Pluto stations Direct

Pluto stations Direct
10th PDT 18:09 / 11th AEDT 12:09
Pluto stations direct October 10th at 27° 53’ in Capricorn
Since May of this year, the generational planet of metamorphosis has been shifting the collective’s radar onto internal processes for transformation. While Pluto in Capricorn has been showing us what parts of the economic and political structures need to be demolished, whenever Pluto turns retrograde it has been orienting the focus onto the individual’s role within the revolution. The retrograde phase of Pluto lasts about 5-6 months, and during this time, we are all meeting the shadow aspects of our personalities.
Pluto works in a slow manner and it takes a while for the unconscious to become aware of the themes that Pluto presents to us. It will typically take a couple of years to fully integrate the wisdom of a Pluto transit over a particular area in the birth chart. Since this will be the last time Pluto crosses over the last degrees of Capricorn, a very deep awareness of what it is we need to change about our habits, and rituals becomes glaringly obvious.
Pluto in Capricorn unearths the human condition’s addictions to money, success, fame, and power. These addictions have had free reign within the capitalist model as they are useful especially when exploited for the illusory promise of freedom from modernity. Capricorn the goat, ruled by Saturn who is the lord of karma, obeys no one. In its shadow form, the only allegiance the goat has is to productivity and profit. Pluto will retrograde back into the very end of the last degree of Capricorn in 2024 and will not return until 2256. This is the time to acknowledge where and how we can individually contribute to the unveiling of a new system that upholds the well-being and care of humanity and the earth without the need to plunder the very soul of our existence. To do that, we can take a moment to question where we feel we have the least power in this life, then we can evaluate what negative behavior patterns have emerged from that false belief.
We are all addicted to something. The range with which we experience that form of addiction differs amongst each person. We all have the same happy/pleasure chemicals that get turned on during certain stimuli and substances. Pluto retrograde shows us where we are either going overboard with pleasurable behaviors and substances or inhibiting ourselves from them.
Written by: Evelyn Zuel