Week Ahead Transits 1st - 7th May

Weekly Astro Forecast for May 1 - 7
All times calculated for PST: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Taurus 10° 39’ - 17° 26’
Moon = Virgo > Sagittarius
Are you ready for round two of eclipse season? This penumbral lunar eclipse is coming in quick with Uranus on its tail with the Moon in Scorpio at 14°58’. The Full Moon hits exactly at 10:34am pdt on May 5th and about 4 days later, the Sun meets up with a conjunction with Uranus which is on the 9th at 12:55pm. Eclipse energies are never short of unpredictable events and this one is even more so the case with how close in proximity to Uranus it is. The polarity between Taurus and Scorpio through the feminine and masculine cosmic bodies, teaches us how to integrate duality from the subconscious and conscious minds. The transiting Sun has been highlighting where we have the most patience for growth, gentle care, and move with caution. When the light of the Sun reflects off of the Scorpio moon, it is projecting our insecurities for taking risks and letting go. Second decan of Scorpio = 6 of cups, this card comes after the 5 of cups which speaks of knowing when to walk away from a situation. The 6 of cups then allows us to reflect on the past in order to deepen the understanding and lessons of letting go.
Pluto turns retrograde at the beginning of the week and lasts until October 10th. When Pluto Rx, the shadow self is turned inward for deep personal analysis. At 0°22’ Aquarius – which is significant because that means that Pluto will be on its way back over the US natal Pluto for the last time which will finalize the financial shifts.
Venus ingresses into Cancer this week which moves us to desire intimacy and connection with those we hold really dear. Desiring a familial kind of love, we seek out intimacy which feels safe and can cradle us in our deepest emotional selves. We may be feeling a bit tender, sensitive, and nostalgic about our intimate relationships and look to the past for emotional comforts as we move through the Venus in Cancer phase. This is always a time of deep remembrance, when we may even be inclined to break out those old love letters and be moved by romance stories of the past.
Monday 1st
Feeling the need to be understood, we can seek out support from groups who we can easily identify with and who make us feel at home in our beliefs about life. Pluto stations retrograde which isn’t the most dramatic turn of events and may even be missed by most, but it signifies a time when we begin to sit with our rejected parts with compassion. See your foibles in others and recognize your demons in someone else’s eyes as Pluto rx helps us to remain humble in our human condition. Moon enters Libra today which helps to solidify the ideology that our own relationship to ourselves truly is reflected in our relationships with others.
Moon trine Uranus, sextile Mars, square Venus, opposite Neptune, voc 4:51 pm – 11:07 pm, Moon > Libra at 11:08 pm, trine Pluto. Pluto stations rx. Sun conjunct Mercury rx
Tuesday 2nd
A day of small aspects that may or may not be felt at a significant capacity. The minor aspects pose as slight inconveniences that are neither unmanageable or unrecognizable. There is a sense of misdirection or incoherence with action vs purpose. It could be a bit of a wash as the Moon sets herself in a position with the North Node which requires active imagination to envision the outcome.
Moon inconjunct NN, semisquare SN, inconjunct Saturn. Sun semisquare Neptune.
Wednesday 3rd
The choice to recognize one’s own insecurities or react to another’s sensitivities comes up with the Moon in a polar swing to Chiron and square Mars. There can be some epiphanies that arise around how we choose to negotiate with people through adversity and highly energized moments. There is an opportunity to integrate and heal parts of us that still hold on to reactivity during times of confrontation. A great day to mend and heal in relationships.
Moon opposite Chiron, square Mars.
Thursday 4th
The tension of the Full Moon is building, and the intensity of Scorpio is thoroughly felt. We are definitely feeling the buzz and anticipation building, ready to burst. Some may want to lay low today as the Moon and Venus navigates dicey territory, others may want to tap into this deep well of energy to do some strong root work or channeling. The deep lineage that lives within our bones are singing today as the past becomes ever present. Take it easy, relax into the Full Moon energies to come and allow yourself to feel what is coming up for transmutation.
Moon trine Venus, opposite Jupiter, voc 2:17 am – 7:31 am, Moon > Scorpio at 7:32 am, square Pluto rx, opposite NN, trine Saturn. Venus square Neptune, sextile Jupiter.
Friday 5th
As it hits, the Full Moon opposes Uranus and moves into an opening with Mars, making this an active time for emotional release. Remove the guilt, shame and fear that lays dormant within, move the energy through you so that it grounds into the earth. Remember that you are not alone but that you are a part of a centuries old line of wisdom that has worked to the bone to get you into this life. Acknowledge where there is any fear locked away that requires release. There may be some themes that come up around community, friendship, your place within the collective and how you see yourself within it.
Full Moon at 10:34 am at 14°58’ Scorpio. Moon opposite Mercury rx, opposite Uranus, trine Mars.
Saturday 6th
Today’s energy takes a dramatic shift as the Moon sits in flow with Neptune, washing away and cleansing the energies of the previous day. The Moon also moves into Sagittarius, bringing in more lightness and excitement for the future. There is a boost in energy and a curiosity of what else is beyond the horizon. The work has revealed itself and today we can put a plan in motion.
Moon trine Neptune, voc 7:35 am – 1:02 pm, Moon > Sagittarius at 1:03 pm, sextile Pluto rx, square Saturn.
Sunday 7th
A day of gentle, tender care, Venus enters the watery and emotional sign of Cancer putting us in a romance with life. We are more in tune with our own and others sensitivities and needs and have an easy time communicating that today. Stories inspire us to overcome adversity and we may feel inclined to share some of our own moments when we overcame difficult moments for the sake of imparting or receiving wisdom of strength.
Moon trine Chiron. Venus > Cancer.