Sun enters Leo

Sun enters Leo
22nd PDT 18:51 / 23rd AEST 11:51
Our solar luminary enters its domicile, Leo, today – offering cause for celebration! At this time of year, we are most likely to “feel our oats”. Just ask any Leo sun (individuals who feel their oats regardless of the season): the weeks ahead are for heat, passion, and unapologetic self-expression.
Step back and look at your life. Where are you allowing yourself to be put in the corner? How could you stretch yourself beyond shyness or self-doubt to command your personal spotlight? What do you LOVE? And how can you affiliate yourself with those loves in an intentional way by giving them a more central role in your reality?
There seems to be good reason to assume that every market is already saturated with people doing or saying it better than you. But this supposition not only false, is also self-deprecating and disparages your uniqueness. The coming weeks reveal that it really doesn’t matter what the in-crowd is up to or who our audience is. A party of one is better than a popularity contest if it enables you to show up exactly as you are. And once we take the stage willing to shine and share our gifts, we inevitably attract the right spectators. Confidence really is EVERYTHING now, and one can be confident and humble at the same time: one can be dignified.
Letting loose your inner idealist can’t hurt either. Trading security blankets for big dreams is what Leo season is all about. So, identify where you are wasting energy attempting to elevate someone else’s vision, and reinvest that attention into your own projects. Conversely, be mindful of where you might be stepping on another’s toes, or roaring louder than them just to prove you can. You can mark your territory, so to speak, without making a contest out of it. When you’re tempted to pacify your ego, let your imagination run wild instead. Trading one-upmanship for originality may just generate your next great creative breakthrough.
Written by Nyssa Grazda