Aquarius Full Moon

Aquarius full moon
Aug 11 6:36PM PDT / Aug 12 3:36AM CEST / Aug 12 11:36AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Aquarius full moon illumination:
‘I am the change my community deserves. I show gratitude for the friends who are in my life.'
Aquarius full moon joins the task-master Saturn, and squares off with zappy Uranus! Not a smooth-edged belly of the moon at its peak.
Sore spots and challenges may be highlighted for good. Bringing up areas that may need some re-wiring.
Ah! What systems and structures need to change or be created to ease a tension you might be experiencing?
What needs to be downloaded right now (and released out of your noggin) that will ease a problem you have been nutting away at? - Let it flow in the moonlight.
Be open to sudden insight birthed from within tension. There is always a solution. Reach out to your community if you need help, or help those who reach out.
Not a rainbow-lollipop moon to obliviously dance around naked to (or is it?), but one that will be productive none-the-less. Conspiring with you to make changes that need to be made for more graceful ebbs and flows between yourself, your work, others and just, life.
Do: be authentic, weird, proudly yourself in all of its flavours, and open to insight and different perspectives.
Don't: take it all too seriously, some lightheartedness (and romance) is medicine that will go a long way.
Release what needs to GO!
Problems lead to INNOVATION.
Structures and plans = FREEDOM.
NEW things. NEW WAYS!
Structures and plans = FREEDOM.
NEW things. NEW WAYS!
- Kerry, Magic of I.
Full Moon Aquarius at 19° 21’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
With his Mercury in Aquarius, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior expressed it beautifully - “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” When I think of “Aquarius” - an exceptionally multidimensional and paradoxical sign - I think of this inescapable network of mutuality that we’re all caught in; whether we know it, like it or not. If we not only enacted an awareness of this Aquarius truth on the individual level, but the relational, political level too - what kind of world would we live in? What sort of behavior would be expected of us?
The Full Moon mantra affirms, “I am the change my community deserves.” And I think the change the community deserves requires us to regulate our rugged individualism and move towards behaving in a way that creates an inescapable network of mutuality, generosity, decency and understanding. How else will the world change? MLK went on to say, “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” For some, we saw this truth expressed before the pandemic. And during the pandemic we’ve seen this truth affirmed time and time again for us all. Let us not squander this significant experiential learning and go back to same ol’, same ol’.
Compellingly, Aquarius is imagined as both the sign of the beloved community - another MLK idea where society is organized by social and economic justice - and Aquarius is contextualized as the sign of the eccentric individualist. This is why the fixed-air sign is a paradox that invites more understanding. As an American, I’m noticing within my country a time of self-sorting by ideological, political, and religious affiliation. Interestingly, we could assume this would build community... but loneliness researchers argue it isn’t. Even though this group “agrees”, they are not connected. You can see the paradox here. Dr. Brene Brown would call it common enemy intimacy. They’re not in “community”, they just hate the same people. They’ve created a culture and community norms where disagreement, progress and innovation are silenced. What this research teaches us is the Aquarius paradox of belonging where: in order for me to find belonging with you in this inescapable network of mutuality, there are times where I will need to eccentrically, innovatively and courageously dare to challenge the status quo.
The Full Moon is squaring the stabilizing Taurus stellium, so themes of tradition and preservation are once again facing off with innovation and change. Rabbi and Psychologist Marcelo Bronstein argues, “What if change is part of the tradition?” Let’s hold that quote in our hearts and mind as we experience this Full Moon which helps us with belonging, being in community and having the courage to question, innovate, and move progress forward to help us all in the inescapable network of mutuality we find ourselves in.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Take it to the streets, Aries! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: community organizing, friendship, and social justice zone inspiring you to think about what time, talent and treasure you can contribute to benefit the collective good. Speaking of collective, this Full Moon connects you with the comrades and collaborators that you’re aligned with on a broad scale who can help you become the person you want to be.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Make money moves, Taurus! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: life purpose and career sector motivating you to make the changes necessary to professional success. Your competence is already established, btw. Now it’s a matter of aligning with the community, changes, and ideas that help you make moves. It’s people now that will move you forward towards realizing your professional goals.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
You love an “Ah-ha!” moment, Gemini! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: applied ideas and actionable wisdom zone helping you take a key awareness you’ve acquired and enact it. Said differently, when you know better - you do better. Think about the wisdom you’ve acquired and connect it to specific behaviors that help you operationalize your wisdom to expand your horizons in beautiful ways!
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Don’t make one or two people your "village”, Cancer! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: intimacy and sexuality zone inspiring you to expand your definition of intimacy. Essentially, you can learn a great deal about intimacy in non-intimate relationships and translate, transfer and apply that to your intimate partnerships. Expand your community a bit and watch how your romantic/intimate relationships change for the better!
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites do attract, Leo! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: romance and negotiation zone which helps you understand yourself, others, and the space in between. You’ve been confronted with possible blind-spots and breakthroughs from people very different from you. Leverage these oppositions and polarities as paradoxical energies that need to be managed, not problems that need to be solved.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Start small and start differently, Virgo! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: habit formation, wellbeing zone and helps you try new strategies for personal development. The weirder, the better this go around! And lean on others, your community especially, who want to help you. Just begin in a small way with connection and support from others and you’ll be amazed to see how it sustains excellence from you.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Express yourself, Libra! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: courage and emotional self-exposure zone inspiring you to name what’s on your heart, what stories need to be shared, and what hopes, fears, emotions, and desires need to be expressed. It’s vulnerable and scary for sure; but it’s required for the most wholehearted life. So be brave, be specific, and share what’s on your heart for courage’s reward!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy Homecoming, Scorpio! The Full Moon in your Aquarius ruled: belonging and emotional self-acceptance zone inspires you to find the people and places that feel like home. Imagine what you want to feel when you’re with “family” and where you’re at “home”, so that the Full Moon can work its magic helping you find the contexts you deserve for emotional safety.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
I don’t have to tell you - straight talk leads to straight understanding, Sag! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: language and communication zone inspiring you to cultivate the clearest approach to speaking and listening. You might have to be even more direct and compassionate in your delivery in order to be the agent of transformation, understanding and progress you were born to be.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Walk your talk, Capricorn! The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: security, embodiment and income zone. Frankly, I think the best way for you to cultivate security is by actively clarifying your values and living into them behaviorally. Which is one of your strengths! But we can’t live into what we haven’t named. So name the values and then live into these values with actionable behaviors for security’s sake!
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy half-birthday! I had to! So this is your annual Full Moon that asks for you to hold the energies of completion and commencement. You’re at a halfway point in your life and this Full Moon wants to understand what you’re looking to let go of and what you’re looking to start. That way, you can move forward with the clearest of thoughts, desires, and behaviors that turn you towards integrity.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s time to let go, Pisces. The Full Moon is in your Aquarius ruled: finality, surrender, and closure zone inspiring you to locate the habits, emotions, thoughts, relationships, and behaviors that hold you back from swimming at full fish speed. Think about concepts like both forgiveness and apology. What do you need to apologize for and who you need to forgive in order to move towards your highest and brightest outcomes?
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
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