Cancer Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse January 10th 11:21AM PST / January 11th 6:21AM AEST Moonthly Theme: Structure Career and Goals Cancer Full moon reflection: ‘I bring softness and heart into my work, I nurture my ups and downs’ We must rebirth through our roots, through the deep, deep roots in the soil of the earth of which we came from. Through our origins and indigenous peoples. And when we do, we must cultivate harmonious connection with all cycles, all nature and all people. That is our way forward and through the dark, into the light of the new world. We must listen to the spirits of the land, surfacing and cleansing to make space for new ways to exist as a collective. They are speaking, and speaking loud and clear. - Kerry Kershaw, MOI Woah mamma, what a momentous 10 days of 2020 it has been already. Fires, destruction and political unrest. I write this with smoke haze sitting in the field accompanying me, reminding me every moment of the changes we are experiencing. Locally and globally. It is a mixture of heaviness and aliveness as I witness future defining moments with my very own eyes, with adrenaline still moving through my body after being in the heart of the mighty force and power of fire. An entry into a new year that will never be forgotten. For so many. These experiences change you. My heart is with all those effected by the fires. What is going on in the outside world can take a major toll on our nervous systems and emotional bodies. We have been in a zone of subtraction, particularly since the new moon in Capricorn around Christmas. But the Cancer full moon brings a reminder of nourishment - we must mother ourselves in these times. Activate self care rituals, feel all of the things coming up, they all have their place, and nurture ourselves through them. The harshness turns to deeply held surrender, we each have the capacity to be that for ourselves. Draw upon the infinite mother energy abundant in the universe, it is there and you can harness it. We all have access to it. We’ve been in the throes of the Saturn Pluto conjunction since early 2019 and have been witness to old structures breaking down, movements pushing towards change. It hasn’t been easy, it's been intense in moments, especially as we approach the exact Saturn Pluto conjunction on Jan 11/12th. ‘We are simultaneously hospicing the old, and midwifing the new’ - Tami Brunk. A paradox but truth. This Cancer full moon carries the energy of rebirth, and it is a process. What would if feel like right now to let the current version of yourself die? While old parts of us die we are also birthing the new. WE are the change that is here. And our work that we do, right here, is sacred. While things die, we get to design the afterlife. This is the new AD. Who is your future self? What does your world look like? Play the movie in your imagination powered by this full moon. Set the tracks for your future to unfold and let it be. This time has asked us to find the lies and wrong doings that you do to yourself, as we are PARTICIPATORS in this experience, the internal and external is inter-connected. We are asked to look at where things are out of integrity (Capricorn) and nurture yourself through a rebirth, and reinvent the new story (Cancer). Our work has been to identify the lies, terrors and destructive things in our lives, and now it is to build something better. We are rebirthing from the internal, our inner experience not for the outer world. If we remain only focused on the external world we remain powerless, they are connected. Use this energy of the infinite mother to nourish and rebirth our new beings into existence. We are in an incredible time that shapes our future as Saturn and Pluto conjunctions do. Consciousness is shifting on subterranean levels that we may not have direct access to as Pluto does Pluto (its all through unconscious depths). You may be aware of a churning happening in the background while going about life, some may feel an unease, anxiety a fear, others an awakening. The important thing here is to not get caught up in fear, or be guided by fear driven messages. This is where the potholes are. It is not a time to be driven by fear. Our role here is to use our gifts, our imaginations and our courage to design our future. Use you heart as your tool of guidance, use your hurts as inspiration to springboard into positive change. We are not only letting go now on this full moon, we are also sowing seeds for the next cycle, not just the next year or decade, we are planting for the new age. This can be an intensely challenging time for some and we all feel it on some level. The low road of Saturn is to drop into fear and restriction. But remember Saturn is here to support us and help us grow and evolve, do not be fooled otherwise. If you feel fear, don’t judge it, feel it and move in the direction of compassion and nurturing. Nourish each other, nourish with gentleness as we individually and collectively traverse the raw unknown landscapes of our times right now. So whatever happens we are at least - even slightly - wrapped in blankets of love and self acceptance of all shades. We are then more accepting of others and it ripples out, as we all let go of the old and birth the new. Imagine the infinite mother is the cosmos wrapping its arms around you in a warm, nourishing and completely supportive embrace, as parts of us fall away and disintegrate, to make space for the new. All while being held by the great mystery. Ritual is important. By ceremoniously actioning a letting go, we are crossing the bridge from meta-physical to physical. We are human forms in time and space, so these simple acts are incredibly powerful. Do what feels right for you. Take time, go slow, be discerning, and cultivate nourishment to support this letting go and birthing process as we transform into a new era of mastery. Let the planets guide us into the fullness of our beings. And most importantly, love. Welcome to 2020, we are in this together xxx Kerry - Magic of I. We welcome this moon's guest writer: Evelyn Von Zuel from Astrom Council "A pregnant moon in opposition with the Sun illuminates the inner realm of self. Our emotional nature becomes projected onto the big screen and we share, express, and let go of the compendium of psychic chords entangled within. On January 10th we experience the first full moon of the year, it is also an eclipse in the Capricorn Cancer axis. Big life changes are oft brought upon us with the tides of an eclipse. A lot of us will be experiencing the final chapters of a long phase, project or relationship, this is a ‘coming to terms’ moment in the grand story of our lives. The nurturing qualities of Cancer can sometimes be a thorn in your side, it nags at you to take care of yourself in the way you know how but can’t seem to get around to doing it. Our worlds are rocked as we learn to let go of success stories of recent past. To forge our own way into the future is the right we have when leading our own legacy. Many of us have taken a vow, to never repeat a past that has wounded so many and to be rid of traditions for traditions sake. This full moon pushes us out of the proverbial nest our parents have worked so hard at creating. And some of us parents are pushing the little ones on, encouraging their growth as they venture in designing a world for themselves. Businesses close as new ones open. The eclipse portal goes both ways, the cycle of birth and decay are one in the same. On a personal level there are many success stories but also woeful sadness. Lunar eclipses help us to let go while we usher in the new. Particularly emotional, Cancer aids us in nurturing our wounds and the wounds of those around us. We help wherever we can and offer condolences where they are needed. The Capricorn sun rewards hard work while the Cancer moon sooths growing pains. This Capricorn / Cancer eclipse cycle started July 12th, 2018 at 20°, take a look back at where you were then, what you were starting and see how it is now culminating in your life. It started as a thought, a seed that was planted and has now sprung forth with which to bear its fruit. A fruit so sweet it almost feels too dangerous to eat. Capricorn the mountain goat takes one careful step towards glory but there is a Saturn Pluto conjunction that tints this glory with a bitter taste. How can we allow ourselves the fruit of our labor when the world is burning? One pervert in jail while another walks free. This eclipse, as all eclipses do, illuminates that which has been hidden. What makes this one feel so special, is a wrapping up of a delicate season. Mercury sits with the Sun to whisper messages we’ve all been waiting to hear. However, we are faced with a question; do we trust the trickster? He sits out of bounds, with no sense of responsibility to the rigid structures that Capricorn lays out. Speaking when we least expect and remaining silent all other times. When a planet is out of bounds, its declination is lower or higher than 23 degrees and 27 minutes north or south. Interpreting a planet out of bounds is like trying to pin down the unexpected, planets tend to work with their own agenda while they are floating high above the ecliptic plane. Mercury is illicit in this eclipse, making a tight conjunction with the Sun, we find it difficult to understand or find truth in what is presented, especially when it comes to political matters. Luckily this rogue grifter returns to order on the 12th after he has passed that Saturn Pluto conjunction of disassembled structures. Jupiter, the god of the gods sits at the release point of this eclipse at 8° conjunct the south node. It is possible that justice is thrown out with the bath water and the court of law rules in its own favor, to uphold traditional façade of course. But Venus in Aquarius has a fondness for humanity and the beauty of community bonding is impacted by Uranus’ direct movement on the 12th. We see an outpouring of humanitarian aid and also feel the pull towards making a concerted effort to harness more awareness of the worldly issues into our daily lives. As always, we do not fear but walk forth with confidence, in ourselves and our mission on this earth. Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer Mantras * I cultivate a grand vision for the future * I nurture myself during this growth cycle * I shed any and all expectations of and for my parents * I shed any and all expectations of and for my government * I believe in my own authority * I am emotionally resilient * I am safe" - Evelyn Von Zuel Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars? Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2020 Astrological Planner. For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment. If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.