Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio new moon
Nov 4 2:15PM PDT / Nov 5 8:15AM AEST
Moonthly Theme:
Scorpio new moon reflections:
‘I surrender to the depths of being, my emotions wield the power to transform my reality’
The body as the edge of the infinite
I love Scorpio season. I feel so alive and in my body, feeling the rumbling of the deep, wise power within. Experiencing energy in motion and the unfurling pleasure it brings to feel it within a physical body. There is an intensity of life that is intoxicating and necessary for the full spectrum of human experience.
This quality of aliveness is what I experience around death. As if death and the momentous gravity of spirit leaving form inverts itself into a peak experience of being here, now. Alive, breathing, blood pulsating through veins, a beating heart within a body that miraculously works like clockwork. Mysteriously inhabited by energy, spirit, being.
An aliveness that is so satisfying and pleasurable as it moves and transforms. Orgasmicness in just being, and experiencing the infinite aliveness within a finite body.
Lying in stillness after my movement practice I could feel the endless well of life force and the body a spring where it wells up and out. How miraculous it is to be alive. Other days it hurts to be here in a body; the swaying tides of a watery moon.
This Scorpio new moon is one of ending and beginnings. There are grounds for a sudden upwell, could be insight, emotion, power, the unseen or unexpected.
It is an insight (intuitive/felt) into the qualities of the nodes shifting into Taurus and Scorpio January next year.
We are seeing shadows for the purpose of deep transformation, that is the gift of Scorpio, along with the ability to sink into, through and out the other side, changed.
Keep your optimism close by and notice what bubbles up that needs to come out. Zoom out for perspective.
The space between this world and another is permeable, be open to its gifts. And don’t forget, you are alive and a walking miracle in a time of great change.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Scorpio at 12° 40’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
The depths aren’t always dark. On November 4/5th, the annual New Moon in Scorpio gives us the opportunity to review the ways we imagine depth, emotion, intimacy, eroticism, and the pursuit of Truth and Trust. So when we contextualize “Scorpio” we can often focus on the intensity and complexity of this sign and the concepts it rules above. I think it’s important to, of course, have conversations about the hidden, the complicated, the depths of Scorpio and I just want us to remember too that the depth isn’t always dark.
I mention this because I’ll never forget the “Eureka!” moment I had when I watched Scorpio Dr. Brene Brown ask Oprah Winfrey in an interview, “...Do you know what the most terrifying emotion is for people to experience? Joy.” Oprah said, “The most terrifying emotion for people to experience is joy?!” And in that moment I knew the fear of a joy is a Scorpio ruled topic and it might be because we simplify Scorpio to just its dark-depths. The so-called intensity without applying its comedy. Not just the pain but the pleasure that Scorpio can offer us too. Dr. Brown went on to explain that the fear of joy is a function of losing tolerance for vulnerability because “ becomes foreboding.”
This New Moon in Scorpio wants us to name and accept the depths and the darkness that we’ve all collectively experienced in different ways. While also remembering that we can in the midst of this darkness, turn on the light and find joy. I want you to think about how you soften into the small moments of joy. Do you, like me, sometimes live in the wreckage of the future? Dress rehearse tragedy to beat vulnerability to the punch? Do you assume worst case scenario to manage anticipatory rejection, failure, and/or heartbreak? What if the New Moon in Scorpio instead helped you find gratitude for the small moments so that, while we recognize the fragility, impermanence, and uncertainty of joy - our grateful heart becomes a well lit home for joy to abide in the depths of this season?
I highlight the connections among joy, pleasure, depth, fear, and levity because this New Moon in Scorpio forms a T-Square among Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Earthy, sensual Taurus wants pleasure, intimate water Scorpio wants depth, and transcendent airy Aquarius wants levity. So we have to laugh at ourselves for putting on the armor when we experience joy. Nothing casts out fear like laughter. While remembering that some of the biggest regrets of the dying is realizing they didn’t engage in the small moments of joy when they had the chance because it didn’t protect them from the pain they felt at the end of life. Let us hold the tension of this T-Square by realizing the power of joy and gratitude in the center of the Scorpio underworld and transform our lives because we’re committing to wrapping our heads and hearts around heartbreak and love, fear and joy, shame and empathy. Because what Scorpio teaches us always is that Life is both heartbreaking and beautiful. People make mistakes and they can change too. So let us commit to experiencing it all with gratitude.
I mention this because I’ll never forget the “Eureka!” moment I had when I watched Scorpio Dr. Brene Brown ask Oprah Winfrey in an interview, “...Do you know what the most terrifying emotion is for people to experience? Joy.” Oprah said, “The most terrifying emotion for people to experience is joy?!” And in that moment I knew the fear of a joy is a Scorpio ruled topic and it might be because we simplify Scorpio to just its dark-depths. The so-called intensity without applying its comedy. Not just the pain but the pleasure that Scorpio can offer us too. Dr. Brown went on to explain that the fear of joy is a function of losing tolerance for vulnerability because “ becomes foreboding.”
This New Moon in Scorpio wants us to name and accept the depths and the darkness that we’ve all collectively experienced in different ways. While also remembering that we can in the midst of this darkness, turn on the light and find joy. I want you to think about how you soften into the small moments of joy. Do you, like me, sometimes live in the wreckage of the future? Dress rehearse tragedy to beat vulnerability to the punch? Do you assume worst case scenario to manage anticipatory rejection, failure, and/or heartbreak? What if the New Moon in Scorpio instead helped you find gratitude for the small moments so that, while we recognize the fragility, impermanence, and uncertainty of joy - our grateful heart becomes a well lit home for joy to abide in the depths of this season?
I highlight the connections among joy, pleasure, depth, fear, and levity because this New Moon in Scorpio forms a T-Square among Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Earthy, sensual Taurus wants pleasure, intimate water Scorpio wants depth, and transcendent airy Aquarius wants levity. So we have to laugh at ourselves for putting on the armor when we experience joy. Nothing casts out fear like laughter. While remembering that some of the biggest regrets of the dying is realizing they didn’t engage in the small moments of joy when they had the chance because it didn’t protect them from the pain they felt at the end of life. Let us hold the tension of this T-Square by realizing the power of joy and gratitude in the center of the Scorpio underworld and transform our lives because we’re committing to wrapping our heads and hearts around heartbreak and love, fear and joy, shame and empathy. Because what Scorpio teaches us always is that Life is both heartbreaking and beautiful. People make mistakes and they can change too. So let us commit to experiencing it all with gratitude.
Intimacy, Eros, Sexuality & Transformation
Bring the shadow to the light, Aries. The New Moon in Scorpio helps you find the missing half of your inner work. Whether that’s more levity, gravitas, empathy, or resilience, this New Moon in Scorpio helps you leverage the polarities a bit. Especially so you can connect to others deeply. Since you know you’re both imperfect and worthy, you’ll have the foundation to intimately relate to others from their depths too.
Bring the shadow to the light, Aries. The New Moon in Scorpio helps you find the missing half of your inner work. Whether that’s more levity, gravitas, empathy, or resilience, this New Moon in Scorpio helps you leverage the polarities a bit. Especially so you can connect to others deeply. Since you know you’re both imperfect and worthy, you’ll have the foundation to intimately relate to others from their depths too.
Romance, Love, Partnerships & Trust
It takes two, Taurus! The New Moon in Scorpio puts opposites attract style chemistry in the air. You’ll be drawn to people and ideas that are far from your known comfort zone and interested in different people and ideas that can expand your worldview. You’ll need trust now more than ever as you cross the bridge from the known to the unknown so flesh out what trust is, what trust isn’t, and who’s earned it.
It takes two, Taurus! The New Moon in Scorpio puts opposites attract style chemistry in the air. You’ll be drawn to people and ideas that are far from your known comfort zone and interested in different people and ideas that can expand your worldview. You’ll need trust now more than ever as you cross the bridge from the known to the unknown so flesh out what trust is, what trust isn’t, and who’s earned it.
Humility, Health, Wellness & Routine
Life works when you work it, Gemini! The New Moon in Scorpio wants your commitment on a personal habit and/or routine that optimizes emotional, psychological, and behavioral health. You’re more at choice and more at cause for the effects you’d like to improve. So experiment with different strategies that strengthen the quality of your wellbeing because you’re elevating it as proactively as possible.
Courage, Worthiness, Charisma & Lovability
Take off the crab shell, Cancer! The New Moon in Scorpio wants you to vulnerably self-disclose. There’s a desire, hope, and/or emotion that needs to be expressed without the crab shell. No defensiveness, withholding, and/or false-safety in concealing the feels. This New Moon wants your inner world revealed to someone who genuinely needs to hear it so you can self-reveal through powerful self-disclosure.
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotionality
Who has the keys to the castle, Leo? The New Moon in Scorpio helps you understand who’s earned access to your most emotional side; your “home”. This is a time to review who’s the most trustworthy and why. While situating all the contexts you deserve for emotional safety. Give yourself permission to feel the full spectrum of emotion and remember to see emotions as “data not directives.” (Susan David).
Curiosity, Observation, Language & Active Listening
Make the implicit, explicit Virgo! The New Moon in Scorpio wants you to develop greater curiosity and fluency in all that’s not being said but being communicated anyway with body language, tone, cues and other nonverbal ways. This is an intellectual and curiosity driven time which encourages you to learn new ideas and strategies that could improve the overall quality of your life too as you apply them soon.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What does mean even mean to you, Libra? The New Moon in Scorpio wants to improve your psychology around financial security. I know money makes people nervous and stressed so work with this Moon to give over your thoughts and habits around money that don’t help you receive and then give it away. This is a time to move with money from a sufficiency, not a scarcity mindset in order to feel what “enough” feels like.
Identity, Desire, Charisma & Authenticity
Happy Birthday, Scorpio! The New Moon in Scorpio is the annual moment when you can tell the Universe all your birthday wishes! Be as specific, fearless, and brave as possible as you own your wantings and even find a way to write them down or ritualistically honor what you want the year ahead to be. Then listen carefully to your inner wisdom as it guides you to the Universe’s manifestation plans!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Give yourself closure, Sag. The New Moon in Scorpio helps you identify what you want to be liberated from. This is a time to take 100% responsibility for all the thoughts, emotional habits, and patterns you’d like to be freed from. With faith, accountability, forgiveness, and apologies where appropriate, this New Moon helps you complete a chapter and puts the pen in your hand to write on a fresh new page.
Friendship, Activism, Convictions & Shared Humanity
It’s all about community, Capricorn! The New Moon in Scorpio helps you find the friendships that give your life the most meaning. Remember to also ask yourself, “Am I the friend I’m hoping to find, too?” This New Moon wants you to begin expressing the personality traits you’re also looking for in a friend. It’ll begin building the community you deserve and surround you with the people who lift you up.
Career, Purpose, Integrity & Responsibility
Rise and shine, Aquarius! The New Moon in Scorpio wants you to own your professional desires. Whether that means owning the dissatisfaction, owning the desire to be self-employed, or promoted - begin the process of accepting your new professional ideas. So that once you’re clear on the kind of career you want, the Universe can begin aligning you with the circumstances to make it happen!
Wisdom, Publishing, Vision & Higher Education
That was then, this is now, Pisces. The New Moon in Scorpio wants you to set yourself free from a story you’re stuck in and move forward with faith to author a new one. You’re hoping to be set free from the past so you need to stop taking the past with you. It’s no longer “raining” - so don’t bring the umbrella. Keep optimism and hope in your heart for all the new situations, circumstances, and events waiting for you!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2022 Astrological Planner.
Now available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.