulnerable and messy, true - but through this self-disclosure you’ll have a new self-revelation.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy Homecoming, Pisces! The New Moon in Gemini wants your intentions on “belonging”. Not just to place(s) but with people. Think about home as a feeling. Think about family of origin and chosen-family. And what belonging could mean and become if you’re practicing more accurate self-acceptance and behaving from that level of insight, acceptance, and understanding.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.