Week Ahead Transits 15th - 21st May

Weekly Astro Forecast for May 15 - 21
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Taurus 24° 12’ - 0° 57’ Gemini
Moon = Pisces > Cancer
The Sun moves from the last decan of Taurus to Gemini throughout the week and the last decan of the fixed earth sign is associated with the 7 of pentacles which teaches us how to have patience. We’re being shown how to wait for the right thing, not rush into something for the promise of a shiny outcome but to really sit with it in reverence to the process of perfection. The New Moon in Taurus hits at 28°25’ on Friday and quickly after that the Moon moves into Gemini. The New Moon features a trine with Pluto which is currently retrograde along with a sextile to Mars. Mars and Pluto’s influence on the New Moon is quite empowering and activates a deep ambition towards success.
Monday 15th
The quickening! Moon enters Aries today and shoot us directly into the line of fire with emotionality. We’re impulsive, hot and bothered today with a need to let out that extra steam, preferably between the sheets! Our senses are heightened, and our needs are front and center creating a sense of urgency for immediacy. Mars trines Neptune shooting us into a mental journey of memories past.
Moon > Aries at 12:55 am, sextile Pluto rx, square Venus. Mars trine Neptune.
Tuesday 16th
Have you called your mother lately? The Moon conjuncts Chiron today enacting a lovely opportunity for connecting with the nurturing aspects of the feminine qualities. This includes but is not limited to: receptivity, intuition, artistic expression, sensuality in all forms, caring for the self / body. This is a wonderful time to sit with us and actively work on being more receptive to those around us and the environment. Jupiter ingresses into Taurus today, starting a year long journey of developing our understanding of earth, preservation, money and the sacred art of beauty.
Moon conjunct Chiron. Jupiter > Taurus.
Wednesday 17th
Today is a little messy but in a good way. There’s a lot of energy that is looking for an outlet so it may be important to let that energy out in some way whether it be through physical impact, intellectual or spiritual. Connecting with the earth can also help to move excess planetary energy through the body and into the ground. The tension between Jupiter’s need to know and Pluto’s desire for change wrangles within us a shift in our fundamental understanding of life. What this shift is will be dependent on our individual charts. But either way there is a questioning of what we once knew that comes up for debate.
Moon square Mars, voc 2:10 am – 5:26 am, Moon > Taurus at 5:27 am, conjunct Jupiter, square Pluto rx, conjunct NN, conjunct Mercury, sextile Saturn. Jupiter square Pluto rx.
Thursday 18th
Friday 19th
We’re retreating into ourselves today with the New Moon in Taurus. Connect with your romantic side, your body, your soul through sacred acts of body worship. Devote your attention to the magnificence that is your physical vessel, which houses your spirit and protects your soul. The temple which we inhabit is all that grounds us to this earth plane and should be revered. On the New Moon in Taurus, this is when we show our appreciation to the body which feeds us. If you have a difficult relationship with your body right now, this can be a wonderful time to reconnect with it and focus on the positives that have come out of living with your fleshy self.
Moon sextile Neptune, New Moon in Taurus 28°25’ at 8:53 am, sextile Mars, Moon > Gemini at 11:47 am, trine Pluto rx, square Saturn.
Saturday 20th
Our drive for success is ramped up into high gear today with Mars entering Leo. We become more aware of our actions and how we are viewed for them from the public sphere. When Mars enters Leo it is a time of high energy, high impact competition in order to attain victory. We may sense the competitive atmosphere building in others around us and get amped up in the camaraderie that it ignites. When have you wanted to win something at all costs?
Moon sextile Chiron. Mars -> Leo, opposite Pluto rx.
Sunday 21st
We enter a new astrological season today as the Sun enters Gemini. We leave the slow pace of Taurus and begin the journey through quick witted airy Gemini. You may notice the energy picking up, things are moving quickly, and the volume of chatter has been turned up. The mind is activated and we’re generating curiosity at every turn. Pack your weekend bags because the sign of short trips and community oriented experiences has been ignited in the sky.
Moon square Neptune, voc 3:12pm – 8:27pm, Moon > Cancer at 8:28pm, sextile Jupiter. Sun > Gemini, trine Pluto rx, sextile Mars.