Pisces New Moon

Pisces new moon
Feb 19 11:06PM PST / Feb 20 8:06AM CET / Feb 20 6:06PM AEDT
Moonthly Theme:
Pisces new moon reflection:
‘My subconscious world is vibrant and alive; I connect easily to the magic within.’
Pisces new moon, a breath of fresh air.
But also the collection of everything that has ever come before it.
The beginning of the last piece of a zodiac cycle, embodying every particle of experience.
Yet a new, grounded commitment to your mystical self or spiritual practice.
Seeing between the lines, into and through, all patterns and shapes previously hidden from sight.
A reconnection. A recollection. A dissolution.
New feelings. An awakening, and a rebuild.
What are you sensing?
Where do you go when you close your eyes?
What are you dreaming?
You can see it all now.
Lead with your heart.
Kerry - Magic of I.
New Moon Pisces at 01° 22’
Astrologer Colin Bedell says:
True to Astrological form, this New Moon couldn’t be arriving at a more opportune time. I know Pisces is the end… but let’s refresh our Astrological education with some beginning concepts.
When we have the annual New Moon in a sign, it’s the collective’s opportunity to imagine new ideas and skills that connect us to the energy of the sign. So for the New Moon in Pisces we are asked to take a brand new vision to the final sign. This is opportune because for the first time since 1993, Saturn will re-enter Pisces in two weeks until May 2025. So before the planet of mastery enters Pisces, we have this New Moon to meaningfully envision, “Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? And what do I want to have? Who do I want to be connected to?”
What I learn every single day as an Astrologer and through my most meaningful relationships is that we really are spiritual beings having a human experience. Which is why A Course in Miracles teaches us that enlightenment begins as a shift from body identification to spirit identification. On the level of the body, we have helpful markers for identity that are necessary. On the level of the body, we have identity markers that are not sufficient in explaining the Self with a capitol ‘S’. Lesson 199 of the workbook of A Course in Miracles says, “I am not a body. I am free…Freedom must be impossible as long as you perceive a body as yourself.
The body is a limit.” Of course we’ll always want to prioritize embodiment; listen to the body’s wisdom, cherish and heal our bodies. And we’ll want to remember on the highest level of identity, the body is a limit. The body is necessary but it’s not sufficient. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. What this could inspire you to think about under the New Moon in Pisces is - who would you be, what would you do, what would you have and who would you be connected to if you lived from the premise that you’re spirit? Would you be more loving? More generous? Forgiving? Compassionate?
How would you perceive the present moment and the behaviour of others if you believed that they like you are spiritual beings having a human experience? If we’re to believe in the Aries-Pisces evolution of the soul, perhaps Pisces is last because the assignment is the hardest. Which is why I’m looking forward to Saturn entering Pisces and giving the collective the discipline necessary to apply these ideas where they’re the hardest because that’s where they’re the most necessary.
On the same day as the New Moon, Mars in Gemini forms a trine to Mercury in Aquarius giving us a bit more curiosity, levity, and critical thinking around these advanced ideas. It’s just the right amount of air for these deep waters. Additionally, Venus enters Aries until March 16th resetting our romantic and intimate relationships with more passion and aliveness. Dare I write we have much to look forward to, so this New Moon in the last sign will get us on the right footing where we need it.
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
It’s safe to let go, Aries. The New Moon in Pisces lights up your sector of closure, completion, forgiveness, and even apology. If there’s a very tough conversation you’ve been avoiding and you know you need to have it to make amends and begin again, this is the New Moon to do it. You’ll be amazed at what happens next when you turn towards these healing conversations.
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What does “Security” mean to you, Aquarius? The New Moon in Pisces wants your intentions on safety. From clarifying and committing to your values in ways that help you practice what you preach and teach. To naming your contexts for financial sufficiency and what kind of intentions you have to generate a context that helps you live into more financial freedom.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy, & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Pisces! This annual New Moon is your moment to tell the Universe all your birthday wishes. Be as specific and brave as possible as you imagine, write down, or ritualize this new beginning in a way that helps you step into the person you want to become. Because the next 2.5 years are helping Pisces focus on the discipline required to make their dreams come true!
- Colin Bedell, QueerCosmos
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2023 Astrological Planner.
Available worldwide.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.