Venus enters Virgo

Venus enters Virgo
8th PDT 18:11 / 9th AEDT 12:11
After a lengthy four months in Leo due to its retrograde spin, Venus makes its ingress into mutable earth sign Virgo today. What a journey it’s been! Venus’ retrograde demanded that we remember our lust for life and fully commit to unapologetic self-expression through imaginative maximalism. Self-love may have had to be gained by breaking ties with those who refused to acknowledge our worth…or their own.
By investing in our joy, we are now better equipped to be of service to others, which is the doing that Venus in Virgo delights in. Virgo is a Mercury-ruled sign, and here, Venus employs love languages to demonstrate support. This is an optimal time to take an inventory of your personal love language criteria. Doing so will help you communicate your needs while bridging the desires-and-expectations gap with those whose love languages differ.
Yet make no mistake: we have *not* forgotten our standards. If anything, we’ve doubled down on them, making romance a somewhat challenging game in the month ahead. We’re disinclined to settle, and as we assess our prospects, we are keenly aware of those who have not done the inner work necessary to meet us on an equal relational playing field. The fact that there are fewer “options” now is a very Virgoan sentiment. It’s okay to be choosy! Being selective is its own form of reverence. It elevates intimacy (even rapport) to a devotional act.
Selectivity can cause us to be picky and overcritical. But the upside of having just undergone a Leo Venus retrograde is that we have more sympathy for the nuances of the human experience. We know we are not perfect. We know all relationships require work, wit, and a willingness to forgive to succeed. *And*, we know that relationships have seasons and that it is individual and cooperative evolution, not longevity, which is the true indicator of success. The coming days emphasize the importance of giving grace in the face of disenchantment. Give grace to others, and give it to yourself.
Written by Nyssa Grazda