Virgo Full Moon March 9th 10:47AM PDT / March 10th 4:47AM AEDT Moonthly Theme: DREAMS, TRANSCENDENCE AND INTUITION Virgo full moon reflection: ‘I am grateful that my body is my earthly temple for the cosmos to reside in’ Virgo is the ultimate cosmic channeller, so highly developed and attuned to their surroundings, the minute details, the structure and organisation of matter, the body and the physical. But often the chattering of this highly intelligent and dynamic mind can get in the way, negative self talk and worry can block the brilliance available to this energy. Our bodies are our cosmic vessels. They are incredible soul-suits that carry the entire universe inside of it. And sometimes we forget that, sometimes it is very difficult to be in a body. To be part of this dense, slow space, to experience pain or sickness. And that for some of us, is our greatest lesson. But fear, worry and obsession does not serve us healthily. To follow on from the new moon in Pisces which initiated this cycle, with the reflection thread ‘connection with my higher self regularly, opens me to infinite possibilities,’ we now bring that into the body with gratitude and understanding that this temporary vehicle is true magic at play. If we have one without the other, we are ungrounded and our gifts cannot manifest in the physical world, or we have no spiritual connection beyond our physical body and the world is colourless, cold, data driven and very scientific. If we want to integrate the expansiveness of where our minds and spirits can take us, we must have balance with our relationship to our physical bodies. That is what ‘embodiment’ is. During this cycle of flowing through our dreams, creativity, emotions and trusting our intuition, this full moon now brings application and discernment. We can adjust while flowing with presence and apply constant re-alignment to what we truly want on the path towards our dreams. Lena from The Power Path has this perfect addition, “This is a practical moon good for supporting discrimination and discernment. Spend some time taking an inventory of your resources. Identify the ones that are not really resources, the ones that are already spent, the ones that need to be acknowledged and used, and the ones that are not yet in your field. Rather than coming from a place of fear and obsession, an attitude of positivity and gratitude will help you make better use of this moon. This is a super moon and a good one for visioning, praying, asking for help and committing yourself to better boundaries. Take some time to sort and clear something in your physical environment. It is always a good expression of your internal intentions. Some self-care and alone time should be on your list for today as well. Get inspired about how discernment can support you rather than being discouraged about what you might have to give up. See yourself as a point of reference for others. What kind of a point of reference are you? A positive one that embodies hope, calmness, well-being and neutrality? Or one that embodies negativity, fear and obsession? Your choice.” This full moon move any stagnation through exercise, heat the centre through warming foods and mediation on golden light, and keep the pores open for ventilation through sweating. Be aware of what you are ingesting, not just through food but through all types of media. Discern what information is good for you and what is not. Spend time with your body, smile into each part of it, each organ. Love it for what it is. Catch the negative self talk, and remember these vehicles house our spirit, and what wonderful amazing vehicles they are regardless of shape, size or colour. We all share this journey of incarnation through the many highs and lows of being human. We can best serve each other through self acceptance of all of our layers, light and shadow, to create more balance in our external world. Kerry - Magic of I. Full moon Virgo 19° 37’ The Spinner’s Moon Astrologer Evelyn Von Zuel from The Mystic Parlor says: Being of service with a humble and open heart not for the sake of the individual but for the benefit of all. We can create a sense of well-being in anyone we come into contact with simply by being. There are often times when just existing in someone’s orb is enough for them to feel comfort. Virgo Moon feels most at ease when she is able to help and offer her services to those around her. At times there is a need to be needed in order to tame underlying anxieties regarding one’s usefulness. The mind that finds isolation comes up with some creative interpretations of the external realm. There is a nostalgia for independence and solitude but a yearning to be in the midst of those who really get you. There must be someone out there that can know and digest every single word you have to offer. The Sun conjoins Neptune in an alchemical combustion to reflect the light off of the Virgo Moon with glittering visions of high dreams and wishes. We work until we can’t see straight, cannot tell if we are just on the verge of exhaustion or if we really did see that apparition in the corner of the living room. There’s a thin layer of sleep that doesn’t drain from our eyes enough to wash away the fog. Someone once said, “The devil finds work for idle hands.” and may we try and tempt that theory? We have a couple more sacred conjunctions for this Full Moon which shakes up the harmony of a previously balanced foundation. Venus meets Uranus in Taurus at 4° / 5° and tests our ability to truly be flexible within our relationships, personal and romantic. Creature comforts that fill us to the brim limit our bodies from digesting difficult criticism that may have been pent up over the years. This Venus and Uranus conjunction wanes from a square with Saturn, an inconjunct with the moon and a semi-square with the Sun. “Remember that time when you said x,y, and z? Well that really pained me to hear.” The well of emotional depth is never ending, and we can talk about the foibles, and misdeeds from every angle of the disco ball but what it really boils down to is the need to be understood. To really be seen and validated for the emotions that we feel on a daily basis is all an argument really is. One of the energy patterns of the feminine, or the yin, is receptivity. The way a compliment, a complaint or a friendly reminder is received is up to the heir of the projection. Without fellow Mercury Rx, the lines of communication would be clearer, and our helpful critique would otherwise have been met with gratitude. It takes a little bit more energy to come to mutual agreements. On a different level, the Venusian dares to shock the establishment and previous perceptions of “classic beauty” are more than a bore today. Jupiter and Mars in Capricorn have a strong supporting role in this Full Moon. They bring to the table an abundance of opportunities for work. Inspiration to pick up the slack wherever necessary and volunteer for a cause can generate a sense of accomplishment. As with all Full Moons we take this time to release a thing out of our being and into the earth or through the ethers. What we release is meant to support those around us and illuminate our eternal connection to every soul on earth. It wouldn’t be a full moon in Virgo post without the mention of health and wellness. Are there any routines in your daily life that don’t support your well-being? Do you work yourself into a state of sickness? Where in your life could you show more graciousness and gentleness to yourself? This can be a nice moment to release any toxic work-related habits that have been built up in the name of productivity. The system that forces its workers to show up to work while ignoring their personal wellness is a toxic system. When we are able to honor the emotional energy that it takes to balance relationships as much as we honor creative output, we show the world that empathy is a strong source of power. Virgo full moon Mantras My success is not dependent on how much I produce I can establish healthy emotional boundaries I am of service to the divine My wellness is my priority I am an emotional being I receive with graciousness - Evelyn Von Zuel The Mystic Parlor (FKA Astrom Council) Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars? Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2020 Astrological Planner. For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment. If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.