Week Ahead Transits 10th - 17th July

Weekly Astro Forecast for July 10 - 17
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Cancer 17° 47’ - Cancer 24° 28’
Moon = Aries > Cancer
This week in the cosmos Mars enters Virgo, Mercury enters Leo and the Moon travels from Aries to Cancer. The Sun is highlighting the last decan of Cancer which offers us stability, grace and empathy from within to be a support to our friends and loved ones. The last decan of Cancer is connected to the 4 of cups, this card within the tarot depicts a masculine figure sitting under a tree with their arms crossed seemingly forlorn and disappointed while looking at 3 empty cups in front of them. There is a floating hand that is offering the figure a 4th cup, this divine intervention comes when we are in a time of duress to shift our focus away from what we are missing. When we concentrate our energy on what we are lacking, we can miss the beautiful opportunities that come our way. The 4 of cups represents the times when we get stuck in our emotions, which can seem so strong and real but with just a little tilt of the head, our perspective shifts and allows us to see an alternative way.
Mercury entering Leo will get a Pluto initiation, forcing us to see how the way we talk about ourselves affects not just us but the perception of those around us. Even if it is in jest, the self-deprecating tendencies that one may have can alter the way someone chooses to interact with us. There may also be more criticism around celebrities, communicators, and those who uphold some amount of responsibility to the masses. Mars entering Virgo slows down the pace of our fast social lives just for a bit so that we can get down to the bolts and brass tacks of what we need to accomplish.
This week we get to experience the Moon through the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. The first quarter signs represent our personal selves, our identity, belongings, values, ways of communicating and our inner psyche. As the Moon travels through the Spring signs (in the northern hemisphere, Fall signs in the southern), we get to develop a strong relationship with our bodies, sense of self, communication and family. This is the last week that the North and South nodes will be in the signs Taurus/Scorpio so we will be witnessing many instances of closure, as if the cosmic ethers are preparing for the next chapter, we too will be preparing ourselves for a new cycle.
Monday 10th
Moon trine Venus, square Pluto rx, square Mercury, Moon -> Taurus at 4:55 pm, trine Mars, conjunct NN. Mercury opposite Pluto rx, Mercury -> Leo. Mars -> Virgo.
Tuesday 11th
Moon sextile Saturn rx, conjunct Jupiter. Mercury square NN.
Wednesday 12th
Moon sextile Sun, conjunct Uranus, square Venus, sextile Neptune rx, trine Pluto rx. Sun square Chiron.
Thursday 13th
Moon -> Gemini at 12:25 am, square Mars, sextile Mercury, square Saturn rx.
Friday 14th
Moon sextile Chiron. Sun sextile Uranus.
Saturday 15th
Moon sextile Venus, square Neptune rx, voc from 5:36 am - 10:12 am, Moon -> Cancer at 10:13 am, sextile NN, sextile Mars, trine Saturn rx.
Sunday 16th
MOON sextile Jupiter.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel