Week Ahead Transits 17th - 23rd July

Weekly Astro Forecast for July 17 - 23
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Cancer 24° 28’ - Leo 0° 12’
Moon = Cancer > Libra
This is a big week everyone, hold on to your seats because the wheel of cosmic fortune is turning and we are along for the ride. Starting from this week into next week, we will see a powerful karmic rebalancing with Pluto squaring the north and south nodes. Venus turns retrograde in Leo, resurfacing our sense of desire and longing for affection. Chiron stations retrograde, reminding us where we are still working on healing ourselves. The Sun trines Neptune offering a moment of divine downloads but also some ungrounded vortexes. The Sun enters Leo, bringing us into the middle of the second quarter and then immediately meets up with Pluto to illuminate the changing of the gods. But that’s not all! The main astrological transit we have been waiting for is the Moon’s nodal shift into the Aries / Libra axis from Taurus / Scorpio. We are in for a wild ride!
We start out with a New Moon in Cancer at 24° 56’ at 11:31 am pdt. The New Moon sets us into an introspective space, nostalgic and reflective. The Moon travels through Cancer, Leo, Virgo and ends the week in Libra highlighting the third quadrant of the zodiac which draws us towards exploring our creative selves with wild ambition. How we show up in our social sectors will be a hot topic and the drive to open up to a whole new network pushes us out of our self-proclaimed shell. The Sun navigates its way through the last decan of Cancer completely this week, the tarot associated with this arena is the 4 of cups and similarly to last week, we are still learning to process how we feel about regret and loss, overcoming the throes of dissatisfaction to pull ourselves into a place of gratitude. The Sun also meets with Pluto as it moves into the sign Leo, activating a t square with the nodes. The end of the week will be very revealing regarding power dynamics within the political structures that have traditionally governed society’s systems. Pluto plays the role of the reaper, ushering in a new era while showing the old way out the door. This week will be quite eye-opening, to say the least!
Monday 17th
The nodal shift occurs just after the New Moon in Cancer moves into opposition with Pluto. We start out with a deep sense of emotional introspection, the history becomes very real and the parts of us that were buried come up to seek redemption. This is a big day for healing of all kinds and wisdom to understand the reasons for the drama and pain that rushes through our very core. It is impossible to ignore the intensity of our emotions, they are moving through us to be purged and made anew. The changing of the nodes brings our awareness to ourselves even more than ever before and we can see our identities clear as day. This may scare some and leave others in awe. For to know thyself outside of an illusory vision is to know truth.
Moon square Chiron, sextile Uranus, New Moon at 11:31 am, trine Neptune rx, opposite Pluto rx, square NN, Moon > Leo at 9:39 pm. Mercury square Jupiter. North Node > Aries at 12:59 pm.
Tuesday 18th
It’s the first full day of the Nodal shift into Aries and Libra, in what ways are you noticing your views on relationships changing? While the North Nodes travels through Aries for the next 1.5 years, we activate the courageous parts of ourselves which pushes us into new arenas of engaging in all forms of relationships. The Moon squares Jupiter, putting us into a tense relationship with our needs for emotional security and the need to explore new opportunities.
Moon square Jupiter.
Wednesday 19th
We are lit up with pizzaz and star quality, feeling the fire for showmanship it’s a good day to show your good side to the world. You may find yourself unexpectedly changing your style and way of articulating. The need for dynamism and excitement is high and adrenaline-seeking kicks us towards people, places and things that we normally wouldn’t be drawn to. Like a moth to a flame, we can’t keep our eyes off the drama. We may even engage in social cults that we normally wouldn’t for the sake of being a part of something or fitting in, on the flip side, we may feel like the outside looking at the mob. There is also a moment of deep self-acceptance that welcomes unanticipated relationships into our lives.
Moon conjunct Mercury, trine Chiron, square Uranus.
Thursday 20th
There is a dynamic range of experiences that we go through today as the Moon navigates its various meet-ups with Venus, the nodes, Saturn, Mars and the ingress into Virgo. There is a burst of appreciation and gratitude that exudes from our solar plexus opening up an empathic portal to servitude. Some of our plans may be thwarted by the cool and cautious restraint that Saturn puts Mars through. Pushing through and having perseverance will bode well with the energies of today. We work towards finding the right balance between assertiveness and caution.
Moon conjunct Venus, trine NN, Moon -> Virgo at 10:12 am, opposite Saturn rx, conjunct Mars. Sun trine Neptune rx. Mars opposite Saturn rx.
Friday 21st
Some big news and information come into our awareness today which may force us to either pick a side, choose a path, make a decision or come up against an either-or scenario. There is a path forward and a sense of optimism for the future. Today is a powerful day to enact active listening and seek the wisdom that is being offered. Our words can effect great healing in others and will be a beacon of inspiration and hope. Use your words for healing.
Moon trine Jupiter. Sun opposite Pluto rx, square NN. Mercury trine Chiron.
Saturday 22nd
Another big day for us with chaotic and fast-moving energy moving about. Venus stations retrograde, the Sun enters Leo, the Moon enters Libra, AND the nodes square Pluto! There is certainly a lot on our plates energetically that the universe is throwing our way. Listen to your heart. The Venus retrograde is helping us to remember how we want to be adored. The games we used to play as children, the feeling of uninhibited joy and pleasure in whatever silly thing that makes us light up comes back to remind us of who we are when all the guards come down. This is a day of calling ourselves back. A soul-retrieval kind of day.
Moon trine Uranus, opposite Neptune rx, trine Pluto rx, Moon -> Libra at 10:13 am, sextile Sun. Venus stations retrograde in Leo. Sun -> Leo at 6:50 am. North Node square Pluto Rx.
Sunday 23rd
Today we shake up the status quo with unfettered ideas and perspectives. We crave to know more, to seek the information that peels the edge of the sticker named curiosity. Think outside the box they say, let your freak flag fly they say, well Mercury square Uranus couldn’t agree more. We are intellectually parched and in need of a tall glass of wit. The journey into self-discovery gets amped up again with Chiron switching directions in the cardinal fire sign of self and identity. Who are we outside of our wounds and how do we transcend the urge to latch onto trauma as an identity? Who really knows, we will have until December 27th to find out.
Chiron stations retrograde in Aries at 19° 58’. Mercury square Uranus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel