Jupiter enters Taurus

Jupiter enters Taurus
16th PDT 10:20 / 17th AEST 3:20
Jupiter enters Taurus today, ushering in lessons in luck and luxury. With its year-long orbital period, Jupiter’s retrogrades can sometimes send us back into the energetics of the previous sign, in order to clear up unfinished business or integrate messaging. This happened recently: Jupiter entered Aries in May of 2022, before backtracking into Pisces between October and December of the same year. That will not be the case here. Jupiter will spend the next twelve and ½ months in Taurus, casting its benefic influence over territory which has seen its fair share of shakeups due to the latest eclipse series and Uranus’ ongoing Taurean transit.
Jupiter is a teacher. Not a Saturnian teacher, commanding discipline and prudence. Jupiter is belligerent, bombastic, the biggest personality in the room. It inspires us to be equally embodied, unapologetic in taking up space. It shows us how to enjoy the moment, embrace pleasure, and suck the marrow out of life. At this time, fortune favors those who refuse to deny themselves. However, this epicurean ethos isn’t about hoarding what we have. In fact, we will probably become aware that there is more than enough to go around.
Refusing to deny ourselves may look like accepting a gift, an educational opportunity, or an offer of financial assistance. Yet it might also involve turning down prospects that we DO NOT need, so that another who requires it more can benefit from it. Jupiter in Taurus is about identifying where scarcity mentality creeps into our minds and hearts and declining to feed that beast.
In fact, discriminating taste is perhaps our biggest asset now. We can delineate what we need from what we don’t, which enables us to indulge responsibly. Of course, whether we choose to exercise this gift or not is up to us! It’s very possible to have too much of a good thing, and to suffer considerably for it. Pleasure quickly becomes pain when taken to extremes. Living beyond our means creates more stress than satisfaction. Excess can be our downfall in the coming months, especially where money is involved.
We are the only ones who can place a cap on our appetites, and Jupiter in Taurus is destined to teach us moderation, perhaps in response to peak moments where we do the exact opposite of what we know we should do. If we trust our instincts, rather than our anxieties, to regulate our appetites, prosperity will follow. We have permission here to take things slow. To admit that we are deserving of comfort, safety, and nice things. To recognize that confidence makes us magnetic, and our unique magnetism attracts success. To feel our worth in our bones.
Written by Nyssa Grazda