Mars enters Virgo

Mars enters Leo
10th PDT 4:40 / 10th AEST 21:40
Mars enters Virgo today, where it will spend the next seven weeks staying, for the most part, out of trouble! The warrior planet will only make two hard aspects during its stay in the sign of the Virgin, one to Saturn during its second week in residency, and the second to Neptune at the end of August. We have enough relational drama on our plates with Venus gearing up to station retrograde! However, sometimes a planet, left to its own devices, can be a different kind of liability.
Mars in Virgo makes us consummate multitaskers, and while we are prone to nitpicking now, we’re more interested in identifying solutions than harping on shortcomings. This is a moment for research, organization, and systematizing. For looking at bad habits or inefficient practices and implementing quality control measures before they metastasize into something unwieldy. The danger with Mars in Virgo is the tendency to allow nervous energy to impede our confidence, and that’s where criticism (which we are fully capable of delivering constructively) risks being weaponized as an offensive measure.
In Virgo, unknowns are considered foreign bodies. The worst thing Mars can imagine in this arena is to appear ignorant or uninformed: it is assumed that our lack of knowledge will place us in a vulnerable position. Therefore criticism, whether aimed at others, or ourselves, has its roots in fear of imperfection, and fear of imperfection derives from a fear of proximity to ruin. Our inner control freak may make itself known in the coming days, as we complete to claim the title of Most Competent.
You can be the most organized, efficient, skilled human with the greatest knack for timing: trying to control all the variables won’t necessarily win you respect, but it will *guarantee* anxiety. This is a transit where we should measure our performance by our willingness to learn, not by the presumption that “having the answers” will give us superior standing in some fictional intellectual hierarchy.
Written by Nyssa Grazda