Scorpio Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Scorpio full moon total lunar eclipse
May 15 9:14PM PDT / May 16 6:14AM CEST / May 16 2:24PM AEST
Total Lunar Eclipse
9:11PM PDT / 6:11AM CEST / 2:11PM AEST Duration 01.24
Moonthly Theme:
Scorpio full moon illumination:
‘I release all shame, doubt & fear. I am a power magician who can alchemise my trauma’
Let it rise to the surface,
from the deep caverns within.
Release the no longer,
recognise your needs.
Stay light on your toes,
positive in your heart.
This too shall pass.
New beginnings,
old endings.
The eclipse portal has spoken.
Remember to enjoy the ride.
Every dripping moment.
Total lunar full moon eclipse blessings to you all x
Kerry, Magic of I.
Full Moon Scorpio at 25° 17’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
For the first time since October 2014, we have an Eclipse in Scorpio. Two weeks ago and six months before that, there were Eclipses in Scorpio’s opposite sign, Taurus. So this Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is the first one that bookends the sign it was intended to. The bottom line of the Taurus-Scorpio axis is - if you want to play, you have to pay. If you want to play in Taurus, you have to pay in Scorpio.
As you can see, this idea is animated in the Moonthly theme and the Full Moon mantra. Of course topics related to self-worth equaling net-worth is one way we can “pay to play”. This Eclipse story is asking us to collectively consider our psychological, emotional attachments to resources. Additionally, and this is where we get very Scorpionic, this Lunar Eclipse asks us to examine the fears, shame, doubt we have around “playing”. You see, I think many of us fear opening-up ourselves to Taurus ruled pleasure and connection because shame, doubt, and fear are more familiar. Especially over the last two years, we’ve been living in what feels like a collective mausoleum. It’s a perverse comfort and I think we’re deeply afraid of leaving the familiar of shame and doubt because many of us are afraid of joy.
That’s right! According to Dr. Brene Brown “joy is terrifying”. And I think it’s become more terrifying because we’ve endured collective trauma since March 2020. So we perceive joy, grit, and healing as “new” and that’s what makes it so terrifying. The discomfort of exploration and the discomfort of learning, softening into “new” emotions like joy and resilience can feel too far outside of our comfort zone. And at the edge of our comfort zone and on the edge of discovery is exactly where we need to pay. We need to pay up and realize that the cost of admission for all the experiences we want to play in - courage, creativity, compassion, and connection - requires us to be vulnerably, awkwardly stumbling into new terrain. To alchemize our trauma. Like Steven King wrote in Shawshank Redemption “...get busy living or get busy dying.” As much as I love nuance, there really is no neutral stance here.
Saturn squaring this Lunar Eclipse adds to this urgency. When we stop being new at things, we stop growing. When we stop growing, we stop living. And so the Saturn square to the Lunar Eclipse reminds us that we are powerful magicians who can and will alchemize our trauma. We don’t have time to get busy dying. We have life to live in the time we’re given. You have all the resources to pay where the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to so that you can play where Taurus wants you to.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Intimacy, Aries, or “into-me-see”, as Esther Perel helped us reframe. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to let others see the most meaningful dimensions of you. I know vulnerability, intimacy, and self-disclosure is terrifying AND it’s required for the most meaningful lives. Lean on your bravery and willingness to do new things for the first time as a resource in your efforts towards intimacy.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Love is in the air, Taurus! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants to invite, deepen, or transition a romantic relationship. Especially by/with opposites attract style relationships. You’re being asked to integrate a person’s legitimacy and proclivity with your liability and vulnerability. Together - if you can regulate your objection to differences - you can create the kind of change your relationship deserves.
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
What are you pretending not to know, Gemini? The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to get really real with yourself and reflect critically on the wisdom you’ve acquired. Think deeply, contemplatively, and slowly about what you know to be true and live from that learning. No more pretending, denying, or distracting. The time has come to live into the learning in a big way for your happiness and peace.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
You’re worth it, Cancer. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio reminds you of your inherent worthiness. Right now. Not if, when, or until. You’re worthy right now. So live from this birthright. There’s nothing you need to do. Nothing you need to grow into. You’re whole as you are and you can be a work in progress. Your worthiness hasn’t changed nor will it ever. So from there, from this birthright -what’s next for you?
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Home is a feeling, Leo! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants to connect you to the people, places, and experiences that provide you with the contexts for home and family. You’ll want to think about home and family in a different way so you can find the royal castle and royal family. Additionally, you’ll want to consider how to cultivate more accurate emotional intelligence and how you can name your feelings in real time as you’re feeling it!
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words, Virgo! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio has you expanding your language skills in a bigger way. Ludwig Wittgenstein taught us that the limits of our language define the limits of our world. And so you’re being invited to expand your world by drastically expanding your language to include the nuances within your psychology, emotions, and spirituality. New Universes will open up to you this way!
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
Listen to your body, Libra! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio inspires you to connect to your somatic wisdom and how it signals what you’re thinking and feeling. It’s possible that your body might alert you to what you’re feeling and thinking first based on your physiology. From there, you’ll be clearer on what to approach, what to avoid; what needs to be said, what doesn’t. This intelligence becomes life defining!
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Hit the cosmic reset button, Scorpio! The Lunar Eclipse in your sign offers you an exceptional opportunity to begin again wherever you need closure and commencement. If you’re willing to say goodbye and hello to patterns, habits, and relationships. A new beginning and completion is yours. May this blank slate be a ritual that inspires the most meaningful transitions towards a life you dream of.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Time to move on, Sag. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio wants you to turn towards the exit and lovingly, peacefully, uncomfortably complete patterns, dynamics, beviors, and relationships that have reached their conclusion. Give yourself time and space to grieve. Give yourself permission to choose what is best for you even if it might hurt someone’s feelings. You need to do what you need to do to maintain your integrity.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Belong or stand alone, Capricorn? The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio has you seeing “community” as the paradox it fundamentally is. This is a moment where you want to get clearer on leveraging what part of the paradox needs more integration. Is it time for support, showing up for others? Or is it a moment where you dare to disagree with the status quo so you can move forward in the direction of progress?
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Go higher, Aquarius! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio inspires you to align your horizontal world with the thinking of the vertical world. Consider the possibilities that the Universe, your higher power are trying to provide you and then take small steps in that direction. You’re being asked to align your career with your life purpose in a way that helps you contribute your gifts and abilities in a big way.
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
When you know better, Pisces! The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio has you connecting to the wisdom of the last six months and encouraging you to expand your horizons through applying it. Ultimately, learning means nothing if it’s not in the bones. If it’s not in our experience, right? So take the education you’ve received and apply it diligently by doing better in areas within your life that could use improvement.
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
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For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.
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