Week Ahead Transits: 9th - 15th October

Week ahead transits 9-15 October
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 15° 53’ Libra - 22° 39’ Libra
Moon = Leo - Scorpio
Are you ready for the Solar Eclipse in Libra this week? It’s going to be a powerful one!The Solar Eclipse in Libra at 21° 08’ on October 14th at 10:55 am PDT will be sure to change our relationships in an impactful way. The New Moon in Libra will help usher in new relationships, see others out the door, and create space for new ways of connecting and communicating with the people we have chosen to be in our lives. These relationships can be professionally or romantically and are not limited to friendships. Libra represents how we relate to others, when we change the way we relate to ourselves we are also changing the relationship dynamics in our external worlds. It is paramount to first and foremost assess the way that you are showing up for yourself and whether or not you have a positive relationship with yourself before projecting the mirror onto others. The Solar Eclipse also features a Mercury opposite Chiron, so there is a theme around closure, forgiveness, and healing in our communications.
Moon moves through the signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. These 4 signs help us to integrate our emotional selves with the way that we show up in the world, are of service to others, relate to those outside of ourselves, and merge our identities in relationships. These 4 signs teach us a lot about the way we act and behave when we are around other people.
The week starts with Venus opposite Saturn which is a very potent energy for forming strong bonds and alliances. This can force us to identify where we are falling short within our professional lives and where we need to put more energy into self-development to push ourselves to the next level, especially if we want to earn more financially and develop financial intelligence. We may decide to change or shift the way we use money for the sake of our future stability rather than immediate gratification and change some spending habits to fit the new values we attain. Another experience with the Venus opposite Saturn this week is showing us where we are limited through the authority of someone else. It can either be a boss, someone you look up to, a teacher, or a parent who helps us to become aware of an area in our lives that we need to work a little harder on.
Mars ingresses into Scorpio leaving its detriment and entering its traditional rulership which helps push the sexual envelope into the volcano of passion. Mars is at home in Scorpio and if you have been feeling a bit sheepish, shy, or docile in your dealings while Mars was in Libra, well look out baby because the fire is raging forth. Mars moves in mysterious ways in Scorpio and can take its time to slowly build up that much-needed sexual tension which eventually explodes in a burst of fervent creative flames. Connect with your creative centres and attune to the sensual energies of this Mars phase.
Monday 9th
Seeking the truth of a relationship. Working on communicating difficult truths and facts. Issues with bosses, or other authority figures can come up during this time as well. We identify where we can fall short in our dealings with the material world and work on bettering our financial literacy and value systems. This is also a good day to reevaluate how much effort and energy we are putting into a project, possibly needing to take a step back to gain objective clarity.
Moon sextile Sun, trine Chiron rx, square Uranus us, trine NN. Venus opposite Saturn rx.
Tuesday 10th
A lot is going on today and the energies are a bit tense but the positive outcome is that we can find solutions, pathways, and openings to long-term issues. We may even decide to take the first steps toward making conscious decisions that benefit our health. Clear out resentments and nip them in the bud before they can fester. We may be feeling extra sensitive to other people’s emotions and projections so do what is needed to affirm emotional boundaries, which is not just for you but for other people as well.
Moon sextile Mars, Moon > Virgo at 5:01 am, opposite Saturn rx, conjunct Venus. Pluto stations direct. Sun opposite Chiron rx.
Wednesday 11th
The passion meter has turned up to full blast. Mars enters Scorpio today spicing up the room. We are now more cautious and calculated with how we move forward and can generally be more suspicious. We are actively seeking out deeper connections and a way to emotionally entangle ourselves with one another.
Moon trine Jupiter rx. Mars > Scorpio.
Thursday 12th
A fortunate day for career growth, watch out for those golden opportunities that show themselves in a variety of ways. It could be a new great idea, project, friendship, or friendly gesture. However it shows up, it is always important to show gratitude to the universe and all involved.
Moon trine Uranus rx, opposite Neptune rx, trine Pluto, moon > Libra at 5:22 pm.
Friday 13th
It’s Friday the 13th and fiery mars in Scorpio is making a harmonious aspect to Saturn. We are feeling sexy, and successful, and have the endurance to exude our primal energies for as long as the job requires. This is a great day to harness the manifesting and productive energies that these two planets provide. What we do today will stick and we have the capacity for pushing through all roadblocks.
Mars trine Saturn Rx.
Saturday 14th
It is the Solar Eclipse and the messages are coming through loud and clear. Be sure to journal and write everything down that comes up for you today so that you have this information to look back on 6 months from now when the next eclipse cycle portal opens in Aries. The themes we are working through are justice, relationships, healing communication, and negotiation skills.
Moon conjunct Mercury, opposite Chiron rx, New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10:55 am, opposite NN. Mercury opposite Chiron rx.
Sunday 15th
The Moon enters Scorpio after making a square with Pluto, there will be a lot that comes up today and it may be difficult to navigate so take time for yourself and notice if any intense, lingering, repressed frustrations come to the surface. We may be feeling very sensitive and touchy and need to let off some steam by productively expressing our anger in healthy ways that do not damage our relationships.
Moon square Pluto, Moon > Scorpio at 4:04 am, trine Saturn rx, conjunct Mars, sextile Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel