Leo New Moon

Leo new moon
Jul 28 10:55AM PDT / Jul 28 7:55PM CEST / Jul 29 3:55AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Leo new moon reflections:
But here we are at a Leo new moon under the Leo sun, ready to bask in its glow and fan the flames of Leo-hood. Trining a stationary Jupiter about to turn retrograde, this new moon brings a welcome sense of optimism amidst a growing sensation of the show-stealing conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in just a few days.
This has been growing in intensity the whole month, and there may have been feelings of unknown angst, unsettledness, or 'things have got to change' as we get closer to their meeting. But with awareness we can move through it heart first, without as much shell retreating.
Leo brings its fire, passion and courage to face what we may need to and show up as our selves, shining our truth. It is a reminder that we can and will have joy and fun in our lives. It is, after all, a birthright (as are the gifts of each of the signs).
That being said, mindfulness of the words we speak, internally and externally, will have a lasting impact. Self expression is highly important, words are essentially spells, so expressing with an awareness that they will really land, will do wonders, or not.
This new moon, amidst the growing unknown of the meeting of Mars and Uranus and the changes to follow, use the energy to be creative around where your passions lie, what new things or skills do you want to learn? What do you want to express or expand in your relationships? And how can you invite in more play and fun? Get clear on your most important values.
Heart first, onwards and outwards, in this crazy world of ours.
New Moon Leo at 05° 38’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
It takes courage to be confused! It would be irresponsible of me not to discuss the New Moon in courageous Leo next to the destabilizing Uranus-North Node conjunction in Taurus both occurring in the same week. “Confusion” and how we navigate uncertainty have emerged as predominant themes across mine and my clients’ lives this week. Seeing hardly anything as “coincidence”, let’s unpack this pattern!
Among the four focused fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius - I would argue that Leo is the most flexible and resilient in uncertainty. This is a slightly oxymoronic statement given the Astrological permission given to the fixed signs to be anything but comfortable in the unknown. They’re obligated to make the implicit explicit by crafting theory, art, process, and methods that explain abstract phenomena. Just 2 days after the New Moon in Leo, outer planet Uranus - ruler of innovation, exploration, and discovery - forms a conjunction for the first time since 2007 to the North Node currently transiting Taurus. The New Moon asks for new ideas, questions, and intentions. Uranus asks for careful deliberation, revision, and curiosity. So the Moon and North Node are in a state of wonder and investigation, but they’re transiting zodiac signs that desire answers, commitment, and conclusions. Hopefully you can see this tension. And potentially you don’t have to look to far to see it because you’re currently experiencing it.
Which brings me back to the point of the Leo ruled courage it takes to be in the Uranus-North Node confusion this week. Since the pandemic began, we have been given - in the beautiful words of fixed sign Scorpio Sonya Renee Taylor - “...the opportunity to stitch a new garment. One that fits all of humanity and nature.” Sonya writes, “We will not go back to normal. Normal never was.” In the opportunity to stitch a new garment, we are confronted with many questions that not only lead to confusion but decision fatigue. Like: am I meant to be this person? Am I meant to be with this person? Am I meant to be here? Working here -doing this? So what I’d like you to do under the New Moon in Leo is declare intentions that help you move through and navigate this normal confusion. What sort of personality strengths are helpful for this process? Vulnerability, creativity, intuition, faith, wonder, adaptability, and flexibility?
Lastly, to be confused means you’re half a step ahead because as Salvador Minuchin says, “Certainty is the enemy of change.” So if you’re feeling unsure and need a moment to skillbuild the strengths that help you move forward in uncertainty towards the change you’re seeking, give yourself that time, space, and contemplation before the action and commitments required. Wishing you support, clarity, and resilience this week and always.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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