Chiron stations Retrograde

Chiron stations Retrograde
23rd PDT 5:42 / 23rd AEST 22:42
Wounded-healer asteroid Chiron stations retrograde today, beginning its five-month backspin in firebrand Aries. Due to its elliptical orbit, Chiron has been transiting the sign of the ram in some capacity since 2018. Its yearly retrogrades invite us to examine and reframe narratives which obstruct our personal development.
Chiron spends most of its time in Pisces and Aries. It’s fitting that these two signs, which deal in compassion and self-confidence, respectively, would need the most “medicine”. This is what retrogrades (literally Rx) provide: a dose that cures rather than kills.
As Chiron moves through Aries, we confront rhetoric internalized in our formative years: risks are not worth taking. We are too weak to achieve our goals. These falsehoods, which were probably conveyed to us by someone with more life experience, have done serious damage to our confidence. However, it’s likely that this critic has long since exited our lives, and *we* are allowing their messaging to survive by permitting it to live rent-free in our minds. Chiron retrograde is an opportunity, not only to challenge this psychological loop but to offer our inner child forgiveness and support.
With Chiron retrograde, the unconscious becomes conscious. And in this, healing can begin. The truth is, we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Denying our strengths is, in part, a protective measure. If we dared to become leaders, others might start to follow us, and the reservation of Chiron in Aries is that we might lead others into danger. We might be responsible for another’s pain.
The reality is that our courage can be a beacon of hope for others amid their own dark night of the soul. When we ignore our capacity for heroism, we also deny others a chance to observe our example and find that courage within THEMSELVES. Chiron will be retrograde until December 26/27. Use this time to face your fears, and witness how others take inspiration from your journey.
Written by Nyssa Grazda