Mercury stations Direct

Mercury Sations Direct
14th PDT 20:17 / 15th AEST 13:17
Following a three-week backspin, Mercury stations direct on the 5th degree of Taurus, a degree it last crossed on April 6/7 in forward motion. Consider the events of the past 21 days. What lessons have been learned? What assumptions have been questioned? What consequences have followed as a result of rash statements or hastily-arranged contracts?
Mercury’s retrogrades tend to throw us for frustrating loops, full of false starts and missed connections. But this particular retrograde, which coincided with an emotionally volatile eclipse season, didn’t exactly make holding our tongues or tempers the easiest cosmic homework. Nor were we especially inclined to make the most measured, well-thought-out judgement calls. In truth, sidestepping the classic Mercury Rx pratfalls may not have been possible this time around. Blame it on fate, or blame it on our nature. Regardless of the culprit, we were predisposed to sneak our hand into the cookie jar of temptation one last time, with the ensuing tummy ache compelling us, (FINALLY), to accept the reality of a situation, and let something go once and for all.
Reaching back out to an ex likely confirmed what we already knew of their character. Settling for a bad deal provoked inevitable buyer's remorse. Refusing to apologize or take accountability not only failed to empower us; it also failed to lessen the sting of realizing we've fallen in another’s opinion. We repeat these patterns, not because we’re sticklers for pain, but because we’re human. Occasionally, changing our script requires a wholesale reckoning. No spoonful of sugar could mitigate the bitterness of this Mercurial medicine. But medicine it is.
The messenger planet will navigate its post-retrograde shadow until May 31st/June 1st. As Mercury begins its forward march through the degrees it just traversed, we are permitted to rip it up and start again. History no longer has to repeat, yet we are wise to remember that the past is still prologue.
Written by Nyssa Grazda