Nodal Ingress into Aries + Libra

Nodal ingress into Aries / Libra
The north and south nodes of the moon are figurative points in the sky that offer a wealth of information regarding life path, hidden talents, karmic contracts, and the soul’s growth in this incarnation. The north and south nodes are always opposite one another, they highlight the innate duality which predominates human existence to show the passageway towards integrating oppositions. The south node looks like an upside down horse shoe while the north node looks like a right side up horse shoe, these two symbols are like the doorways to the cosmos and can be seen as entryways into portals of existence. Charting where the nodes are transiting helps to gain clarity around what the main focal point should be within a 1.5 year period. Where the south node is placed in our birth charts shows us the types of experiences and life themes that we have already explored in past lives and early life until about 28 years of age. The south node shows us where our natural talents and general tendencies are out of sheer unconscious motivations. Knowing about where the nodes are placed in your birth chart can help to show you where you may be limiting yourself based on old comforts and timidity for change.
The north node in the birth chart represents what we are here to cultivate more in our lives this time around. Oftentimes we rely on the south node traits to get us by up until early adulthood because they are skills that we are born with and don’t have to necessarily work too hard to develop. If you believe in past lives, the south node indicates the kind of past life we had that was most influential for us in this life, can show us the types of relationships and contracts we held with others and what type of “karmic baggage” follows us over into our current incarnation. Not everyone has relationship karmic baggage, nor is it within everyone’s personal soul journey to heal or rebalance karma with others, but some of us do attract those old relationships back into our lives in order to either move past old pains and learn how to heal or seek out relationships with people whom we feel has something to share or give back to us which can be of help on our life mission.
The nodes shift signs every 1.5 years and take 18 years to move around the entire zodiac. The nodes have been in the Taurus/Scorpio axis since January 18th of 2022. For the last year and a half, we have seen a heightened focus on Taurean themes such as beauty, agriculture, real estate, finances, our relationship to the material realm, money, our personal values, grounding, slowing down, and cultivating more patience for growth/abundance. The last year in general for most, could have brought into view how we relate to money and gave us the opportunity to seek a more practical approach to growing finances and income. With the south node moving through Scorpio, the sign of keen analytical analysis and emotional depth, we could have been called to step away from over analyzing situations, or seeking deeper meaning in areas of our life where there was none. It also could have called upon us to step away from black and white thinking regarding where the south node was transiting, or, where Scorpio is in your natal chart. Wherever the south node is represents a part of us that we are learning to integrate within ourselves. I see the south node as the shadow that is meant to be brought into the light of the north node. Transcending duality means being able to acknowledge and balance two opposing forces within, holding them both without denying, judgement, or guilt about one or the other. When you think of a teeter totter balancing back and forth, any slight weight adjustment to one side or the other can make the whole branch slip. The ultimate goal of working with the nodes is to find a delicate balance, or a way to accept the two parts which are consistently tugging in opposite directions of one another. As you can see, with the big theme of the nodes being balance, there is an inherent connection with the Aries/Libra axis as these two signs are the first to witness the duality of the zodiac and sync our earth cycle to the equinoxes.
On July 17th the north and south nodes will shift into the Aries/Libra axis, giving us a new theme to balance within our beings for the next 1.5 years. The last time the nodes were in these signs was February 2014 - November 2015 and before that December 2004 - June 2006. The most synchronistic time frame that the following 1.5 years will reflect is the 2004 - 2006 date range as that is the last time the north node specifically was in Aries and the south node was in Libra. So take a moment to think back to those years and consider some of the major effects regarding identity and independence you were navigating at the time. That can give you a good indication as to what the next Aries/Libra cycle will have in store for you. But just to get your mind jogging a bit, here are some of the things that we all will be working through together as a collective once the nodal shift fully hits.
Aries is the great initiator, hero, and protagonist of the sky. A cardinal fire sign ruled by the planet Mars, the emblazoned and impassioned sign shows us where in our lives we are confident to take action before all considerations. We all have an area of life where we take charge without thinking, where our natural instincts rule over the head and heart. The beauty of astrology is to show that we do in fact have a relationship with all 12 signs of the zodiac, not just where our Sun and Moons are placed. And when planets transit through these signs in our chart, the placement of the signs indicates in what areas of our lives we act out the archetype of that sign. Aries is the fearless warrior, the fighter, and the protector and though we may not always identify with those archetypes, there are times in our lives when those traits come out in full force. Throughout the next 1.5 years, our attention will be called to enact the hero within. We may feel pulled towards taking action for quick, physical activity, putting ourselves and our identities on the line for the sake of the cause and fighting for what we believe in. Some of us may feel inclined to seek greater independence away from the help or need of others. Any tendencies towards co-dependence will be very obvious for the purpose of looking deeply into why we feel like we need the approval or validation of others before taking charge of our own lives.
The south node in Libra asks us to integrate diplomacy and tact while also sticking up for our own needs without any sense of resentment or aggression. We may also feel the courage to confront issues with others in our lives when before, would have stuck back like a wallflower, waiting for a hero to save the day. Not anymore, because you are the hero you seek. The south node illuminates the shadow of the sign that it is in in order to bring it into the light and the shadow aspects of Libra are flakiness, flightiness, avoidance, evading the truth out of a need for acceptance, codependency which has been mentioned, and playing the devil’s advocate for the sake of intellectual entertainment. We need to be more direct, impactful and unafraid of speaking the truth and fighting for what we believe in over the next 1.5 years.
Take note of the eclipses in the spring and fall as these will be times when all the themes mentioned above will be made apparent. The equinoxes will be a tumultuous time as the solar and lunar eclipses are activating the need to create as much balance, harmony and personal awareness as we possibly can for the purpose of evolving the human consciousness. Self-development, self-awareness, self-improvement will drive us to push ourselves to greater heights than we ever thought we were capable of. We will learn to go beyond our comfort zones, and put ourselves head first in situations that we didn’t think we would have the courage to do. It will be a time of great productivity, movement and relationship awareness. Take the next 1.5 years by the horns and go fiercely into the morning light with blind ambitious bravery.