I’ve thought fairly long about this so I’m secure to say - I think the axis between Aries and Libra is the one that determines our life-quality. The relationship between Aries ruled “me” and Libra ruled “we” is a dynamic that textures almost every dimension of our lives. And when you think about the zodiac as a chronological, cumulative investigation into enlightenment, or the evolution of the soul, the zodiac begins with Aries [so every sign’s success after is dependent upon it!] and its most pivotal turning point is Libra; where we move from solitude to socialization.
I might be a little partial in my statement above since Aries-Libra is the foundation of my Astrological work, because its centered on identity and relationships. And the more I sit with the work, the more I realize how crucial our understanding of autonomy and connection is to help us experience the fullest dimensions of the human experience. Now, since this is a Full Moon in Aries and it’s making a conjunction to the wounded-healer Chiron, we’ll explore how this Full Moon helps us heal our wounds with desire so we can connect to ourselves and others more honestly.
What is “Desire”? Esther Perel defines it as “...owning the wanting.” Aries energy owns the wanting and because it does so, it feels fully alive. When we want, when we reach for what we want, we often feel vibrant, radiant, and erotic. Desire is tricky though because across cultures, desire is sometimes explicitly forbidden, policed, criminalized, and surveilled. For many people, desire is difficult to experience when they haven’t been provided with the social permission to own the wanting. When I ask people, “What do you want?” and they realize “From where? From what place was I allowed to want?”, I know that Aries is the answer. And I know that accessing Aries is difficult. So does this Full Moon.
Which is why I want you to explore your history around desire. Were you raised with caregivers who let themselves want? Were you raised in religions or cultures that forbade it? Bring these complicated questions to the Full Moon, because it is conjunct Chiron and I think you’ll have the Aries answer. Now this relates to relationships, because we want others when they’re wanting. Why? Because wanting is not needing. Wanting is generative, sexy, seductive, exciting, and dynamic. And when others are in their Aries ruled autonomy by expressing their desires, the Libra ruled chemistry for connection fills the air. The dance begins.
I want you to think about how Aries ruled desire is a gift you give to yourself and that desire’s energy can’t help but give to others, too. With that frame in mind, we’d be less likely to believe that owning, expressing, and pursuing our desires is selfish, but deeply relational. It’s Desire that gives and receives. That’s Aries-Libra. May the Full Moon help you receive and give the energy of aliveness to yourself and the people you’re in relationship with.

Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
This Full Moon shines for you, Aries! The annual Full Moon in your sign around your half-birthday mark inspires you to reflect on your life progress since your most recent birthday and reorient where you’d like to go with more deliberateness. You’re ready to make major life-changes with even more intentionality and this Full Moon is here to help you do that.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Surrender does not equal quitting, Taurus. The Full Moon in Aries inspires you to complete what needs to be ended. From thinking traps, emotional habits, relationships and patterns that you know are losing strategies. So know that when you clear that space by surrendering it, the Universe will provide you with more frequency specific matches that offer the freedom you deserve!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Friendship is your religion, Gemini! The Full Moon in Aries wants you to reconnect with your friends and mutually support one another in a deeper way. Additionally, you’ll want to start seeing yourself as a leader among friends; which is anyone who’s willing to hold space for the brilliance of others. Show us the way!

Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Level up, Cancer! The Full Moon in Aries wants you to take steps towards self-employment, promotion, and higher standing within your career. You’re ready to take braver, more autonomous steps towards becoming the professional you want to be. So let this Full Moon give you the energy, ambition, and fearlessness to make those goals come true!

Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply the wisdom, Leo! The Full Moon in Aries wants you to reflect on the last six months of learning and determine which behaviors make that learning more actionable. It could inspire you to travel or educate yourself in a meaningful way too. So long as you’re operationalizing the wisdom in ways that transform circumstances and expand your horizons.

Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Own the wanting, Virgo. That’s how Esther Perel defined desire and that’s what the Full Moon in Aries wants you to do. Own. Your. Wanting! You’re such a thoughtful, productive, cognitive sign and this Full Moon wants you to be more instinctual, erotic, and somatic to live a more integrative, wholistic life. That way you’re both productive and poetic.

Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Boundaries are key, Libra! This Full Moon in Aries inspires you to embody the Prentis Hemphill idea on boundaries where they write “boundaries are the distance where I can love you and me simultaneously.” For your birthday, give yourself the gift of boundaries so that you can love them and yourself with equal pleasure!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Who do you want to be, Scorpio? The Full Moon in Aries inspires you to think critically about becoming the person you want to be by taking small steps with habit formation. Choose one small habit that you’ve always wanted to try and see how that habit compounds with others in a way that sustains your efforts to become the person you want to be!
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
What’s on your heart, Sag? The Full Moon in Aries wants you to name what you’re feeling, wanting, hoping for, afraid of, and/or anything that’s very emotionally exposing for you. You’ll be tasked with softening into expressing your inner world to others because when you do, that self-disclosure leads to powerful self-revelation.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Where do you want to belong, Capricorn? The Full Moon in Aries wants you to find the places, contexts, and people that make you feel fully alive. And from that sense of aliveness, you feel safe to explore your world with greater courage. This Full Moon wants to attract all the situations, people, and places that keep your heart safe so you can feel fully vibrant, alive, and radiant.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Keep it simple, sweetie! The Full Moon in Aquarius wants you to simplify your approach to communication with a little more clear, compassionate directness. You’re such a visionary thinker, which is an invaluable strength. Now the question is, how do you make your visions and imagination more accessible to others with clear simplicity? You can do it!

Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Walk your talk, Pisces! The Full Moon in Aries is asking for you to live into your values in a braver, bolder way. Especially around values that optimize freedom, aliveness, and excitement. You want to live more fully, more passionately, and connected to others. This Full Moon wants to help that become a reality. Provided you practice what you preach and walk your talk in powerful ways.