Aries Full Moon

Aries full moon
September 29 2:57AM PDT / September 29 11:57AM CEST / September 29 7:57PM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Aries full moon illumination:
‘I rise above the polarity which surrounds me & identify my role within it.'
Firey full moon in Aries. The initiator. The will. The fire that fills our desires, our passions, our intentions and drive.
What were some of these desires that were set at the beginning of the Astrological New Year? The equinox and change of season we recently moved through is a great time to look back and reassess what is still alive, and what needs to be let go for another cycle.
So what was alive for you at the renewal point of the Astrological calendar? What is alive for you now? Where can you put more fire and attention?
Some other things to ponder under this personalised full moon is where are you living for others. How do you shape your life to please those around you, instead of from what is true for just YOU?
The Libra Aries axis is a balance between self and other, the 'I' and the 'we', but this full moon is bringing to light matters of the self.
Move energy through the body if there is frustration or anger as a healthy way over projecting onto others. Use gratitude as a way of neutralising small frustrations and take space when you need.
Happy full moon x
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Aries at 06° 00’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
In thinking about the Full Moon in Aries, we are thinking about how to rise above polarity. How to differentiate between not who’s right and who’s wrong but what’s mine and what’s yours. The issue is polarization is not just popular, it’s so seductive. It promises simplicity in a culture of complexity. It promises certainty in a society of uncertainty. It takes a tremendous amount of bravery to differentiate from these trends and rise above the polarity because you’re choosing complexity and you’re choosing trust in the unknown.
All the more reason why contextualizing Aries as not just the first sign, the leader, and initiator but the bravest of them all is the story we want to mine for resources and inspiration. Because many of us will be the first to depolarize. And so we will need to gather brave instruction from the Martian-ruled cardinal-fire sign to help us initiate a new way of rising from the either/or thinking to choose the both/and thinking. It takes work and it’s not without effort. But the dividends are truly divine. Because you’ll belong to and know yourself in a radiantly Aries way as you declare who you are. It’s exhilarating to say, “I disagree and here’s why…” or “Have you considered …” because you’re taking a stand in ways that can still help you feel connected with others and protected by your truth-sharing. It may take boundaries too and let me remind you that can’t spell boundaries without Aries. So if you need to declare, as Prentis Hemphill teaches us, what is the distance where you can love yourself and them simultaneously - this is the Full Moon to do it.
Don’t forget to lean on the spiritual practice you’ve developed since Virgo Season since the Full Moon chart has the Mercury-Neptune opposition within it. Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces asks us to drop into a spiritual practice that can help you with the guidance to rise above the polarization and faithfully engage with the unknown. A loose but present Grand Earth Trine between Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Virgo, AND Pluto in Capricorn reminds you that it’s simple to think critically and hold paradoxes but it’s not always easy. But do it anyway! Through simple, small ways that inspire you to normalize a reality full of technicolor in a world that’s demanding black and white.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy New Year, Aries! This Full Moon in Aries continues a major story that’s begun development in April 2023 and then July 2023. Your life is about to be unrecognizable and the changes that you’ve been longing for are coming. Clear the space proactively and create a clearing that can hold all the new experiences, relationships, and results you’re longing for!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Loosen the grip, Taurus. The annual Full Moon in Aries helps you identify what you’re holding on to too tightly that needs to be lovingly released. You’re a sign that likes to keep, hold, and maintain - which we love and encourage! It’s just that this Full Moon is an invitation to initiate closure and endings where you’re in disempowering holding patterns and relationships that keep you stuck.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
You’re the leader, Gemini! The annual Full Moon in Aries reminds you that you have tremendous capabilities to hold space for the brilliance of others. To recognize their brilliance and cultivate it. You’re being seen as a leader in and among your friends, and community in ways that help reinforce your strengths and share your gifts with others while they share their gifts with you too.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Cancer! The annual Full Moon in Aries is your moment to tell the Universe all the best-case scenario dreams you have professionally and how it can help make it happen for you. Consider the new desire you need to own more accurately and passionately so the Universe can get to work on manifesting your dreams for more professional freedom and excitement.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the learnings, Leo! The annual Full Moon in Aries wants you to review the last six months and identify the key wisdom. What wisdom needs to be less abstract and more actionable? What learning needs to be applied behaviorally? Because that’s the crux of this work -when we know better and we do better then we can expect miraculous results in the places we’ve longed for.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Desire isn’t dangerous, Virgo. The annual Full Moon in Aries helps you detangle danger from your desires and begin seeing them as a beautiful expression of your free will. Desire, defined by Esther Perel, is “owning the wanting.” This Full Moon inspires you to own your wanting in a way that helps you feel more enthusiastic, alive, and fully connected to yourself and others.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Happy Birthday, Libra! The annual Full Moon in Aries invites a new relationship, deepens the dynamic you’re in, and/or completes a relationship if it’s served its educational purpose. You’ll want to think about how opposites really do attract for relational success; how your strengths will clash against their challenges and vice versa.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Small goals only, Scorpio. The annual Full Moon in Aries wants to help you feel more empowered but it wants you to crawl before you can sprint. So think about how you can manage your expectations a bit more carefully and start with even smaller goals than the ones you have now. So you don’t get caught in a negative self-talk spiral. Start, but start small for success!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
You’re worthy, Sag. The annual Full Moon in Aries helps you remember that your worthiness is a birthright. Not anything that you need to prove. You don’t need to acquire anything more. You simply need to behave from the birthright that you’re worthy right now exactly as you are. You’re still a work in progress but nothing changes you’re fundamentally worthy of love, joy, and belonging.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What really is “home” anyway, Capricorn? The annual Full Moon in Aries wonders if it’s not a place or even people necessarily - but a condition you can cultivate. What if home is an experience, an emotion, an awareness that you can create when you accurately self-accept who you are? You arrive at home because you don’t have to pretend, perform, and/or people please. Happy homecoming!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Say it simply, Aquarius. The annual Full Moon in Aries celebrates your genius and innovation while reminding you that clear, simple communication is often the kindest. So you’re going to want to try to communicate and actively listen in ways that prioritize simplicity and accessibility so that you can maximize understanding, empathy, and clarity between you and others.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Pisces. The annual Full Moon in Aries helps you frame security in a way that is cultivated through living according to your values. First, you’ll want to identify the two words that define you and help you make hard decisions. Then you’ll want to implement them behaviorally because there’s no security like practicing what you preach and teach so you become who you say you are.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.