Week Ahead Transits 31st July - 6th August

Weekly Astro Forecast for July 31 - August 6
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Leo 7° 50’ - Leo 14° 32’
Moon = Capricorn > Taurus
The Full Moon in Aquarius this week rocks us out of any monotonous, mediocre, and hum-drum ways of being to elicit a more grand expression of self. Radical self-acceptance to the detriment of outdated personal views is the vibes we’re welcoming for this Aquarian Moon. The Sun straddles the 1st and second decan, bridging the gap between a competitive spirit with the art of the humble brag. The 1st and second decan of the zodiac are associated with the 5 and 6 of wands which depict the journey through battle and victory. We are able to accomplish and overcome adversity and the Full Moon at the beginning of the week helps to illuminate where these inner battles and victories can be acknowledged. At the end of the week the Sun squares Jupiter which is a battle of the wills and is a time when the Sun is illuminating where our own thinking can deceive us through the ego’s drive for recognition. This is a time to reevaluate whether a belief is doing you more good than harm and if the latter then adjust the wall of pride to allow the change of opinion to float in.
On the day of the Full Moon, Mercury will be in opposition with Saturn and Jupiter will be making a difficult aspect to the Sun and Moon. This won’t be the easiest full moon to navigate as there is quite a bit coming up in terms of information and belief systems that need to be figured out. Any direction we choose to express ourselves may pose a contradiction. The best bet is to always be true to yourself and if you aren’t totally sure how exactly to do that, or who the ‘true you’ even is, then it is time to get out there and experiment!
Monday 31st
It’s a weird day with Pluto and the Nodes making contact with the Moon, there are bound to be some unexpected emotional twists and turns. We may be feeling amped up to take charge and take care of business with intensity. Our moods bob back and forth between overly sensitive to quietly disconnected. We’re only interested in hearing the truth, not the pretty words. Moon moves into Aquarius further seasoning our need to step away from a charged situation through focusing on what needs to be taken care of.
Moon square Chiron rx, trine Uranus, sextile Neptune rx, square NN rx, conjunct Pluto rx, Moon > Aquarius at 8:57 pm.
Tuesday 1st
The flames of excitement, ambition and drive are ignited today! Confidence is available in abundance, or at least the ability to access what we are confident about ourselves is. Our emotions/opinions are quite loud today especially with the Full Moon illuminating the Leo / Aquarius axis. The desire to be seen and heard are huge and we all may be competing for a place in the spotlight. Use this time to explore, examine and experiment with your identity and perceptions of self.
Full Moon 9° 13’ Aquarius at 11:31 am, Moon square Jupiter. Mars trine Jupiter.
Mercury opposite Saturn rx.
Wednesday 2nd
There are moments when we may feel a little misunderstood today by our loved ones and when that happens it is an opportunity to lean into curiosity. This could be a good time to learn to ask questions that you typically wouldn’t think to ask to garner a better understanding of those closest to you. Oftentimes we get complacent in relationships after a period of comfort which is a sign of stability, sometimes that stability can turn into boredom. Today is a good day to think of ways to jazz up your connections and come up with creative avenues to relate to the ones you care the most about.
Moon sextile Chiron rx, square Uranus, opposite Venus rx, Moon voc from 2:16 pm - 8:04 pm, sextile NN, Moon -> Pisces at 8:05 pm.
Thursday 3rd
The moody blues of Saturn can be felt quite strongly when the Moon conjuncts the stern and stoic planet. We may find it more comforting to be in our unconscious realms rather than trying to make sense of it or explain the experience. This is one of those days that we have to just feel it, digest it and let it simmer first before putting it clearly into words. A wonderful time to experiment with stream-of-consciousness writing.
Moon conjunct Saturn rx, opposite Mercury, sextile Jupiter, opposite Mars.
Friday 4th
The ethereal realms elude us! The Moon shoots us directly to the helm of dreamland today. If you feel a bit untethered or discombobulated as a predominantly earthy person have no fear as this phase of the moon doesn’t last long. Just ride the waves of the transcendental flow, take that nap, and let the subconscious speak through you. We may be feeling particularly psychic and tapping into the universal river. This would be an excellent day for channelling, dream work, meditation, or other spiritually igniting activity.
Moon sextile Uranus, conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto rx, Moon > Aries at 8:19 pm.
Saturday 5th
The integration of the Full Moon is in full force and the embodiment of those lessons is clearly activated. There is a newfound excitement for life, we are reenergized and ready for a new challenge. The Moon and Sun both in the fire element have us feeling like we can tackle whatever comes our way. The roads are open!
Moon trine Sun.
Sunday 6th
Put your faith to the test. How much do you really believe in yourself? Today we will find out with the Sun square Jupiter, the ultimate test in where you put your faith is brought up today. This can come in the form of an authority figure communicating something that goes against your understanding of a topic, or someone you trust / respect generally bringing up information in a way that makes you have to adjust your perception. There is a lot of healing available and an opportunity to go in a new direction.
Moon conjunct Chiron rx, trine Venus rx, conjunct NN, square Pluto rx, Moon > Taurus at 11:24 pm. Sun square Jupiter.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel