Taurus New Moon April 22nd 7:25PM PDT / April 23rd 12:25PM AEST Moonthly Theme: STABILITY, SELF-WORTH AND MONEY Taurus new moon reflection: ‘I deserve solid foundations, my value is beyond my possessions’ The moon renews itself in Taurus today, on Earth Day (in the US). And what a perfect reminder to slow down and connect with Mother Nature. You do not have to go on a grand adventure to do this. Nature is all around us. Stare at the clouds in the sky, walk barefoot on the grass, look closely at how plants grow wherever they can take hold in a city, smell the dirt, watch the birds or insects do their thing. Sit in stillness and listen. Connect with the earth element within you. Connect with the physical earth. One thing that sometimes goes forgotten is that we ARE nature, we are not seperate from it. Interconnected and mirrored in all life are webs, veins, mycelia and energy that weave through all things. We are, life is, a brilliant tapestry. New moons and the few days leading up to them, our skies are in darkness. The lights of the stars take centre stage. When the moon has no light, there is no reflection from the sun because they are dancing together. It is a time to turn inward, closing down the eyes and letting the previous shapes of our lives melt into the darkness, ready to renew again. This verse from Anam Cara, a book of Celtic Wisdom, perfectly sums up this Taurus new moon: “The world rests at night. Trees, mountains, fields and faces are released from the prison of shape and the burden of exposure. Each thing creeps back into its own nature within the shelter of the dark. Darkness is the ancient womb. Nighttime is womb-time. Our souls come out to play. The darkness absolves everything; the struggle for identity and impression falls away. We rest in the night. The dawn is a refreshing time, a time of possibility and promise. All the elements of nature - stones, fields, rivers and animals - are suddenly there anew in the fresh dawn light. Just as darkness brings rest and release, so the dawn brings awakening and renewal. In our mediocracy and distraction, we forget that we are privileged to live in a wondrous universe.” Slow living, is the medicine of Taurus season, to sink deeper into this Great Pause. Something that we are so desperate for as a species to re-evaluate what is truly important to us. What changes do we need to make so we can healthily thrive and evolve? What perceptions and limited beliefs need to be acknowledged so we can reboot into new spaces and ideas of who we want to be after this situation? For too long money, power and profits have been prioritised over planet. I’m bored of that old story. The earth is our safety net, but when we mistreat that which is our foundation - the foundation of life, its starts to crumble beneath our feet. But do not be mistaken that the earth is weak. It holds and contains all of the elements, fire, water, air, ether. Intelligent beyond the mainstream understanding, she is a self organising system, and if something runs rampant and threatens balance, there will be an antidote close by. As we navigate rapid change, it serves us well to keep letting go of fear, keep surrendering into the unknown, and keep the light burning inside each and everyone of us nourished and protected. Our information ecology is polluted and social media is a breeding ground for rampant news, opinions and theories. Be wise as to how much time you spend here. (There is a great documentary on sense making here: The War on Sensemaking) Hope is something that must be consciously cultivated and protected. Use this time to nourish your heart as we pause. Find inspiration through slow living and simplifying, Taurus is here to help us recognise the beauty in change, dig up what we value the most and sew seeds for greener pastures. What is meant for you, will not pass you by. Nature does not rush, yet everything is accomplished. These are statements that conjure feelings of surrender and trust in the beauty of the unfolding experience - as challenging as it might be sometimes, the feelings we get when we are harmoniously living in alignment with the earth. The magic in stillness, simplifying and slowing down. The essence of being. Pleasure. We all deserve a healthy planet. We all deserve a place in this wondrous world. We are all valuable. Let us open our minds, and hearts, and vision a new way of being. While enduring AND enjoying the ride. With love Kerry - Magic of I. New Moon Taurus at 3° 24’ Astrologer Evelyn Zuel from The Mystic Parlor says: What bears the highest reward for withholding the most pleasure? With each careful step that the bull takes towards stability comes a shaky Uranian whirlwind. It has been said before that we must change our relationship to our material world, to mother earth and it makes sense logically. When we talk about the grotesque pillaging of our abundant mother and the piles of waste that will never decay, we can accept that it is a problem. And then we ask ourselves, “what can I do?” I’m just one person. We do what we can, and it still doesn’t feel like it is enough. The restrictive forces of Saturn are real and can depress our efforts for building a stronger foundation. The New Moon in Taurus is met with a square to Saturn in Aquarius, it’s a battle of the wills. Saturn traditionally rules Aquarius and the Moon is exalted in Taurus, they are both highly placed in their positions within the zodiac and are pulling on each other. Taurus new moon says, “I want to feel good; I want to look beautiful, freely create” and Saturn in Aquarius says, “but you must wait longer and it’s not just about you but about the people around you.” This is for the sake of building a stronger community. We must withhold the pleasures that are normally so readily available to us and replace it with something constructive. Needs vs. Wants We need to eat but we want sugar. Venus rules Taurus and is a sweet planet. In medical astrology Venus is related to sugar and other carbohydrates. What do we run to when we want to make ourselves feel better during a rough day? Typically, it will be those sugary and carb filled treats. The reason is because when we get a hit of sugar it releases dopamine in the reward centers in the brain. We get a mini burst of pleasure from consuming sugar and this part of our chemical reaction to external stimuli is continually manipulated by advertisements, likes, blinking dinging pleasant sounds that signify a reward like phone games. The way that marketing works on us psychologically is very Venusian and some might say just another form of taking advantage of the feminine receptive parts to our human existence. The second house in our charts which is associated with Taurus and Venus is what we consume, what we value and our own possessions. The opposite is the 8th house: what we release or let go of, other people’s stuff and our own relationship with that (hence jealousy in some cases). The New Moon is opening us up to take a very critical look at what our habitual dietary patterning is. There is no need to place shame or guilt on what pleases our senses, leave that to religion. But it is important to, without judgement, examine our relationship with pleasure. “We must withhold pleasures that are normally so readily available to us and replace it with something constructive.” ☉□♄ Again, this isn’t about shaming or guilting you into conservation, the astrological alignments are probably already doing that. The purpose is to overcome the guilt of feeling good in order to have an honest conversation with we and to be open to receiving rewards of substance. Venus is once again one of the only planets in the chart making harmonious aspects throughout the zodiac. Her easy flow with Mars opens an invitation to use our words as a form of sensual connection. Since the energy is already there to help, speak up about what you need whether it be from a partner, a boss, a friend or a sibling. We’re planting seeds during this time so for the Full Moon in Scorpio in two weeks we will be ready to let go of old patterns gracefully and graciously. Let’s talk about the money Because of its rulership over 2nd house matters, Taurus relates to everything earthly as in commerce, retail, food and finance. We will and must talk about what our time is worth. We must value ourselves enough to want to ask for more. This month we are talking about money, another traditionally taboo subject. So, clearly there is a huge restriction for us to receive finances, (Saturn Aquarius Square the Sun Taurus). Saturn just entered Aquarius and it feels like we’re on the precipice of some sort of universal income system. However, the financial markets have proven to be plumped up by monopoly money and small businesses are being screwed out of financial aid from these large corporations, particularly in the US (yet again). During this New Moon in Taurus, let's plant the seeds within our subconscious to value our worth, to take ownership over what brings us pleasure and to not be afraid to ask for more. On this New Moon in Taurus, let’s set the foundations for a stronger community, a more peaceful relationship to the earth and stability within our hearts. We are strong, we are resilient, and we are worthy of more. Taurus new moon Mantras I am worthy of more I invite pleasure into my life I honor the Earth I am a part of a mighty and strong community I am a valuable member of society - Evelyn Zuel The Mystic Parlor Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars? Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2020 Astrological Planner. For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment. If you don't already own this navigational tool it is available here.