Mercury enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury enters Virgo today, one of the messenger planet’s two domiciles. Although this analytical transit affords us opportunities to demonstrate our expertise, Mercury is already slowing down in advance of its retrograde station later this month. Its turn-around will exacerbate an already introspective cosmic landscape, leaving Mars and Jupiter the only planets in direct motion.
Despite its impending backspin, mental Mercury is at home in mutable, earthy Virgo, a sign which loves to organize, categorize, and consolidate. This is an excellent transit to employ for project planning, acquiring new skill sets, deepening studies, or any endeavours which require memorization or a grasp of facts and figures. Our ability to tune out the noise and concentrate on the details aids us in recall and recitation. Although we may have long-term objectives in mind, Mercury in Virgo bears equal utility in helping us to tackle the mundane stuff.
But we should begin to pay special attention to where our minds linger once Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on August 3/4. This shift will highlight where we tend to criticize ourselves or others for intellectual “failings” or errors in judgment. In Virgo, Mercury gains its confidence through the pursuit of precision and perfection. And while our intent and dedication are honourable, we can forget that making mistakes is not only inevitable, it is essential to our learning process. The “error” component of trial and error is there for a reason. This is how we cultivate knowledge and experience. No one gets it “right” 100 percent of the time. Success on the first try is a rarity. We don’t have all the answers, and if we claim that we do, we are lying to ourselves! In the coming weeks, strive to delineate where scrutiny functions as a motivational tool, and where it becomes a means of self-sabotage.
Written by Nyssa Grazda