Austrian Philosopher Ludwig Bittenstein said, “The limits of my language define the limits of my world.”And if there is a better quote that summarizes “Gemini”, let me know. I haven’t found it yet. The New Moon in Gemini on May 30th asks us to use our words carefully, stay curious about expanding awareness, and expand awareness by expanding our language. What interrupts this process is the fact that many of us - myself included - were not raised in families or educated in schools that inspires us to 1) recognize we have a collective communication issue and 2) there’s much we can do about it.
Strong verbal communication skills are not in the Gemini air. I wish they were; but they’re not. So it behooves each and everyone of us to recognize we have work to do around the New Moon mantra. And that’s why the New Moon is arriving now. One of the scariest but most necessary things I recommend in my Astrology consultations is asking my client to ask someone they trust how they can improve their communication. I think we’re so afraid to admit that we don’t do it perfectly so we just keep on pretending. I’d like to ask you to ask your confidantes whether or not you’re an over or undertaker. Do they feel like you’re genuinely listening to understand or listening to respond? Do they feel like you ask enough personal, follow-up, open-ended questions to register that you heard what they said? Are you overtalking and not giving others the space for them to share? These are tough but necessary questions to get the feedback we need in order to maintain relational self-awareness in communication.
On that note, I think it’s beautiful that Gemini is the introduction of humanity in Astrology and humanity appears in relationship as the symbol of the Twins. There’s loaded symbolism there. Like the fact that humanity is not meant to be in isolation. We’re meant to do this work together. We’re meant to be in right relationship. It’s encoded in our DNA for survival and health. Now because Gemini is the one and only mutable air sign, what I gather from the meaning of the Twins is that - language, conversation, listening, perception, and curiosity - are irreducible skills for meaningful relationships. We can’t be in healthy, functional, meaningful relationships without the conscious, deliberate effort of improving the way we speak and hear one another.
The New Moon’s chart has only one major aspect worth mentioning and its the sextile to Mars in Aries. I think this New Moon could help us self-disclose who we are trying to become and thus we see self-disclosure as a means for self-revelation. If you know it’s time to reintroduce yourself - and Gemini knows a thing or two about reinvention - let it happen on Monday. Wishing you the language for self-disclosure, second-chances, new beginnings, and closure.

Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words, Aries! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to review the way you perceive, listen, and speak. This is the time to intend and be very willing to improve the quality of your cognition, mindfulness, and language skills in an effort to become the person you want to be and very thoughtfully understand and relationally connect to the people in your life.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What does “Security” actually mean, Taurus? Monday’s New Moon in Gemini helps you reimagine what contexts for safety and security you could experiment with in an effort to find pleasure, embodiment, reliability, and joy. Don’t be afraid to start a new strategy, commit to a new value, and/or step outside of your comfort zone for growth and expansion.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Gemini! Monday’s New Moon in your sign wants all your birthday wishes as specifically and fearlessly as you can make them. So tell the Universe exactly who you want to be, what you want to do, and what kind of results you want to have expressed. Remember to safeguard your autonomy and freedom here; while remember you have the right to choose what you want!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
They say “Suffering occurs in monologue; healing occurs in dialogue”, Cancer. Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to find ways to heal in dialogue, not suffer in monologue. I know it’s vulnerable and very scary to initiate tough conversations but this lunation wants to provide you with the support and encouragement to make it happen.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Stand along or belong with, Leo? Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to leverage the side of the balance you need to find greater connection. Do you need to show up and support the people in your community who could use your help? Or do you need to step aside a bit and figure out where you stand on something without too much external noise?
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Virgo! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to step into greater leadership positions and/or begin a self-employment adventure that could give you the adventure you’ve been longing for. It’s always scary to try new things but if you can manage your expectations well and take small brave steps words making it happen, the Universe will support you!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Apply what you know, Libra! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to review the key learnings over the last few months and consider how you can do better because you know better. You’re holding key intelligence that needs to be operationalized into behavior in an effort to help you become the highest, brightest version of yourself.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
The mind is the most erotic organ, Scorpio! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to remember that “sex isn’t a thing we do but a place we go” (Esther Perel) and so where you do go mentally when you’re in the erotic domain? What mentally turn you on? What language and words create the erotic spaces, feelings, thoughts, and experiences?
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Opposites attract, Sag? Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to normalize contradiction, opposition, and dilemmas in relationships so you can see yourself differently and make a meaningful relationship with another. This is also the time to write down all that you want to receive in love and all that you’re hoping to give to your beloved(s) as well!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
It’s the small things, Cap! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to practice more mindfulness and take the small steps towards regulating reactivity. As a grounded Earth sign, you’re not impulsive per say but you can rush to conclusions so regulate that please! Consider which habits and small steps help you practice nonreactivity, calm, and mindfulness then commit to them.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Courage thy name is Aquarius! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini wants you to share a story in your heart to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. You’re feeling something that needs to be expressed to a listener. Remember, no act of courage goes unrewarded by the Universe so share what’s on your heart and you’ll see your life transform from it!
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Home is a feeling, Pisces! Monday’s New Moon in Gemini helps you strengthen the quality of your emotional intelligence so you can normalize, name, and communicate what you’re feeling as you’re feeling it. It’s so important to be able to share what you’re emotionally experiencing so you can feel at home within yourself and deeply connected to the people you love.