Week Ahead Transits 24th - 30th July

Weekly Astro Forecast for July 24 - 30
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Leo 1° 9’ - Leo 7° 50’
Moon = Libra > Capricorn
We are officially under the reign of the golden crown Leo the Lion. The Sun is shining through the first decan of the sign Leo, where one’s ability to maintain dignity through all of life’s challenges fortifies a stronger sense of confidence. Leo season illuminates where we shine in life, what are we the best at and what we are the most proud of. Notice what you tend to do for fun during your downtime during Leo season to identify those hidden talents we sometimes forget that we have. It is the season of sharing, so get out of that comfort zone and share what you have been working on!
The Moon travels through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn this week. The 3rd quadrant of the zodiac focuses our attention on how we relate to others through our relationships, shared views, political and religious perceptions and joint goals. Don’t shy away from reaching out to others that you resonate with and who share the same vision as you. This is a good week to take stock of what assets you are able to bring to a collaboration and what you are looking for when working with another person or partner.
4 planets are now in their full retrograde motion: Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, & Venus. The energy is slowing us down for introspection and personal integration. How can you restructure your relationships to reflect and support your main goals in life? How are you showing up in your relationships and do you have a good work/life balance to be able to water the personal relationships that matter most? These are the types of questions we can work through to make the most of the retrograde period.
Mercury enters Virgo on the 28th at 2:31 pm PDT, we may notice our minds focusing on all of the information and formulating pragmatic approaches to our day to day routines. Since mercury in Virgo tends to force our perceptions towards the mundane with a lot of analysis it can be hard to see the bigger picture, therefore taking time to write outlines and maps of what our projects are for the rest of the season can help to keep things organized.
Monday 24th
Today we are working on balancing our need for validity with having confidence in our ability to work through issues on our own. The push and pull of wanting to share what we are experiencing with another vs remaining independent brings our awareness to how we communicate our needs and what reactions we are working off of.
Moon opposite Chiron, sextile Mercury.
Tuesday 25th
It’s the Quarter Moon in Scorpio today. Scorpio Moons are always a tense time on their own but with the quarter square after the New Moon from last week, we are being confronted with the shadow parts of ourselves that we would rather hide and not show to save face. There is an opportunity to completely change or evolve the way that you access your root source of power.
Moon sextile Venus rx, square Pluto rx, opposite NN, Moon > Scorpio at 9:55 am, square Sun, trine Saturn rx. Pluto square NN.
Wednesday 26th
We are hyper-aware of the details and quite critical and analytical of the actions of ourselves and those around us. Our minds are sharp and nothing can get past our spidey senses today. There may be a moment when the way that you or someone goes about their day, and organizes their life is challenged in the name of productivity. We may be more sensitive to critique today or hyper-aware of when our behaviours are being scrutinized.
Moon sextile Mars, opposite Jupiter.
Thursday 27th
It may be difficult getting comfortable or ignoring all of the minor irritations today especially when it comes to the people closest to us. The Moon in Scorpio is throwing some shade on others who don’t appear to be living in accordance with their true selves. The bullshit meter is going off and anyone who is seemingly fake or dishonest won’t be able to hide their true feelings for long. On the other hand, when Mercury and Venus meet in conjunction today, we are able to find the irony in hypocrisy and find an artistic outlet like movies or comedy bits that lighten the mood.
Moon opposite Uranus, trine Neptune rx, square Venus rx, square Mercury, sextile Pluto rx, Moon > Sagittarius at 5:23 pm. Mercury conjunct Venus rx, trine NN.
Friday 28th
Part of us wants to ignore all responsibilities through the sheer awareness of all the details of what the work requires and the other part wants to say “forget it” and end the work week early. There is a sense of something coming to its final form today, the last iteration of a project, issue, or relationship that we have been working through the last couple of weeks concludes. Mercury ingresses into Virgo, its home sign. The thoughts seem to multiply overnight and at first can be hard to focus straight with all of the data coming through. Mercury in Virgo likes to make lists and organize those thoughts so today is a good day to sit down with a pen and paper and map out the thought trails.
Moon trine Sun, square Saturn rx, square Mars NN square Pluto rx. Mercury > Virgo at 2:31 pm.
Saturday 29th
Do we need to come back down to reality? Why can’t we just live in a romance novel forever? Today we get pulled out of the imaginative creative realms to focus on more productive things. We can partner up with someone to go on an adventure of the mind, body or soul. Take charge of your desires and how you want to be appreciated today.
Moon trine Chiron rx, square Neptune rx, trine venus rx, trine NN, Moon > Capricorn at 8:44 pm, trine Mercury.
Sunday 30th
A grand earth trine today helps us to be in flow with whatever we set out to do today. If you are making efforts towards your work, business, and productivity the cosmos are granting you the time and space you need to accomplish those goals.
Moon sextile Saturn rx, trine Mars, trine Jupiter.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel