Virgo New Moon

Virgo new moon
September 14 6:40PM PDT / September 15 3:40AM CEST / September 15 11:40AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Virgo new moon reflection:
‘I identify where I can organize my life & clear the mental cobwebs with practical thinking.'
Virgo new moon blessings of thoughts starting to organise into some kind of structure. Ideas becoming clearer. Minds bending to new winds that carry a sweeter scent of life. Less crunch as we move forward through the cusp of a stationing Mercury soon.
Planting new inner gardens that grow slow and steady, but growing is the key here. No more shrinking, self criticising, wilting or reflective wallowing passing through this dark moon window into a new moon, a new day, a new cycle.
What do you plant for this one? Who do you emerge as?
I am going back into my cave until it feels time to come out, for now, new moon blessings to you.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Virgo at 21° 58’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
Practical magic, anyone? The New Moon in Virgo is the annual reminder that the smallest steps and the most practical shifts are often the most magical. How many times have we recommended free, simple suggestions to improve our lives? How often do we immediately reject those practical suggestions like a few minutes of meditation, a gratitude practice, or getting our heart rate up? It’s as if the simplicity warrants skepticism. Like our solutions should be as complicated as the problems we’re in. What a thoughtful spiritual study teaches us is that life is complicated but the truth is simple - it’s the small changes we make that create big results.
Small and simple doesn’t always mean easy. And I think that’s where we get tripped up. That’s where Virgo is here to help. Virgo is the mutable earth sign that helps us in moments of transition. Who isn’t in a transition right now? Who couldn’t benefit from a thoughtful, mindful, and calm earth sign that can support you in this story in between stories? Virgo is the sign that normalizes how uncomfortable it is to be in the inbetween; the threshold between ending and beginning. We tend not to enjoy this threshold because it’s not definitive. It’s not quite A but it’s not quite B either; so it’s this third space that may bring up our anxieties around uncertainty. Virgo stands there and asks, “What’s one small thing you can do to help find closure and move forward?” And when Virgo says “small”, it means atomically so. In addition to not loving the story in between stories, I think we also struggle to set healthy expectations about progress. We bite off more than we can chew. That’s why Virgo keeps pushing for small steps, small goals only. Because it’s truly the small changes we make that compound into big results. That’s the practical magical made easy. By standing in the transition and initiating one small step at a time. Under this New Moon in attention to detail Virgo, I want you to set an intention to begin one atomically small change, a new habit to help you in this transition. That’s where you’ll truly experience the benefits of practical magic; especially as you implement the New Moon reflection and identity where you need to organize your life and clear the mental cobwebs.
This New Moon is a part of a Grand Earth Trine with the 2 other earth signs who are known for their practical wisdom; which is Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. So we’re being asked to complicate less and simplify more. Lastly, the New Moon is opposite Neptune in Pisces which stands to reason that the small steps will provide us with profound healing within not just the Virgo-influenced mind and body healing, but the Pisces-influenced heart and soul healing too. This New Moon is very integrative in a holistic healing way and can attend to so many areas of our lives where we could use the support.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Ready, set - IMPLEMENT Aries! The annual New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions on how you implement the behaviors in your life that promote greater well-being. You’ve identified what it is you need to do and now this New Moon wants you to do it. Whatever you’re currently seeing as you’re reading, is probably the best place to begin. But remember, small goals only!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Reveal, don’t conceal Taurus. The annual New Moon in Virgo wants you to share a substantial truth about yourself gradually and slowly. But you’re going to want to begin the process of disclosure now. That way it’s not too overwhelming. Small steps only! Think about opening up the conversation and setting the stage now so you can cumulatively share this substantial truth.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
What is “Home”, Gemini? The annual New Moon in Virgo wants you to find “home” as a process of very accurate self-acceptance. There’s a truth that you need to wrap your head and heart around. Once you accept it, you’ll want to see how you begin feeling at home within yourself because you’ve integrated a key truth about yourself. That way, home is wherever you are!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Introduce structure to activate empathy, Cancer. The annual New Moon in Virgo wants you to structure your speech a bit more so you can cultivate the empathy you’re so gifted at. Structuring speech looks like leading conversations from a place of parallel monologue to interfacing dialogue through asking thoughtful questions, reflective listening, and staying a student of other people’s perspectives.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Live into your values, Leo! The annual New Moon in Virgo wants you to identify your values so that you can begin living into them and implementing them in your life. There’s no security like knowing what you value and what behaviors support you in living according to those values. It’ll help you stay embodied in your truth and it’ll also improve the quality of your financial security too.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Make a wish, Virgo! The annual New Moon in YOUR SIGN is your moment to tell the Universe all your birthday wishes so it can get to manifesting quickly. For some inspiration, you may want to move from “What do I want to have, so that I can do what I want to do, and be who I want to be…” to “Who do I want to become? So that I can do what I desire? And have what I want to have..”
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Let go slowly, Libra. The annual New Moon in Virgo is your moment to release a tight grip on people, patterns, and other disempowering things that keep you in a holding pattern. You’ll want to slowly release yourself from this space and clear a space that calls in all you want. You have to initiate that space clearing so the Universe can manifest all that is now a better match for you.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
It’s all about community and collaboration, Scorpio. The annual New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions on how to show up for your community and how you want to receive friendship. Think about what kind of friendship you want to receive AND give. Then think about what kind of community you want to find belonging with because you’re looking for the most meaningful relationships now more than ever.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Level up, Sag! The annual New Moon in Virgo wants your career intentions! This is your moment to own a professional desire and begin taking inspired action on these desires. You’re looking for greater leadership opportunities, perhaps self-employment, and even professional freedom that helps you live with greater work and life balance too.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Bon voyage, Capricorn! The annual New Moon in Virgo wants to take you to expand your horizons through travel and education. So if you’ve been feeling the wanderlust and/or wanting your curiosities to take you to new places, this is the New Moon to follow that nudge. Book the ticket, buy the course - invest in your experiential and formal educational learning for success!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Go deeper, Aquarius! The annual New Moon in Virgo wants you to incorporate more mindfulness and attention to detail when taking relationships to a more intimate, sensual place. You’re looking to deepen your dynamics and this New Moon wants to help. So take small steps towards more disclosure, uncomfortable questions, and/or expressing your desires to see this take shape.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Love is in the air, Pisces! The annual New Moon in Virgo is your moment to tell the Universe the kind of love you want to receive AND give. So think about how opposites attract play a role in providing you with the kind of romance the Universe wants you to be in and then consider what kind of love you truly want to both receive beautifully AND give to the most deserving of partners.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.